Thursday, April 10, 2014

The NObamacare Nightmare, Act II

By now I'm quite sure that everyone has heard about the fiasco that NObamacare has been since the rollout more than six months ago. First it was the web site not working, then it was the realization that the Buffoon In Chief had flat-out lied to the American people when he uttered the quote for which he will always and forevermore be most well-known, said quote being "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." This truth was revealed when people began losing their health care plans that they liked because the plans weren't available under NObamacare, or their employer/doctor stopped carrying them due to NObamacare.

Then there was the sticker shock when the people who fell victim due to The Big Lie and lost their health care plan got a look at the deductibles and costs for NObamacare, which were sky-high as compared to their old plans - you know, the ones the Buffoon In Chief said they could keep. (No, I'm not gonna let that one go. Not ever.) Finally, there were the cases of people with terminal illnesses who were being kept alive by medical treatment suddenly losing said treatment because their new health care plan under NObamacare didn't offer the treatment the way their old health care plan did - you know, the the ones the Buffoon In Chief said they could keep. This point was driven home when a Congressman was one of those unfortunate one to step forward and speak out.

Well, if you thought all that was bad, then stand by for some really bad news. Act II of the NObamacare Debacle is about to begin.

Today the Internal Revenue Service announced that it would begin the process of tracking down and punishing those who either failed to sign up for NObamacare or who had signed up but hadn't made any payments.

What, you didn't know that the IRS was involved in NObamacare? I guess you should have made sure Pelosi and all the other liberal morons in Congress had actually read the bill and knew what was in it before they passed it.

What? You didn't know that you actually had to pay for NObamacare? You thought it was free? Were you just not paying attention, or are you a special kind of stupid?

Well, for all of those liberal sheep out there who chose to trust the liberal Democrats in Congress I got some really bad news for you, and here it is. It's in two parts, so hang on to your underwear.

First, the IRS is the branch of the government that is charged with tracking down and extracting payment from those who either didn't sign up for NObamacare or who didn't pay for it. They'll do this by levying a tax on you and sending you a bill that they will expect you to pay; if you don't pay the bill, they'll seize your tax refund and use it as payment. And if you don't get enough of a refund to pay the bill in full, guess what? They're gonna keep on doing it until you either set up a payment plan with them or they'll seize next year's refund as well - and they'll keep doing it until the bill is paid. That means no tax refund until the bill is paid.

And you'll still have to sign up for NObamacare in the mean time.

Second, NObamacare isn't free. You have to pay for it. If you didn't know this then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're one of those people who voted for NObama because he would give you all of this free stuff, and maybe you thought NObamacare was going to be modeled after the free cell phone program, I don't know. All I know is if you didn't know by now that NObamacare isn't free and that you are required by law to purchase it, then you must have been living under a rock for the past four years. The fact that the Federal government is requiring the citizens to purchase a service provided by the government but not paid for in full by the government has been a bone of Constitutional contention for the past four years. I am of the opinion that this is a violation of the 10th Amendment and that NObamacare is therefore unconstitutional, but that hasn't been decided completely in the courts yet. In the mean time the law stands, and all of you liberal freeloaders out there who voted for NObama because he was going to give you free healthcare are now getting exactly what you asked for.

And I have ZERO sympathy for you.

I have a feeling that the worse this debacle known as NObamacare gets, the more people are going to realize that they voted for the wrong man. The bad thing is that it's too late - NObama can't run for a third term, and the only way we'll be able to get rid of him is if he does something stupid enough to get impeached. Even then, the offense would have to be so heinous and so repugnant that not even the staunchest liberal in Congress could support him, because if that's not the case the same thing that happened to "Slick Willy" Clinton will happen to NObama - the House and Senate will vote along party lines, and NObama won't be convicted.

And the good news about that is that means we won't have Joe "Go Buy A Shotgun" Biden as President.

In the mean time, I'm just going to sit back, watch the liberals who voted for NObama get what they asked for, and laugh my ass off.

Then, in November of this year and November of 2016, I'm gonna vote Republican.


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