Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Tuesday Evening

Got a lot of thoughts running through my head that all deserve a posting here in my blog, so I figured the best way to get 'em all out is to write about all of them in the "Random Thoughts" format. So here they are.

I see the CEO of Mozilla has learned the hard way that in the America of the 21st Century, the quickest way to lose your job and find your ass out on the street is to say something bad about same-sex marriage. In short - and from my point of view - what has happened is this: a man voiced his opinion, which he is perfectly free to do; it clashed with the opinions of a minority, and the liberal lapdogs with the assistance of the liberal media took it from there. What I don't understand is why it's okay for those in favor of same-sex marriage to proclaim there views without retaliation, but it's not okay for someone to proclaim a differing point of view without being publicly eviscerated and having their lives destroyed. And if anyone should dare to call the liberals out for their point of view, the next thing you hear is "hater" and "racist" being slung around. See, that's the difference between liberals and conservatives - conservatives just want to be left alone to live their lives their own way, while liberals want to shove their lifestyles down everyone's throat and force them to live their lives the liberal's way. And I'm sorry, folks, but that just ain't right. Kinda gives "tolerance" a whole new meaning, and it ain't a good one.

The mystery of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 deepens. More than a month has gone by and we still don't know squat about what happened to the aircraft and the passengers on board. At first I thought it was a terrorist attack, but now I'm not so sure. The latest news about the search aircraft and ships having heard a ping from the black box was encouraging, but now it appears that even that lead has gone dead. I feel sorry for the families; I mean, everyone knows the plane and people on it are lost, but it sure would be nice for them to get some closure. And until they find the plane - IF they find the plane - that won't happen. Sad.

On the local scene, the liberals here in South Carolina are still raising hell about it now being legal to carry concealed in bars and restaurants. These clueless wonders are still laboring under the liberal misinformation and liberal stupidity that we CWP holders are going to go into a bar and get rip-roaring drunk, then commence to shoot the place up. They all say that they'd feel safer if we, the law-abiding citizens, left our guns in the car, yet they say nothing about and intentionally ignore the fact that the bad guys won't do that. The bad guys are already carring concealed in bars, they're already drinking, and if you've been paying attention to the news in Columbia then you know from the last shooting in Five Points that they're already shooting the place up. These liberal morons are so entrenched in their liberal mindset that they refuse to understand what's already happening. They think that a simple sign is going to keep them safe, that if a restaraunt or bar owner posts a "NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED" sign on the door that's going to ensure that no one in the place has a gun. The truth of the matter, which they all intentionally ignore, is that the only people who will obey the sign are the law-abiding citizens - if we choose to go into the restaraunt or bar at all. (I, for one, will absolutely not ever enter an establishment that posts such a sign. I'll take my money elsewhere.) The bad guys with the guns, the ones who are already breaking the law, will totally ignore the sign and continue on with what they were doing. I would love to have a liberal explain to me how this is making them safer. But I'm not holding my breath.

Speaking of liberal stupidity, did you hear about the college student out in California who was participating in a "pro-life" rally and was physically attacked by a professor? Seems that the college professor, a black lady who is pro-choice and thinks she knows everything because "I have three college degrees!" took it upon herself to physically attack the white protestor (yeah, I put that in there for a reason; Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, where are you?) and take her sign away from her. When the student tried to get the sign back the professor shoved her three times. I'm proud to say that the asshole college professor was subsequently arrested and charged with theft and misdemeanor assault, but I'm sad to say that now there's a petition being passed around by the liberals calling for the student to be expelled. One of the supporters of the petition even went so far as to label the college student a "domestic terrorist."

I see. So if someone has the opinion that unborn children shouldn't be killed in the womb but allowed to be born they're a "domestic terrorist," but a liberal who says that it's okay to do that are, what? Upstanding citizens? In this screwed-up liberalized America, it appears to be that way.

And while I'm thinking about it, would someone please explain to me why it's okay for atheists and liberals to have their opinions and voice said opinions from every streetcorner and billboard in America without fear of retaliation or retribution, but it's not okay for a Christians or conservatives to do the same without immediate retaliation and retribution? The last time I heard, "tolerance" went both ways, and both sides were entitled to their opinions and the voicing of them; apparently the liberals in our nation have taken a page out of the liberal Congress' playbook and "redefined" the term.

So can you tell I'm getting pretty fed up with liberals? I am a product of my environment, and I make no excuses for it.

On a wider topic, I'm taking bets on just how long it takes Putin and the Russians to lay claim to more territory in the Ukraine. Any takers? I'm also taking bets on whether or not our gutless wonder of a President will do anything about it. I'm giving very high odds that he won't.

But to close this out on a positive note: my health is good, I have a wife who loves me, my dogs are pretty fond of me as well, I have some really cool friends, I'm employed, my bike is paid off, my truck is paid off, Gina's bike is paid off, and the Mustang will be paid off soon. All in all, life is good! The Big Biker - or the GAOTU as I've come to start calling him - has been pretty damned good to me, so I can't complain. My journey on that level of time from whose bourne no traveler returns has been a good one so far, and I'm looking forward to what's up ahead.


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