Monday, June 9, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Monday Afternoon

No, I'm not dead or out of town or anything like that. I realize that it's been a while since my last post, and in my defense let me just say that the last month or so has been very interesting, very challenging, and very frustrating at times. Yeah, I realize this is no excuse for not having made any entries, but it is what it is. Sorry about the delay, friends and neighbors, that's about all I can say on that.

I've got so much stuff bouncing around in my head that I find it impossible to sort it all out into separate cognizant pieces, so I'll just do one of my "Randon Thoughts" posts and get rid of them all at the same time. This one may be kinda lengthy, so if you need to pee or go get a drink or something like that, now's the time.

Ready? Ok, heeeeeeeere we go!

Absolutely first and foremost, let's talk about the Buffoon In Chief, shall we? Man, there's so much fodder to fling at this clown that I hardly know where to start. I could start with his total lack of class, refinement, and respect by showing up at the D-Day Memorial Service in France while chewing gum, but I won't. I could also start with his flunky token white boy mouthpiece quitting his job as Press Secretary, but I won't. (Jay Carney, I don't know how you can sleep at night, you asshat.) What I will start with - and this should have been obvious - is The Great Pretender's decision to trade five high-ranking Taliban terrorist leaders for one American deserter/traitor. There's SO MUCH wrong with this decision that it almost defies description, and one cannot help but wonder what strain of "logic" the Buffoon In Chief used when he made this decision. You can't tell me that he didn't know about Bergdahl's activities with the Taliban once he was "captured," and you also can't tell me that he didn't know that Bergdahl had walked away from his unit. After all, even his parents knew that the traitor had mailed all of his personal belongings home before he was "captured." And if you do try and tell me that, then my next statement will be that either the intelligence-gathering capabilities of the United States have been too focused on gathering information on American citizens instead of the bad guys, or that the Buffoon In Chief simply chose to ignore it. I choose the latter. In any event, the trade was done without the approval of Congress and against the advice of every major military commander in the JCOS. NObama decided he wanted to do it, so he did it - and now he's reaping the rewards (sarcasm, folks). In the process he is also putting every American overseas at risk (regardless of what that asshat and clown John Kerry says) because the word is out among our enemies: if you want to get something from America, all you have to do is kidnap or capture an American and then make your demands. The US will give you whatever you want, because the Buffoon In Chief has broken the long-standing policy that America doesn't negotiate with terrorists - EVER. Hell, even Jimmy Carter was smart enough to know that the US never negotiates with terrorists because once you do you'll always have to do it, but apparently Barack NObama isn't.

And can you believe that NObama was actually gullible (or stupid) enough to believe that the five Taliban leaders would actually stay in Qatar and not rejoin the fight? (As for the choice between gullible and stupid, I vote for stupid.) I give it about a hot 60 days before those five Taliban leaders are back in Afghanistan leading the fight against our forces and killing more Americans, regardless of what John Kerry may say. Having served some time in the Middle East, I can tell you first-hand that the people of the Arab nations will put other Arabs first and foremost, and they absolutely will not honor their agreement with the Buffoon In Chief. And why should they? He's broken just about every promise he's ever made, and he's given so many ultimatums with no action on his part following said ultimatums that there's no reason that any nation in the world should either fear or take seriously anything he says. He's a buffoon, a blowhard, all talk and no action, a gutless wonder with no balls, and they all know it. They have no respect for him as a leader and as a result, they have no respect for us or our country. And we have no one to thank for that except NObama.

So while the Buffoon In Chief makes this disastrous deal with our enemies, one of our true American heroes and patriots sits in a Mexican jail cell on a bunch of bullshit, trumped-up charges with absolutely nothing being said or done by the NObama administration to secure his release. All it would take is one phone call from NObama to the Mexican president, and our Marine would be on his way back across the border in no time.

Then again, maybe not...the fact that the Mexicans are holding him at all in spite of the outcry in the press pretty much shows that they hold NObama in just as much disdain as the rest of the world does. Still, it speaks volumes for the priorities and the leadership abilities of NObama that he's sitting on his hands doing nothing and totally ignoring what's going on in Mexico. Maybe NObama should offer to trade John Kerry for the Marine? That would work for me!

And out in the Midwest and California, unfortunately there have been more shootings. I say unfortunately because obviously, it's unfortunate to say the least when innocent people get killed by madmen, and it's unfortunate for the rest of us law-abiding citizens because we now have to listen to the idiocy of the liberals and Democrats as they scream for still more useless gun control. And if you want proof that ALL gun control is useless, look at the shootings at UCLA - the shooter passed a background check, ALL of the weapons were purchased legally, all of the magazines were "low capacity" as required by California law, and yet the shootings still took place. Why is that, I wonder?

Simple: because you can't legislate insanity out of existence. The shooter was nuts, and his YouTube videos prove it. No amount of gun laws will prevent a madman from carrying out his plans, and this latest shooting is yet more proof that GUN CONTROL LAWS DON'T WORK. After all, MURDER is already illegal, isn't it? So along the line of "thinking" that more gun control laws will prevent more shootings, the shootings never should have happened in the first place because murder is already illegal. And we see how good THAT works, don't we?

But as soon as you or I utter those words, the liberals and Democrats will respond with, "Then we'll just have to outlaw guns altogether!"

Yeah, let's do that. Let's outlaw guns altogether...after all, it worked for LSD, meth, and cocaine, right?

And we won't even talk about the 2nd Amendment and why it's there.

Out in Colorado and Washington, the people there are enjoying the fruits of the new laws they passed to decriminalize the recreational use of marijuana, with Colorado particularly enjoying it. "Rocky Mountain High" has taken on a whole new meaning, and I, for one, am glad to see it. I have never understood why marijuana was illegal and why the Federal government doesn't take advantage of the HUGE monetary gain that is just sitting there waiting for them - provided they legalize weed nation-wide first, that is. The Feds make billions of dollars in taxes off of the alcohol producing industry, and if they were to legalize grass and tax it just like cigarettes they'd make more money from that than they ever would from alcohol. But the Feds continue to be caught up in the Draconian line of thinking that marijuana is such a bad thing that they refuse to take the obvious step and legalize it. Sooner or later they're gonna have to, because now that two states have done it the rest will surely follow suit - and my bet is on California being the next one to do it.

What, you can't believe a retired military cop would advocate the legalization of marijuana? Sorry to bust your bubble, but that's the way it is. The only reason I ever locked people up for it was because it's illegal, and that's also the only reason I never used it. (Well, okay, I used it once, but that was after I retired from the Air Force.) Once the stuff becomes legal, though, I'm gonna toke right up - just as I imagine a great many of us law-abiding citizens will. Time will tell.

And that's it for now. Gonna go down and fix myself a fresh glass of iced tea, sit on my ass, and do nothing but enjoy the first day of my vacation. Believe me, I've earned it.



Anonymous said...

Ну, я рад видеть, что ты не умер (смеется)! Есть отличный отпуск

IHC said...

Спасибо, я довольно рад не быть мертвым себя! Просто был так занят в последнее время, что это было действительно трудно найти время, чтобы написать ... придется сделать лучше в будущем!