Wednesday, December 15, 2021

It's Time for a New Constitutional Amendment


This one is so basic, so simple, and so "common sense" (a term which I hate using but can't pass up the chance to throw it back in the libtard's faces) that it nearly defies description.

Okay, well, it does defy description because anyone with an ounce of intelligence should understand it.  And the fact that there are people in this country who actually believe that non-American citizens should be allowed to vote in American elections at any level simply astounds me.

Yes, there are other countries that allow non-citizens to vote, with the UK and New Zealand being two of them.  In the UK you can't vote in General elections unless you're a citizen but you can vote in local elections, and it's pretty much the same way in New Zealand where you have to be a "resident" (meaning you live there permanently and are in the country LEGALLY) in order to vote.

But to be honest, I truly don't care how other countries do it because it doesn't have ANY impact on MY country.  And I am rock-solid in my belief that if you are NOT an American citizen, you absolutely should NOT be allowed to vote in ANY American election regardless of the level of said election.  If you want to vote in MY country, then you need to be an AMERICAN CITIZEN - a LEGAL American citizen.  I don't care how long you've been here or how you got here (unless you're an illegal immigrant in which case you should be deported, but that's another topic for another time), if you're here ILLEGALLY then it's time for you to LEAVE.

There's only ONE reason that the libtards are pushing this whole 'non-citizen vote' thing - they're targeting the same people who they are fighting to let stay in this country even though they're here ILLEGALLY, and they know that if they do this for the ILLEGALS then the ILLEGALS will vote Demoncratic.

It's time for a new Constitutional Amendment, and that amendment should state in very clear terms that in order to vote in any American election you must be a LEGAL AMERICAN CITIZEN.  Of course, the Demoncrats, libtards and snowflakes will never go for it, and unless it comes up for a vote when the Republicans hold the majority in both houses of Congress AND the sitting President is a Republican, it will never happen.

But then again, you never know.  Stranger things have happened.

Hope springs eternal.

Deo Vindice

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