Sunday, September 26, 2021

History Is Repeating Itself


For those of you who are students of history, you know exactly what I'm talking about.  But since the majority of you aren't students of history and/or are too young to know what I'm talking about because they don't teach world history in school like they used to, allow me to explain.

In Germany in the early 1930s there was this self-important little man (who was also shithouse-rat crazy) who literally talked his way into power.  Once he got enough power to start flexing his muscles, his opponents started disappearing - as in never being seen again, ever.  His power began to increase, and in just a few short years he found himself elected Chancellor of Germany, their equivalent to our President.  He flexed his now-considerable muscles of power again, and people who spoke up against him started disappearing.  He gave speech after speech after speech, quickly proving himself to be one of the greatest orators the world had ever seen.  He literally talked his nation into war - or at least into giving him tacit approval to take them to war against - well, against the rest of the world except Italy and Japan, as it turned out.

One of the tactics he used was propaganda, and he had a simply fantastic Minister of Propaganda.  This guy knew exactly what the new German leader had to say in order to get away with what he wanted to get away with.  And what was this 'magic phrase' that the leader had to say?

Why, "It's for the public good!" of course.  Either that, or "It's for the public's safety!"  And the people, who by now were entranced with all of the magnificent speeches the leader was giving in which he promised wealth, power, and fortune for all the people of Germany, went right along with him and accepted everything he said they should accept.  In the end they ended up doing exactly what the leader wanted them to do - AFTER they gave up ALL of their rights as citizens, giving the government total and complete power over every facet of their lives.

The leader I'm talking about is, of course, Adolph Hitler.  And the Minister of Propaganda was Joseph Goebbels.

"Creepy Joe" Biden is doing the exact same thing as Adolph Hitler did, only he's nowhere near as eloquent a speaker as Hitler was.  Hell, Biden can't even form a coherent sentence on his own without a teleprompter in front of him.  But he has plenty of speech writers working for him, little minions who share in his dream and put the words he needs to say in order to get the sheep to follow him down on paper, and Biden says them like the good little puppet he is.  And when he's done speaking and the fallout begins in the form of questions from non-sheep reporters (FOX news), his very own Minister of Propaganda - which we call a Press Secretary - Jennifer Psaki gets up in front of the reporters and the cameras and reiterates that what Biden is doing "is for the public good" or "is for the public's safety."

Of course, the only people who believe this line of total and utter bullshit are those diehard libtards and Demoncrats who refuse to admit that Biden is a doddering old fool who has NO business in the Oval Office - hell, I can't even find one to admit they voted for him!

But my point is this:  using Biden as a puppet, the Demoncratic Party is doing to American what Hitler did to Germany almost a hundred years ago - they're trying to convince the American people to give up their Constitutional rights and do what they, the libtard Demoncrats in control, want us to do.  And what they want us to do is give up our rights so they can have total and complete control over us.  Believe it or not, it's actually working - to a point.

See, there are plenty of people out there like me who realize what is happening, and who are staying fairly quiet for the moment while quietly gearing up and preparing for the day we rise up and take our country back.  We realize what the Demoncrats are up to, what the American people are being conned into believing, and we aren't having any of it.

And when that day comes, when the day comes that we rise up and take our country back, that's going to be the end of the Demoncratic party in this country as we know it.

For me, that day can't come soon enough.  

Deo Vindice


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