Thursday, November 4, 2021

And So It Begins

The people of Virginia have spoken, and the Demoncrats and libtards are losing their collective minds.  

In Tuesday's elections the people of the Commonwealth of Virginia effectively said "NO!" to the bullshit that the Demoncrats have been pulling for the past four years or so while they were under the tyrannical rule of a Demoncratic governor.  Not only did they elect a Republican governor, they also elected a black Lieutenant Governor and a Latino Attorney General.  And the Lt Governor, by the way, is a staunch 2nd Amendment supporter who was endorsed by the NRA.  

And of course, instead of admitting that they fucked up and were beaten legitimately, the Demoncrats just have to find something or someone else to blame because we all know it's never their fault when they lose, right?  And this election wasn't any different - they're blaming their loss on racism and 'white privilege.'

Racism and white privilege.  After the voters elected a BLACK Lt. Governor and a LATINO Attorney General.

Sound stupid?  It should, because it is.

This election in Virginia was being portrayed as a barometer to the success or failure of the Brandon Administration, and was going to be used as an indicator of how the 2022 and 2024 elections were going to turn out.  Well, the good people of Virginia have spoken, and they've said that the Brandon Administration SUCKS, and that the Demoncrats are going to lose BIG in both upcoming elections.  

And the election in New Jersey was so close that it gave the Demoncrats the shakes, but even though it appears that the Demoncratic candidate will win it still sends a loud and clear message to the Demoncrats, and that message is that the people of the United States are pissed off and are ready to change things.

The American Revolution got started in Virginia, and it's only fitting that this, the second American Revolution, should start there as well.  The good news is that right now it looks like the revolution will be fought at the ballot box instead of on the battlefield, but if Brandon decides to send his storm troopers out to do stupid shit like confiscate weapons and enforce unconstitutional vaccine mandates, at that point me and a hell of a lot of other American patriots out there are gonna dust off the guns and fix things.

I sincerely hope it doesn't come to that, I really do.  I'd rather kick Demoncrat ass at the polls than on the battlefield, but I'll do what I have to do to protect and defend both my country and the Constitution of the United States against ALL enemies, foreign, domestic, and Demoncratic.

God Bless America.

Deo Vindice



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