Thursday, December 2, 2021

A Nation In Shambles


This one picture pretty much sums it all up.  As much as the libtards and Demoncrats refuse to admit it, Donald J. Trump was one of the best Presidents this nation has had in the past 100 years, and the statistics prove it.

Trump is the ONLY President to ever fulfill every single one of his campaign promises.  Mein Fuhrer, on the other hand, has broken just about every one of his.  The only promises he's kept are the one that would have hurt America and the people, like shutting down the Keystone pipeline on the very first day of his Reich.  

The effects of the Biden Reich on the country are fast approaching "devastation" status.  NOTHING is better since he took office - absolutely NOTHING.  

Inflation is the WORST in the history of the nation.  Gas prices have skyrocketed, with gas where I live in SC being a full dollar more than they were in January, and more than a dollar higher than they were a year ago at this time.  

We were energy independent before Mein Fuhrer took over, and now we're buying more than 7 MILLION barrels of oil from Russia EVERY MONTH in order to keep the lights on.  

Small businesses by the thousands have failed since Mein Fuhrer shut everything down during the pandemic, driving unemployment up.

Our Southern border is out of control, with MILLIONS of illegal immigrants being allowed to enter the country.  

We as a nation are the laughing stock in the eyes of the world.  If you want to get an idea of just how bad we look in the eyes of the world, I suggest you watch either BBC (British Broadcasting Corporation) or the ABC (Australian Broadcasting Corporation).  Watch just about ANY of the foreign news networks, actually, and you'll see pretty much the same thing on all of them - Biden is regarded as a bumbling, incompetent old fool, and we as a nation are clowns for electing him.

As a nation, we are failing fast.  We are on a downward slide towards first socialism and then communism, and it's time to bring back the only man who can fix it.

It's time to bring back Donald J. Trump.  Too bad we have to wait 3 years to do it.  God knows what shape the country will be in by then.

Deo Vindice


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