Saturday, January 22, 2022

Unmitigated Disaster

I've been quiet for the past three weeks or so because I was trying to temper the things I was saying, trying to focus on the good things in life rather than on the bad, and while I can indeed find many good things to talk about (like seeing the sun come up this morning, for example) I can no longer ignore the dire, pressing need to vent about what a total and completely unmitigated disaster this past year under Mein Fuhrer has been.  And the flames of this desire have only been fanned by the libtard media fawning over what a great job this clown has done, and by that ludicrously stupid and totally unbelievable press conference Mein Fuhrer gave where he said that he felt he had "outperformed" what he had promised.

The only thing this incompetent old fool has outperformed has been his ability to totally and completely screw up our country.  And anyone - and I mean ANYONE - who thinks this clown in a suit has done anything other than that is walking around with their head up their butt.  He is a complete and total disgrace to the Office of the President of the United States and is the laughingstock of the civilized world.  His press conferences are a joke and a source of amusement for the entire world as you never know what stupid thing he's going to say next.  And you can pretty much count on him losing his train of thought several times and spouting off with line after line of incoherent babble.

He made promise after promise while on the campaign trail, and to date he's only kept two that I'm aware of - his promise to stop building the wall on our Southern border and to shut down the Keystone Pipeline.  Other than that, he's broken every other promise he's ever made, including the one about resolving the pandemic - you know, the pandemic that he said Trump didn't have a plan to handle but he did, and the same pandemic that ten months later he says the feds can't solve and it's up to the states to solve it.  Yeah, that one.

So what have been the effects of the two promises he's kept?  In the past 12 months the US Border Patrol has stopped 1,956,519 immigrants from entering the country illegally, the third highest number recorded in the past 97 years.  And conservative estimates are that for every illegal immigrant the USBP stopped, at least three others made it into the country.  So the truth is that we have no idea just how many immigrants are in this country illegally, but I'd bet my life that it's upwards of THREE MILLION.

THREE MILLION.  That's almost the population of the City of Chicago.  

And if you need to see just how the killing of the Keystone Pipeline has affected us, just go to the nearest gas station and fill your tank.  A year ago our nation was fully and completely energy independent, not having bought so much as one single barrel of oil from any other country in at least a year, and the price of gas was around $1.87 a gallon as a result.  Now, a year later, we are no longer energy independent and are buying MILLIONS of barrels of oil from RUSSIA, and the price of gas is now around $3.00 a gallon, much more in some places.  And we won't even talk about how killing the pipeline and the MILLIONS of jobs connected to it affected the unemployment rate.

At this point you have to ask yourself one simple question:  are we better off now after a year of "Creepy Joe" in the White House than we were when Donald Trump was President?

The answer is NO.  Anyone who thinks different is a fool.  And whenever you ask a liberal about this, you know what they're gonna do?  Why, they're gonna blame it on Trump, just like they always do.

Never mind the fact that Trump hasn't been President for more than a year, and that everything that has gone wrong with our nation has happened under Biden's watch.  No, never mind that.  It's Trump's fault, and it always will be.

Which is one of the many reasons why I have lost all respect for the Demoncratic party.

2024 can't get here fast enough.

Deo Vindice