Saturday, November 20, 2021

Justice In Kenosha

Justice has prevailed in Kenosha, and liberal heads are exploding all over the country.  This young man never should have been charged in the first place, and I'm very glad to see that the jury saw through the sham prosecution and found Kyle not guilty on all charges.

The liberal heads are especially exploding all over the internet, and against my better judgement I broke a self-imposed cardinal rule yesterday and had it proven to me why I made up the rule in the first place.  The rule I broke was to NEVER get involved in a political discussion with a liberal.  The reason for this is that without fail, every single political discussion I've ever had has ended up with the liberal slinging insults and name-calling.  The conversation I was involved in on Facebook yesterday was no different, but I must say that I was disappointed that the very first comment the liberal made contained name-calling.  Usually it takes several exchanges and some facts being presented by a conservative for this to happen, but this particular liberal chose to start calling names in the very first thing he said.  

Sad.  Very sad.

I could devote the next two hours to typing out how I feel about this, why the liberals are wrong, why the trial was a sham, why he never should have been charged, etc etc, but I won't.  I don't need to.  And I don't need to for one reason - NOT GUILTY ON ALL CHARGES.

What I'm thinking now is something that Candace Owens brought up, that being what happens now?  What happens to Kyle Rittenhouse, the young man who has forever had his life changed thanks to the actions of the liberal left?  What does he do now?

What I sincerely hope he does is exactly what Candace said.  I hope he gets a lawyer, a really good one like the guy who defended the kid in DC two years ago, and devotes the rest of his life to suing every single liberal news network and every single liberal - including the current President of the United States - for the way they slandered and defamed him during this sham trial.  The precedent has already been set, so he'll win.  I sincerely hope he does this, and I hope he starts with MSNBC.

The left needs to pay attention to all of this very closely because there's a message here.  From the start, when the whole thing with Kyle started, there has been a message that I think the liberals are intentionally ignoring.  

The message is this:  we're fed up.  We're fed up with all of the liberal bullshit, we're fed up with the demonstrations that turn into riots.  We're fed up with liberals rioting, looting, burning and destroying property when they don't get their way.  We're fed up with the liberals destroying our country, and we're now starting to fight back.

And when we show up to fight back, we're showing up armed.  

You've been warned, liberals.

Deo Vindice



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