Wednesday, September 29, 2021

The Tyrant In The Oval Office

Truer words were never spoken.

As I said in a previous post, the doddering, senile old fool in the White House is sounding more and more like Adolph Hitler every day, issuing mandate after useless mandate about things we MUST do "for the safety of the public!"  And true to form, the liberal sheeple and the liberal media are lapping it up - the media give it front page coverage and the sheeple hurry to comply with Mein Fuhrer's latest edict.  

What's worse, however, is that the sheeple who own businesses and companies are requiring people to comply with Mein Fuhrer's mandates or else they won't let them in the business or won't employ them.  

So tell me, does all of this "vaccination passport" and "proof of vaccination" crap sound familiar?  Well, it should, because that's what happened in Nazi Germany, that's what happened in the USSR, and that's what's currently happening in Cuba, North Korea, and China.  

What do all three of these countries have in common?  They're all ruled by a tyrannical dictator.  

The facts are these:  only a tyrant rules by Executive Order; only a tyrant insists that you give up your rights to comply or face retaliation, and only a tyrant forces his will on an unwilling populace.

We have a tyrant in the Oval Office, and that's a fact.

Thanks a lot, libtards.  Just remember this:  payback is a bitch.

 Deo Vindice


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