Friday, September 24, 2021

Another Reason Not To Live In Australia


I can think of several reasons why I wouldn't want to live in Australia, with one of them being that 99% of the creatures who live there will kill you.  That, and they have spiders big enough to catch birds in their nests and eat them.  

But recent events have given me a new reason not to want to live in Australia, and this is now #1 on my list (replacing all those critters who want to kill you).  For those of you who haven't been keeping up with current events, the Australian government is now using the police to enforce its dictatorial stance on everyone getting the jab.  And they're not sending in just the police, but armed police riot squads to do the dirty work.  And those riot squads have been firing on the unarmed citizens who are demonstrating against the government jab mandate.

Let me say that again:  The Australian government is sending in armed police riot squads who are firing on the UNARMED populace to enforce the government's vaccination mandate.

So for those of you who think something like this would never happen (again), I hate to spoil your day but you're wrong.  And if you don't think that will ever happen here, you seriously need a wake-up call.

We have a political party in power now in this country whose #1 goal is total control of the people, and they realize that the only way they can ever attain that total goal is to disarm us.  That's why they have a "gun control" bug up their butt - it's not about guns, it's about control.  The people in power in the Demoncratic party have paid attention to history and know that the first step in controlling the people is to disarm them.  History has taught them this, and they're paying attention.  They know that once they've disarmed the people they are free to put whatever rules in place they want and can enforce them ruthlessly because we won't be able to resist them.

And if you think that's bullshit and would never happen here, I got news for you - that's the same thing the Australians thought, and look at what's happening to them right now.

But the good news is that there are a couple of major reasons why the Demoncrats and libtards will NEVER get their way and disarm us.  The first of these is the Second Amendment.  I'm quite confident that ANY attempt to repeal the Second Amendment will be met with bipartisan opposition in both houses of Congress, because even the most diehard libtard Demoncratic politicians realize that the ONE subject that will utterly unite and galvanize the American people is any effort to repeal the Second Amendment.  NObama may have been a racist, stupid son of a bitch but even he was smart enough to know NOT to go after our Constitutional rights.  

"Creepy Joe" Biden, on the other hand, is a fuckin' post turtle so I wouldn't put anything past him.

The second reason is a common sense one.  There are more than 393 MILLION firearms in the hands of the American people, and a great number of them are unregistered.  (That's 46% of the WORLD'S small arms, by the way.)  The Feds will NEVER get them all, no matter how hard they try - and if they try then that will trigger a second American Revolution, guaranteed.  

There's a quote floating around the internet that was attributed to Japanese Admiral Isoruku Yamamoto who, when asked about invading America, reportedly replied, "You cannot invade mainland America because there would be a rifle behind every blade of grass."  I don't know if Yamamoto really said this, but the thought behind the quote is 100% correct.  Hell, just the registered hunters in Michigan and Wisconsin alone make up the world's third biggest army, so just imagine the size of the militia force that would rise up and oppose the feds!

That's right, MILITIA.  The PEOPLE are the Militia, not the National Guard.  THIS is why the Second Amendment was written, and THIS is the "Militia" that the Amendment referred to.  It's a simple as that.

We are on the brink of some very troubling times here in our country, and I have this very bad feeling that it's going to get much worse before it gets better.  And I'm deathly afraid that the tree of liberty is going to get refreshed along the way.

Let's hope not.

Deo Vindice


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