Sunday, April 20, 2014

Some Questions for "Moms Demand Action"

Keeping the old Mafia proverb of, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" in mind I decided a few days ago to take a look at the "Moms Demand Action" Facebook page. I wish I could say I was surprised by what I read there, but the only thing that surprises me about it is the depth of the ignorance and the level of outright stupidity that I saw there. Here are some examples taken ver batim from the Facebook page:

Sandy Huseby Gun safety .. do you side with moms and kids? Or outlaws?

So, Sandy, I guess you lump law-abiding citizens who don't share your opinion in with the outlaws?

Paula Gagnon McGill For the sake of innocent people we need background checks!

News Flash, Paula, we already have them - and they don't work.

Michelle McBriarty Even with background checks, guns still kill innocent people.

Actually, Michelle, people kill innocent people. The guns are just a tool.

Maria Resendes A 18 year can't drink in most states, but they can buy a gun i don't understand it...

Uh, not quite, Maria. Rifles and shotguns, yes, but handguns - no. Federal law requires you to be at least 21 years of age before you can legally purchase a handgun.

Randy Rivas The NRA is the problem in preventing more gun violence, which is a fact!

How so, Randy? By defending the Constitution? And would you care to name a source for your "fact," or is that only a fact in your liberal delusional world?

Anne Galbraith And, for the record, Columbine was not a "gun free zone"--they had an armed guard--a 15 year veteran of the Sherrif's office who fired four shots at Harris but was not able to stop him.

News flash, Anne - Columbine High School most certainly was - and remains - a "gun free zone." And for your edification, a "gun free zone" is a place in which no one but police or armed guards are allowed to have weapons.

Melissa McClennen Guns kill, fool!! Put them in the wrong hands and you're dead.

Melissa, have you met Michelle? You said it in your statement, by the way - it's the people with the "wrong hands" that actually do the killing. Take the gun out of those "wrong hands" and put a knife or a hammer in its place, and the killing will still take place.

Nik Kripalani Lets make gun owners face background Checks today.

Nik, have you met Paula?

And I saved the best for last:

Gail Rider Craig NRA sprays testosterone over the US regularly to increase gun sales.

Thankfully, Gail is NOT a relative of mine. If she was, I'd have to disown her. Stupidity of this level should be illegal.

This is but a very, very small sample of the ignorance and downright stupidity that you can find on the "Moms Demand Action" Facebook page, and you can find the same crap on their web site as well.

The really bad thing is that the people who run this band of lunatics are fully aware of the misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies that they're spreading. I say this because when I visited the page two days ago, I wrote a comment on the page's timeline in which I asked several questions. The questions I posed asked anyone on the page to explain to me how background checks would have prevented the shootings at Newtown, Columbine, Aurora, Norfolk, and Virginia Tech. I also made a comment in that post that I didn't expect any answers because I felt it a sure bet that the page admin would remove my post before anyone had a chance to read it.

And son of a gun if I wasn't right. The post I made is gone, and in addition to that the administrators have taken the extra step to block me from being able to make any additional posts, even if I "like" the page.

Methinks someone is afraid of the truth.

Well, if there's one place that the admin can't shut me up, it's here. My only hope is that somehow, some way, this post finds its way onto both the Facebook page and the web site for "Moms Demand Action," because I'm going to pose some really hard questions that I'd just love for "Moms" to answer. I'm not counting on it, but here they are anyway.

Question #1: The original question from two days ago - please explain to me how background checks would have prevented the shootings at Newtown, Aurora, Columbine, Norfolk, and Virginia Tech. While you're at it, throw in the shootings at Fort Hood (both of them) and the Jewish Children's Center.

Question #2: Considering that we as a nation already have in excess of 25,000 gun control laws on the books, how do you expect more laws to make a difference?

Question #3: Why are you focusing your attentions and efforts on law-abiding citizens instead of going after the thugs, punks, and thieves who are the ones actually doing the killing?

Question #4: How is making it harder for a law-abiding citizen to purchase a gun going to reduce the crimes committed by said thugs, punks, and thieves? Why punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty?

Question #5: Why did you ignore my questions on your Facebook page, and why did you block me from making more comments? Are you that afraid of the truth, or do you already know the truth and don't want your minions to discover it?

I'll be the first person to say that the shootings which have take place in our nation over the past 15 years or so are deplorable, inexcusable acts of violence in which the perpetrators should be justly punished. Unfortunately, that punishment can't happen because the killers, for the most part, are cowards who commit suicide after committing their crimes. But I'll also be the first to say that ANY effort of ANY kind to restrict the Constitutional rights of law-abiding American citizens who choose to own a firearm is WRONG, and I will oppose any and all said efforts until my dying day. I see no logic whatsoever in placing yet more restrictions on law-abiding American citizens while totally ignoring the criminals who are committing the crimes.

"Common sense" gun laws do not exist, nor will they ever exist because what one person may deem to be "common sense" may not be deemed as such by another. To me - and thousands of others like me - there is no "common sense" in passing yet more useless legislation that will be routinely and roundly ignored by the ones doing the killing. This is why they call them "CRIMINALS," by the way.

And that, friends and neighbors, is a fact.


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