Tuesday, November 9, 2021

It's Time For A Change


Never in all of my 64 years on this planet have I seen a President of the United States who was as big a buffoon, a joke, and a total disgrace as "Creepy Joe" Biden.  This clown is the laughing stock of the world, and not only is the rest of the world laughing at him they're also laughing at us because we elected him.  Yeah, I know the election was rigged and this moron was installed by the Demoncratic party, but until that's proven both in a court of law and in the court of public opinion, we elected the moron and that's all anyone will see.

His administration has been the clown act of the circus from Day One, and he's the head clown.  First he shits his pants while visiting the Pope, which I'm sure His Eminence really appreciated.  Then he falls asleep during the G26 summit, making a fool of himself in front of the leaders of the rest of the world.  Then he rips a long, loud fart right in front of  Camilla Harris, the Duchess of Cornwall while at the same summit.  

What's next, Joe?  You gonna take a leak in the Doulton Fountain?

If ever there was a man wo was unfit in every way to hold office, this buffoon is it.  Yeah, I realize that if we remove Mein Fuhrer from office we're gonna have a slut sitting in the Oval Office, but lemme ask you this - could she possibly be any worse than what we're stuck with now?  If you want to compare notes on the two, the worst thing Kamala "I'm A Slut" Harris has done is to laugh like the Demoncratic jackass she is whenever she's asked a question she can't answer - which so far has been all of them.  That, and she's pretty much been MIA for the past 7 months, which I think is due to her knowing that Biden is a total fool and she's trying to distance herself from him so when he's removed from office she can come in as 'clean' as possible.  It's going to come down to choosing the lesser of two evils, and that's about it.

All I know is I can't wait for November 2024 when we put DONALD J. TRUMP back in the White House.  In the mean time, it's past time for Nancy Pelosi or Chuck Schumer or somebody in Congress to stand up and invoke the 25th Amendment and get this disgrace out of office.

Or does he have to take a leak in Doulton Fountain first?

Deo Vindice


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