Tuesday, October 5, 2021

Something's Rotten In Denmark - or Facebook, Rather


So I was relaxing last night after getting home from work, looking at some videos on Tik Tok when I saw one that really - and I mean REALLY - got my attention.  And when I finished watching it I said to myself, "Why in the hell didn't that occur to me before now?"

The video was a woman pointing out the FACT that the day before a whistleblower was going to testify and give evidence against Facebook on how it manipulated its information in favor of the libtards and restricting information about conservatives prior to the last election and then changed it back after the election was over, everything that Herr Zuckerberg owns and controls went totally dark on a global scale.

Not just in the United States, mind you, but across the entire globe.  World-fucking-wide.  Facebook, WhatsApp, and Instagram all went dark for the better part of the day.  And throughout it all, there wasn't a peep heard from Herr Zuckerberg or his minions.  No apology for the outage, no statement about it, no "we're working hard on it" or anything like it.  There was NOTHING, as if someone (a lawyer most likely) had told Zuckerberg that the best thing to do was to keep his mouth shut and say nothing.

So the Zuckerberg Reich was out for most of the day, and I'm 100% sure that during that time period Herr Zuckerberg had his staff dump anything and everything from their servers and files that could be used against them and show that the whistleblower was telling the truth.  And whoever advised him (the lawyer again) to do this picked the perfect time to do it.  They did it BEFORE any court ruling prohibiting such action or demanding the preservation of evidence was issued, so there's literally nothing that anyone can do about the massive information/data dump that was just executed.

And there is absolutely NO doubt in my mind that a data dump is exactly what took place.  Herr Zuckerberg is a libtard snowflake through and through, and he'll do anything to support his fellow libtards and their mission to destroy our country.

In case you haven't figured it out yet, I'm not a fan of Herr Zuckerberg, and I totally hate Facebook.  The ONLY reason I use it is to keep in touch with my Masonic brothers and my MC; if not for that, I'd drop Facebook like the smelly, disgusting turd that it truly is.

Personally, I can't wait to see what happens next.  But whatever happens, you can be sure of one thing:  when the Facebook servers are examined by the authorities, they're not gonna find a damned thing except the markers that showed a massive data dump.  And because said dump took place before any court order prohibiting it was issued, Zuckerberg will get away scot free.

When the Karma bus finally comes for this little asshole (and it will), it's gonna be epic.

Deo Vindice


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