Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Another Day, Another Lie

Just when you think the lies can't get any worse, they do.  The only thing this sorry, incompetent fool of a President can do on a regular basis is lie, and he's getting quite good at it.

Last week it was breaking his promise to eliminate student debt (which anyone with an ounce of common sense knew was a mistake to begin with); this week it's about his much vaunted and bragged about campaign promise to resolve the COVID issue.  This clown told the nation during the debates that he had a plan to handle the pandemic, and if elected he would implement that plan and take care of it.

Well, as we all knew, that was nothing but a lie.  Truth be told, this clown doesn't have a plan at all, and I don't think he ever did.  He got on a televised conference call with all of the state's governors two days ago and told them that the COVID crisis was not going to be solved by the federal government but instead was something that the individual states would have to solve.

Another day, another lie.

At this point I would have to seriously question the judgement of ANYONE who supports this buffoon and who thinks he's doing a good job.  He has the lowest approval rating of any president in our nation's history (even lower than Jimmy "Mr. Peanut" Carter, which I didn't think possible), he has lost the respect of virtually all of our allies and their leaders, and is seen around the world as a clown, a buffoon, and an incompetent old man who is roundly and regularly ridiculed in the foreign press.

And our nation sits on its hands and does nothing about it.  Why, you ask?  Simple.

Because the Demoncrats, the ones who installed this poor excuse of a leader, have control of the Congress.  And as long as they do, we're stuck with this idiot.

2024 can't get here fast enough.

Deo Vindice

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