Tuesday, September 28, 2021

More Libtard Nonsense


Yeah, this pretty much sums up just how stupid libtard "logic" is.  Aside from being the highest form of ungratefulness known to mankind, this is also the stupidest thing I've ever heard of since this whole "pandemic" bullshit started.  (And for the record, I don't believe there ever was a true 'pandemic.' There was only the one created so the libtards could take control.)

Let's talk briefly about how ungrateful this is.  This will be short because it's very simple.

We relied on the health care workers to get us through the BSP (bull shit pandemic) when we literally knew nothing about the virus.  Everyone else was told to go home, stay inside, quarantine yourself, not have contact with others - yet we told the health care workers to stay at work, do their job and basically not worry about anything because "your mask will protect you!"  We told our health care workers to put their own health at risk, ignore their own discomfort and remain at work to serve us.

But now that they're thinking about themselves instead of the libtards, now that they're concerned about THEIR health instead of the libtards, now that they're refusing to be sheep any longer and subject their bodies to what is basically a scientific experiment, suddenly we don't need them anymore.  Health care workers are being fired by the HUNDREDS because they recognize the dangers of an unproven vaccine and are refusing to take it.

Which leads us right into why firing them is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of.

Why would anyone with an ounce of common sense fire the very people that you've relied on for the past 18 months to take care of you?  Who's going to do the job now that you've fired nearly half of the health care workers?  

This is a classic example of cutting your nose off to spite your face.  This makes absolutely NO sense whatsoever, and sooner or later - I'm thinking sooner - the effects of this stupid move are going to make themselves felt when people can't get routine medical treatment because the hospitals are understaffed.

And WHEN that happen, the libtards and Demoncrats will invariablyl find a way to blame it on Trump and/or the conservatives and Republicans.  And in a way they'll be right - the Republicans have sat on their hands and done NOTHING to stop the Demoncratic power grab that's been going on for 18 months.  That's one of the many reasons I left the Republican party and now claim myself to be an Independent with Libertarian leanings.

The Demoncratic party is leading our nation to ruin, one step at a time, and the people in Washington who are letting it happen are just as guilty as they are.  In the mean time, y'all better start studying up on how to take care of your own medical issues because I have a feeling you're gonna need that.

Deo Vindice


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