Thursday, October 7, 2021

Fake White House For A Fake President


So last week the Biden Reich released a photograph of Mein Fuhrer getting his COVID booster shot, and of course the libtard news media fell all over it, giving it as wide a publication as possible.  Their intent, as was the intent of the Biden Reich, was to mislead the public into thinking that if Mein Fuhrer could get the jab, so could you - and that you should.  This photo of him getting the jab in the White House should be the proof of that.

Only this whole thing is FAKE.  The photo was staged, and it wasn't in the White House - it was in a SET constructed in an administration building across the street from the White House, and this photo is proof.  Hell, we don't even know if the woman giving Mein Fuhrer his shot was even a real nurse, nor do we know what was in the syringe.  It could have been nothing more than a saline solution for all we know.  Considering the facts that this whole thing was staged on a set combined with the recent news articles and pictures of the Demoncrats saying they don't wear the mask unless a Republican is around, and they only put them on before they step in front of the cameras, why should we believe ANYTHING that the Biden Reich says?  Even his Minister of Propaganda, Jen Psaki, is having a hard time explaining what's going on.  

So the question is this:  can we trust this administration and the sitting President on ANYTHING?

My answer is NO.  Biden has done absolutely nothing to instill any kind of confidence in him or his administration since the moment he took office.  The very first thing he did was rescind 57 Executive Orders that Trump had issued, killing the pipeline and the HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of jobs that went along with it, making us dependent on foreign oil once again which immediately - and I mean THAT DAY - raised gasoline prices back up to NObama-era levels, drove inflation through the roof and increased unemployment.  And now he's threatened to withhold medical care for veterans - VETERANS, mind you - that haven't gotten the jab, plus he's threatened to have the DOJ go after parents who oppose school boards that want to teach the racist CRT agenda in schools.  This last one, by the way, breaks yet another campaign promise that Mein Fuhrer made, that being he wouldn't politicize the DOJ during his reign.  He's broke several campaign promises in the past 9 months, and this is just the latest one.

The fact is, we have a fake President.  Nothing about this man is real, except his dementia and incompetence.  He's a puppet, a tool of the Demoncratic party who is really in charge, and together these clowns have done more damage to our country in the past 9 months than any sitting President has ever done combined.  He is the new holder of the title "WORST PRESIDENT EVER," and I don't think it's going to get any better.

So in the mean time I'm continuing to gear up, keeping my ear to the ground and praying that what I think is gonna happen won't happen.

Deo Vindice


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