Saturday, October 2, 2021

The Warning Has Come True

When our nation was founded, there were only two things that the Founding Fathers warned us about.  The first was the creation and maintaining of a 'standing army,' meaning an army that the government would maintain and control.  Many of the Founding Fathers wanted to use the militia concept instead of a standing army out of the fear that said army would one day be used to inflict the will of the government on an unwilling populace.  Here are some quotes on it, and I think you'll be surprised at who said them:

"A standing army is one of the greatest mischiefs that can possibly happen."  James Madison*

"Standing armies are dangerous to liberty."  Alexander Hamilton*

"None but an armed nation can dispense with a standing army."  Thomas Jefferson*

"Always remember that an armed and trained militia is the firmest bulwark of republics - that without standing armies their liberty can never be in danger, nor with large ones safe."  James Madison*

The other thing they warned us about was the kind of government that would forget that they serve the people and not the other way around and would start ruling in a tyrannical manner, forcing their ideas on the populace and acting for their own interests and good instead of the interest and good of the people.

That, friends and neighbors, is exactly the kind of government we have now.  And if you don't think that's true, then let me throw this at you:  just this week Mein Fuhrer ("Creepy Joe") gave the directive that members of the US Armed Forces who refuse to take the jab be DISHONORABLY DISCHARGED from the branch of service they are in.  Never mind what kind of career this person has had or all of the good he/she has done, forget all of that.  If they refuse Mein Fuhrer's vaccine mandate, they're out on their ass.  

So how is this significant, you may ask?  Simple.  Once all of those servicemembers who refuse to kow tow to Mein Fuhrer and obey him without question are gone, what will be left are minions who agree with him and who will do whatever he says without question or hesitation - and that would include a directive to take armed actions against the American people.  

And at THAT point it's going to get bloody, because that's when people like me will put on their old combat boots, break out the home defense gear and the AR15s, and fight back.  

Personally I never thought this day would come, but as more and more time goes by I'm convinced that the tyrannical rule of Mein Fuhrer and his mindless minions are bring us swiftly to that day.  And when (should) that day come, I'll be ready for it.  I put my life on the line for the country I love for 23 years and was willing to die for it, and nothing has changed.  The oath I took to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States has no expiration date, and I plan on keeping that oath.

The only question is, who's with me?

Deo Vindice


*All quotes are from ' Fathers Quotes on Standing Armies and Quartering Troops in the Third Amendment 

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