Friday, October 8, 2021

Let's Go, Brandon!


I've heard and seen a lot of silly and downright stupid things in my life, but this whole "Let's Go Brandon" thing and Mein Fuhrer's reaction to it takes the cake.

In the first place, nobody except a libtard snowflake who is completely out of touch with reality would think the crowd at the NASCAR race was chanting "Let's Go, Brandon!"  I mean, really, was that ESPN reporter THAT stupid?  The answer is yes, obviously, and I'm sure by now she's regretting starting the whole thing.  Or maybe not, since she was stupid enough to start it to begin with.

But what really astounds and stupefies me is Mein Fuhrer's reaction to it all.  He visited Michigan a couple of days ago, and while he was giving his speech to a huge crowd of about a dozen people, he made a remark about how popular he was.  He said that "81 million people voted for me," and then he said that "with the exception of a few signs I saw on the way in" that everyone fuckin' loved him.  

Never mind that ALL of the DOZENS of signs he saw along his motorcade route were ALL anti-Biden; never mind that the crowd was chanting "FUCK JOE BIDEN!" every inch of the way.  No, never mind all that - 81 million people voted for him, so he MUST be the most popular President ever, right?

Well, that's not what all of the polls are saying.  Even the polls that are run and controlled by liberals are showing that he's the most unpopular President in our history with the lowest approval rate this early in a term ever, and that the approval rate is dropping with each passing day.

Never mind all that.  Never mind the truth.  "Creepy Joe" is living in a fantasy world, and he has no intentions of leaving it.

In the mean time we are stuck with an incompetent, doddering old fool as the leader of the free world, the leader of what was the most powerful nation on the planet, all thanks to the Demoncrats who stole the election and installed this buffoon in the White House.

Yes, stole the election.  You will NEVER convince me that the election wasn't stolen.  NEVER.  So don't try.

I'm just going to sit tight and wait for the 2024 elections, hoping and praying that our country can hold out until Trump is elected once more.

And in the mean time, I'm going to continue to gear up and then going to to practice.  Practice, practice, practice.

Deo Vindice


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