Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Wednesday Afternoon

My thoughts on some of the stories bouncing around the news today...

First and foremost: R.I.P. Bob Hoskins, a great talent and a great man. For those of you who are unaware of who Bob Hoskins was, he played 'Eddie Valiant,' the human detective in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," and 'Smee' in "Hook." If you saw him in either one of these movies, then you know just how great a talent he was. He will truly be missed.

And now, on to the hard stuff.

So Chicago, a city that is broke by its own admission, wants to spend $100 MILLION to build the NObama Presidential Library. Yeah, that makes sense - especially considering who the current mayor of the Murder Capital of the United States is.

And apparently, the old adage of "nothing stays secret forever" is about to come true for NObama and his staff at the White House. There's been some e-mails leaked to the news media which show that the White House staff was directly involved in grooming Susan Rice for her ill-fated media appearances the Sunday after the attacks on the embassy in Benghazi, with the idea of blaming the attacks on an anti-Islam documentary originating with NObama's staff. I believe it, and it's like this: if the staff knew about it, you'd better believe that the Buffoon In Chief knew about it. And if he says he didn't know, then how are we supposed to trust a man who can't run his own staff with running the country? Answer: we can't. This, of course, has been readily apparent to anyone with half a brain and a lick of common sense for the past 6 years - which leaves out Democrats and liberals, of course. Now I'm just waiting to see who NObama is gonna throw to the wolves to save his own skinny ass. Should be interesting.

Somebody tell me how this makes sense: a couple of black people enroll in a college in Virginia that is named in part after Robert E. Lee, knowing of the college's history and of its support of Lee, knowing of the events that take place there on his birthday every year, knowing that the Confederate Battle Flag is displayed there during these evetns, and then get their panties in a knot over the name, the display of his likeness, and the display of the Confederate flag on his birthday? Sorry, it's like this: you knew what you were getting into, so now that you're in it you have ZERO room to complain. You want to go to a college that supports your own self-styled ideas and ideals and be among people who think the same racist way you do? Then I suggest you enroll in Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia instead of Washington and Lee University. I guarantee you that you'll find a home there. You also won't find very many white people there, either, but nobody calls that college racist. Wonder why?

And speaking of racists, there's Donald Sterling to contend with this week. My first thought in all of this was, "Well, if you don't like black people, then why are you dating a girl who's half black?" Never mind the fact that she's 1/4 your age - we won't even go there. (Three guesses why SHE was dating HIM - and it ain't because of his sparking personality or dashing good looks.) My second thought was, "Who made the recording, and why?" And my third thought was, "Who leaked it to the media, and why?" If I was Donald, I'd be wanting to get to the bottom of that last one and when I found out who did it, I'd make sure he never did anything like that again. And for someone with his money, that should prove to be no big problem at all. In any event, poor old Donald has learned that in this day and age, if you're a white man who has an opinion that some people won't like, it's not even safe to voice said opinion in your own home in what you think is a private environment. I can't help but wonder, though, what the media reaction would have been if it were, say, Magic Johnson making those comments about white guys. Actually, I don't wonder about that at all - you'd never hear about it, because in this country in this day and age if you ain't white it ain't racist. (Which is, of course, total bullshit.)

While we're talking about racists and race-baiters, how about good ol' Al Sharpton calling for Sterling's head over his comments? To be expected, right? But what about Sharpton already knowing of Sterling's racist views, even going so far as to volunteer to headline the NAACP dinner in which that organization awarded Sterling its Lifetime Achievement Award? Achievement for what, exactly? By Sharpton's own admission, he knew of Sterling's views and the many lawsuits against him for those views, yet he supported him at the dinner anyway - and now is calling for his head. I guess you can add the term "hypocrite" to the list of titles you can bestow on Sharpton, among those being "racist."

It really sucks to be living in Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida just about now. If the people there aren't getting drowned in 20+ inches of rain in 24 hours they're getting blown away by troops of tornados hitting them from all directions. I don't know about you, but with the way the weather's been getting all freaky on us over the past few years, that kinda makes me think maybe something's in the works. I dunno, but right now all I can say is I feel sorry for the poor folks who've had their lives turned upside-down by the weather, and my thoughts and prayers go out to them.

And last but not least, thank God for the generic brand of Excedrin Migraine. I'd be wishing I was dead right now if not for that.



Young Jedi said...

You mentioned weather. Ever look into HAARP and weather control? All this "strange" weather occurring over the last couple years is no coincidence and here lately NObama (Ill-Informer/Race Baiter) came out and spoke of strange/serious weather patterns coming in the near future. He cautioned Americans, that they should be concerned.

"They" have had the ability to control weather now for some time.

Population control?

IHC said...

Never heard of HAARP, so I guess I'll have to look into it. I've never been one for conspiracy theories, however, so it's gonna take a LOT to convince me that something nefarious is going on here. It's always so easy to blame it on "THEY" or "THEM" when logic and reasoning falls short...