Saturday, November 27, 2021

Hypocrite In Chief

"Creepy Joe" Biden is a hypocrite, and here's why:


And now, a little more than a year later, Mein Fuhrer has done the exact same thing that he decried Donald Trump for doing - he imposed travel restrictions on African nations.

My question is this:  why is it "racist" and "xenophobic" when Trump does it, but it's perfectly okay when Mein Fuhrer does it?  

The answer is simple;  "Creepy Joe" Biden is a HYPOCRITE, plain and simple.  He's a typical politician who will do or say anything that will get him elected, and once in office he'll turn around and do the exact opposite - or in this case the very thing he decried his opposition for.

So which is he - senile and stupid, or just a hypocrite?

Either way, we as a nation are well and truly fucked as long as the Demoncrats remain in power.

I have never been so disgusted with a President in my entire life.  I thought NObama was bad, but THIS clown takes the cake.  

Deo Vindice