Thursday, September 16, 2021

Asshole Of The Decade

Ladies and gentlemen, allow me to present to you the "ASSHOLE OF THE DECADE," none other than Jimmy "I'm A Libtard Hypocrite" Kimmel.  This is the guy who once upon a time hosted "The Man Show" which was 60 minutes of pure bullshit, featuring stupid videos depicting large-breasted women doing silly things that made their boobs bounce - and now he's a libtard mouthpiece who gets up on his show and spouts more bullshit about how bad stuff like that is, how terrible men are for treating women like that, etc etc etc.

In other words, he's a typical libtard hypocrite.  But in THIS case, he's also a 100% ASSHOLE.

Why is he an asshole, you may ask?  Well, it's like this - during his monologue on his show a few nights ago he made a statement about how people should be given medical care depending on whether or not they've been vaccinated.  He said something like, "If you're vaccinated, come right in.  If not, leave 'em out there to die.  Rest in peace, wheezy!"  Of course he and his libtard audience thought that was just funny as hell, but the mature, civilized world thinks otherwise.

Aside from being total and complete hypocrites, my other big - REALLY big - beef with libtards and Demoncrats is that they never fail to wish death on those who disagree with them, especially over this mask and vaccine bullshit.  You either agree with them and do it THEIR way, or they want you to die.

So let me ask you this: what kind of human being wishes DEATH on another person simply because that other person disagrees with them?

Answer:  the lowest form of life known to exist on this planet, also known as a libtard.

Wishing death on another human being for this silly reason is the most insane, insulting, despicable thing I can think of, yet libtards do this every day.  I've heard a lot of conversations,discussions, and/or arguments between conservatives and libtards, and one of the things I've NEVER - repeat, NEVER - heard a conservative say is that he/she wishes you would die because you disagree with them.  On the other hand, this is now the standard retort from libtards if you don't agree with them and refuse to do things their way.

It's there way or the highway - the highway to death, that is.  To say that I'm totally disgusted over this is the understatement of the decade, and Asshole Kimmel needs to have his show cancelled.  But of course that's not gonna happen because the production company is run by a bunch of libtard assholes that agree with him.  Why do you think he has a show to begin with?

It's like this:  there's such a thing in this world called KARMA, and sooner or later KARMA is gonna come for us all and give us what we truly deserve.  In this case, I have a feeling that KARMA is gonna present Kimmel with the wish he presented to us conservatives - and I have a feeling when it happens, it's gonna be ugly.

Just remember, Jimmy old boy - you asked for it.  Enjoy.

Deo Vindice