Friday, April 25, 2014

More Proof that Guns Aren't the Problem

If you've been keeping up with current events lately then I'm sure you've heard about the attack on a student in a Connecticut school by another student, end result being that the student who was attacked has died. And if you've read the story or heard it on the television, then you also know that this attack did not involve a gun - it involved a knife.

Actually, the last two incidents of violence in public schools have been committed with knives instead of guns, the first one on April 9 in Pennsylvania where a student attacked 22 other students with a knife and sent a lot of them to the hospital, and now this one in Connecticut where a student was killed.

And the liberals have been stone cold silent on the whole thing. Not one peep from the liberal camp calling for background checks on knife purchases, or limits of how many knives you can buy at one time, or outlawing knife shows or the selling of knives between citizens, or the acceptable limits on the length of the blade. Wonder why that is?

I'll tell you why that is: because all of the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph are stupid, and they're stupid because anyone with an ounce of intelligence or COMMON SENSE knows that they won't work. They also know - and here's the point that the liberals and gun-grabbers will never concede - that knives aren't the problem. Knives are a tool, nothing more and nothing less.


These latest two attacks prove two things better than any conservative supporter of the 2nd Amendment (such as myself) could ever do: First, it proves that you don't have to use a gun to put a serious hurtin' on a group of people, and second - and most importantly - if someone wants to commit an act of serious and/or deadly violence, they're going to find a way to do it. PERIOD.

You want to solve the gun and knife violence in our society? Passing laws won't help and is certainly not the answer. After all, murder is already illegal, as is assault with a deadly weapon. But that didn't stop anyone, did it? Nope, it sure as hell didn't. And "Gun Free Zones" aren't the answer, either. Va Tech, Columbine, Aurora, Newtown, Fort Hood (Twice!), Columbia Mall im Maryland, The Washington Navy Yard, and the Jewish Center are all proof of that.

Background checks? Don't make me laugh. We already have a system of background checks in place run by the Federal government, and that has done absolutely ZERO to stop the mass killings for two reasons: either the guns used were obtained illegally (Columbine, Newtown, Aurora), or the crime was committed after the weapon was legally purchased (Virginia Tech, Fort Hood). Hell, even the guy who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan in 1981 bought his pistol legally, but that sure didn't stop him from shooting at Ronnie, did it?

Limits on magazine capacity? Okay, so the bad guys carry four magazines instead of 3. Big friggin' deal.

No, if you want to solve the violence problem in our society, placing blame on and taking action against the tools used isn't the way to go. You've got to address the PEOPLE doing the violence - after all, THEY are the REAL cause of the violence, not the tools they use.

In a nutshell, the cause of the violence in all aspects and facets of the American society today can, in my humble opinion, be traced to one thing and one thing only - the gradual moral, ethical, and religious breakdown of our society which has taken place over the past 40+ years, brought on by the liberal agenda forced on the American people in the name of "equality" and "fair treatment."

Think I'm crazy? Think about this:

In the America of today, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed numerous lawsuits against the US military for "forcing soldiers, sailors and airmen" to be exposed to religious artifacts and rituals - such as crosses on tops of chapel, crosses on the lapels of chaplains, and Sunday church services. This same organization has filed lawsuits against the Air Force at Shaw AFB, SC for displaying a nativity scene on the base, claiming that it "violates the Constitutional provision providing for the separation of church and state." (There's that non-existent phrase again.)

In the America of today, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuits against small town municipalities for displaying the Ten Commandments at the entrance to the county courthouse, citing that same mythical clause in the Constitution. (Kinda makes you wonder if any of 'em have actually read the damned thing, doesn't it?)

In the America of today, a first grade boy is suspended for kissing a female classmate on the cheek on Valentine's Day.

In the America of today, a third grader is suspended for biting his Pop-Tart into a shape resembling a gun.

In the America of today, a liberal group called The American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit in Maryland protesting the display of a cross in a World War I memorial, demanding that the cross be taken down. (Wanna guess why?)

In the America of today, immigrants who enter our country illegally are provided with state-issued IDs, driver's licenses, and free financial aid at the behest of the liberals in Congress while America's veterans are denied the medical treatment they both earned and need, some of them dying in the process, by a Congress who's more concerned about "offending" the delicate sensitivities of the criminals in our country than they are about taking a dump in the lap of the men and women who put their lives on the line defending our nation.

When I was a kid I was taught by my parents, by the people in my church, and by my teachers in school to respect my elders, respect other people, treat other people the way I would like to be treated, and to keep my mitts off of things that didn't belong to me. I was taught that lying was wrong, stealing was wrong, goofing off and expecting to be rewarded for it was wrong, and that honor was everything. Without honor you have and are nothing, a lesson that was taught to me early on by my parents and a lesson that I've never forgotten. (I've ignored it a few times and paid the price for it, too, but I've never forgotten it.)

All of what I just mentioned are lacking or flat-out missing in today's society, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how that happened or who's to blame for it.

Well, primarily to blame, that is. Most of the time blame is a two-way street, and this case is no exception. The lion's share of the blame for the degredation of the moral character of our nation belongs to the liberals, but the conservatives share in it as well. We share in it because we have allowed it to happen and haven't stood up and said, "Now wait just a damned minute, this is wrong!" because - are you ready for this? - we were taught to respect others and their opinions. So we held our tongue and went along, not realizing that the trickle would become a stream that would become a river that would become a flood.

And now we're up to our hips in it, and the water's still rising.

You want to stop the violence in America? Simple. Here's how to do it.

1. Don't pass more laws. Enforce the ones we already have.

2. Stop giving money away to the countries that hate us and start spending it HERE inside our borders instead. Then you'll have the money to make #1 happen.

3. Start teaching your children about The Golden Rule and about whatever religion you were raised in. Start teaching them to respect themselves, others, and other people's property.

We are a nation that was founded on Christian principles, and it's those principles that taught us as a new nation how to act and how to treat each other. Those principles work, and the proof is that our nation is still here after 238 years.

Want proof that abandoning those principles will be the downfall of our nation? Pick up a newspaper, turn on the TV or listen to the radio - you'll get all the proof you need.

You want to solve the problem of violence in our nation? Treat the disease, not the symptoms. Guns are the symptoms, not the disease.

Fix the people, and the problem will disappear.


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