Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Gunfight Rules Explained

 Over the past week or so I've been publishing "Today's Gunfight Rule" on my Facebook page.  I wish I could take credit for all of them but I can't, as a large part of them come from Clint Smith, the owner/operator of the Thunder Ranch tactical/self defense weapons training school in Oregon.  Clint is a legend in the tactical/defensive gunfighting world, and deservedly so.  This is one smart man, and if you want an example of that then just check out his videos on YouTube.

In any event, I thought it might be a good idea to go over the rules I posted as a couple of them aren't real clear to those who are not trained in the handling of weapons.  So here are all of "Ray's Gunfight Rules" at one time with explanations as I feel necessary.

A.    NEVER BRING A KNIFE TO A GUNFIGHT.  Do I really need to explain this?

B.    AVOID A GUNFIGHT IF POSSIBLE.  IF NOT, SHOOT TO WIN, NOT WOUND.   This isn't "Call of Duty" and the other guy isn't shooting to wound you, he's shooting to kill you.  Don't let him.

C.    KNOW THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN ‘COVER’ AND ‘CONCEALMENT.’  'Cover' protects you from getting shot; 'concealment' only prevents you from being seen.  Bushes are NOT 'cover.'

D.   WHEN YOU DRAW YOUR WEAPON, SHOOT WITHOUT HESITATION.  If you’re not going to shoot, then don’t draw.  Self-explanatory.

E.    SHOOT UNTIL THE THREAT IS ELIMINATED.  IF YOU HAVE TO RELOAD, THEN RELOAD AND KEEP SHOOTING.  'Eliminated' means that the bad guy isn't shooting back anymore.

F.    THERE’S NO SUCH THING AS TOO MUCH AMMO.  I've never heard anyone who was involved in a gunfight complain that they had too much ammo.

G.   THE GUNFIGHT IS OVER WHEN YOU RUN OUT OF AMMO.  AT THAT POINT, THE OTHER GUY WINS.  That's why there's no such thing as too much ammo.

H.  SHOOT FROM AROUND YOUR COVER, NOT OVER IT.  The bad guys will be expecting you to pop up over your cover and shoot because that's how they do it in the movies, and they'll be ready for it.  This ain't the movies, and shooting over your cover is a good way to catch a bullet in the face.  Catch them by surprise and ruin their day by shooting around your cover instead of over it.

I.    ALWAYS LOOK FOR THE SECOND BAD GUY.  Most bad guys are cowards at heart, and cowards never travel alone.

J.   AS SOON AS THE SHOOTING STOPS, LOUDLY CALL OUT “CALL AN AMBULANCE!”  If you end up in court after shooting your assailant (which you will when the dead bad guy's family sues you for 'Wrongful Death') this statement will be placed into evidence.  This is your proof that you did not intend to kill the bad guy and just may prevent you from being convicted of murder.

K.  KEEP YOUR WEAPON TRAINED ON THE TARGET UNTIL THE POLICE ARRIVE, EVEN IF HE’S NOT MOVING.  Never assume that the bad guy is dead just because he's down and is not moving.  Ever heard of body armor?

L.    As soon as the police arrive, put your weapon down and raise your hands.  Do not move unless told to do so.  You don't want to be the next one to get shot.


a.   I WAS IN FEAR FOR MY LIFE  (This justifies your use of deadly force)

b.   I WANT HIM/THEM ARRESTED  (This identifies who the bad guy is)

c.    I WANT TO SPEAK WITH MY ATTORNEy  (This prevents the cops from questioning you further)

N.   After making the preceding statements, shut the fuck up!  Repeat ‘c’ if you are asked any further questions.  The cops are there to investigate the incident, and they will write down and report anything and everything that anyone says, especially you.  I can't tell you how many times I've had someone talk themselves into getting arrested.

O.   Make no written statements until you have consulted an attorney.  SIGN nothing.  "Nothing" means just that - NOTHING.

And there you have it - "Ray's Gunfight Rules" with explanations all in the same place.  

Stay safe, keep calm, and carry concealed.

Deo Vindice


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