Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Wednesday Afternoon

My thoughts on some of the stories bouncing around the news today...

First and foremost: R.I.P. Bob Hoskins, a great talent and a great man. For those of you who are unaware of who Bob Hoskins was, he played 'Eddie Valiant,' the human detective in "Who Framed Roger Rabbit," and 'Smee' in "Hook." If you saw him in either one of these movies, then you know just how great a talent he was. He will truly be missed.

And now, on to the hard stuff.

So Chicago, a city that is broke by its own admission, wants to spend $100 MILLION to build the NObama Presidential Library. Yeah, that makes sense - especially considering who the current mayor of the Murder Capital of the United States is.

And apparently, the old adage of "nothing stays secret forever" is about to come true for NObama and his staff at the White House. There's been some e-mails leaked to the news media which show that the White House staff was directly involved in grooming Susan Rice for her ill-fated media appearances the Sunday after the attacks on the embassy in Benghazi, with the idea of blaming the attacks on an anti-Islam documentary originating with NObama's staff. I believe it, and it's like this: if the staff knew about it, you'd better believe that the Buffoon In Chief knew about it. And if he says he didn't know, then how are we supposed to trust a man who can't run his own staff with running the country? Answer: we can't. This, of course, has been readily apparent to anyone with half a brain and a lick of common sense for the past 6 years - which leaves out Democrats and liberals, of course. Now I'm just waiting to see who NObama is gonna throw to the wolves to save his own skinny ass. Should be interesting.

Somebody tell me how this makes sense: a couple of black people enroll in a college in Virginia that is named in part after Robert E. Lee, knowing of the college's history and of its support of Lee, knowing of the events that take place there on his birthday every year, knowing that the Confederate Battle Flag is displayed there during these evetns, and then get their panties in a knot over the name, the display of his likeness, and the display of the Confederate flag on his birthday? Sorry, it's like this: you knew what you were getting into, so now that you're in it you have ZERO room to complain. You want to go to a college that supports your own self-styled ideas and ideals and be among people who think the same racist way you do? Then I suggest you enroll in Hampton University in Hampton, Virginia instead of Washington and Lee University. I guarantee you that you'll find a home there. You also won't find very many white people there, either, but nobody calls that college racist. Wonder why?

And speaking of racists, there's Donald Sterling to contend with this week. My first thought in all of this was, "Well, if you don't like black people, then why are you dating a girl who's half black?" Never mind the fact that she's 1/4 your age - we won't even go there. (Three guesses why SHE was dating HIM - and it ain't because of his sparking personality or dashing good looks.) My second thought was, "Who made the recording, and why?" And my third thought was, "Who leaked it to the media, and why?" If I was Donald, I'd be wanting to get to the bottom of that last one and when I found out who did it, I'd make sure he never did anything like that again. And for someone with his money, that should prove to be no big problem at all. In any event, poor old Donald has learned that in this day and age, if you're a white man who has an opinion that some people won't like, it's not even safe to voice said opinion in your own home in what you think is a private environment. I can't help but wonder, though, what the media reaction would have been if it were, say, Magic Johnson making those comments about white guys. Actually, I don't wonder about that at all - you'd never hear about it, because in this country in this day and age if you ain't white it ain't racist. (Which is, of course, total bullshit.)

While we're talking about racists and race-baiters, how about good ol' Al Sharpton calling for Sterling's head over his comments? To be expected, right? But what about Sharpton already knowing of Sterling's racist views, even going so far as to volunteer to headline the NAACP dinner in which that organization awarded Sterling its Lifetime Achievement Award? Achievement for what, exactly? By Sharpton's own admission, he knew of Sterling's views and the many lawsuits against him for those views, yet he supported him at the dinner anyway - and now is calling for his head. I guess you can add the term "hypocrite" to the list of titles you can bestow on Sharpton, among those being "racist."

It really sucks to be living in Arkansas, Alabama, Mississippi, and Florida just about now. If the people there aren't getting drowned in 20+ inches of rain in 24 hours they're getting blown away by troops of tornados hitting them from all directions. I don't know about you, but with the way the weather's been getting all freaky on us over the past few years, that kinda makes me think maybe something's in the works. I dunno, but right now all I can say is I feel sorry for the poor folks who've had their lives turned upside-down by the weather, and my thoughts and prayers go out to them.

And last but not least, thank God for the generic brand of Excedrin Migraine. I'd be wishing I was dead right now if not for that.


Friday, April 25, 2014

More Proof that Guns Aren't the Problem

If you've been keeping up with current events lately then I'm sure you've heard about the attack on a student in a Connecticut school by another student, end result being that the student who was attacked has died. And if you've read the story or heard it on the television, then you also know that this attack did not involve a gun - it involved a knife.

Actually, the last two incidents of violence in public schools have been committed with knives instead of guns, the first one on April 9 in Pennsylvania where a student attacked 22 other students with a knife and sent a lot of them to the hospital, and now this one in Connecticut where a student was killed.

And the liberals have been stone cold silent on the whole thing. Not one peep from the liberal camp calling for background checks on knife purchases, or limits of how many knives you can buy at one time, or outlawing knife shows or the selling of knives between citizens, or the acceptable limits on the length of the blade. Wonder why that is?

I'll tell you why that is: because all of the things I mentioned in the previous paragraph are stupid, and they're stupid because anyone with an ounce of intelligence or COMMON SENSE knows that they won't work. They also know - and here's the point that the liberals and gun-grabbers will never concede - that knives aren't the problem. Knives are a tool, nothing more and nothing less.


These latest two attacks prove two things better than any conservative supporter of the 2nd Amendment (such as myself) could ever do: First, it proves that you don't have to use a gun to put a serious hurtin' on a group of people, and second - and most importantly - if someone wants to commit an act of serious and/or deadly violence, they're going to find a way to do it. PERIOD.

You want to solve the gun and knife violence in our society? Passing laws won't help and is certainly not the answer. After all, murder is already illegal, as is assault with a deadly weapon. But that didn't stop anyone, did it? Nope, it sure as hell didn't. And "Gun Free Zones" aren't the answer, either. Va Tech, Columbine, Aurora, Newtown, Fort Hood (Twice!), Columbia Mall im Maryland, The Washington Navy Yard, and the Jewish Center are all proof of that.

Background checks? Don't make me laugh. We already have a system of background checks in place run by the Federal government, and that has done absolutely ZERO to stop the mass killings for two reasons: either the guns used were obtained illegally (Columbine, Newtown, Aurora), or the crime was committed after the weapon was legally purchased (Virginia Tech, Fort Hood). Hell, even the guy who tried to assassinate Ronald Reagan in 1981 bought his pistol legally, but that sure didn't stop him from shooting at Ronnie, did it?

Limits on magazine capacity? Okay, so the bad guys carry four magazines instead of 3. Big friggin' deal.

No, if you want to solve the violence problem in our society, placing blame on and taking action against the tools used isn't the way to go. You've got to address the PEOPLE doing the violence - after all, THEY are the REAL cause of the violence, not the tools they use.

In a nutshell, the cause of the violence in all aspects and facets of the American society today can, in my humble opinion, be traced to one thing and one thing only - the gradual moral, ethical, and religious breakdown of our society which has taken place over the past 40+ years, brought on by the liberal agenda forced on the American people in the name of "equality" and "fair treatment."

Think I'm crazy? Think about this:

In the America of today, the Freedom From Religion Foundation has filed numerous lawsuits against the US military for "forcing soldiers, sailors and airmen" to be exposed to religious artifacts and rituals - such as crosses on tops of chapel, crosses on the lapels of chaplains, and Sunday church services. This same organization has filed lawsuits against the Air Force at Shaw AFB, SC for displaying a nativity scene on the base, claiming that it "violates the Constitutional provision providing for the separation of church and state." (There's that non-existent phrase again.)

In the America of today, the American Civil Liberties Union has filed lawsuits against small town municipalities for displaying the Ten Commandments at the entrance to the county courthouse, citing that same mythical clause in the Constitution. (Kinda makes you wonder if any of 'em have actually read the damned thing, doesn't it?)

In the America of today, a first grade boy is suspended for kissing a female classmate on the cheek on Valentine's Day.

In the America of today, a third grader is suspended for biting his Pop-Tart into a shape resembling a gun.

In the America of today, a liberal group called The American Humanist Association filed a lawsuit in Maryland protesting the display of a cross in a World War I memorial, demanding that the cross be taken down. (Wanna guess why?)

In the America of today, immigrants who enter our country illegally are provided with state-issued IDs, driver's licenses, and free financial aid at the behest of the liberals in Congress while America's veterans are denied the medical treatment they both earned and need, some of them dying in the process, by a Congress who's more concerned about "offending" the delicate sensitivities of the criminals in our country than they are about taking a dump in the lap of the men and women who put their lives on the line defending our nation.

When I was a kid I was taught by my parents, by the people in my church, and by my teachers in school to respect my elders, respect other people, treat other people the way I would like to be treated, and to keep my mitts off of things that didn't belong to me. I was taught that lying was wrong, stealing was wrong, goofing off and expecting to be rewarded for it was wrong, and that honor was everything. Without honor you have and are nothing, a lesson that was taught to me early on by my parents and a lesson that I've never forgotten. (I've ignored it a few times and paid the price for it, too, but I've never forgotten it.)

All of what I just mentioned are lacking or flat-out missing in today's society, and it doesn't take a genius to figure out how that happened or who's to blame for it.

Well, primarily to blame, that is. Most of the time blame is a two-way street, and this case is no exception. The lion's share of the blame for the degredation of the moral character of our nation belongs to the liberals, but the conservatives share in it as well. We share in it because we have allowed it to happen and haven't stood up and said, "Now wait just a damned minute, this is wrong!" because - are you ready for this? - we were taught to respect others and their opinions. So we held our tongue and went along, not realizing that the trickle would become a stream that would become a river that would become a flood.

And now we're up to our hips in it, and the water's still rising.

You want to stop the violence in America? Simple. Here's how to do it.

1. Don't pass more laws. Enforce the ones we already have.

2. Stop giving money away to the countries that hate us and start spending it HERE inside our borders instead. Then you'll have the money to make #1 happen.

3. Start teaching your children about The Golden Rule and about whatever religion you were raised in. Start teaching them to respect themselves, others, and other people's property.

We are a nation that was founded on Christian principles, and it's those principles that taught us as a new nation how to act and how to treat each other. Those principles work, and the proof is that our nation is still here after 238 years.

Want proof that abandoning those principles will be the downfall of our nation? Pick up a newspaper, turn on the TV or listen to the radio - you'll get all the proof you need.

You want to solve the problem of violence in our nation? Treat the disease, not the symptoms. Guns are the symptoms, not the disease.

Fix the people, and the problem will disappear.


Sunday, April 20, 2014

Some Questions for "Moms Demand Action"

Keeping the old Mafia proverb of, "Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer" in mind I decided a few days ago to take a look at the "Moms Demand Action" Facebook page. I wish I could say I was surprised by what I read there, but the only thing that surprises me about it is the depth of the ignorance and the level of outright stupidity that I saw there. Here are some examples taken ver batim from the Facebook page:

Sandy Huseby Gun safety .. do you side with moms and kids? Or outlaws?

So, Sandy, I guess you lump law-abiding citizens who don't share your opinion in with the outlaws?

Paula Gagnon McGill For the sake of innocent people we need background checks!

News Flash, Paula, we already have them - and they don't work.

Michelle McBriarty Even with background checks, guns still kill innocent people.

Actually, Michelle, people kill innocent people. The guns are just a tool.

Maria Resendes A 18 year can't drink in most states, but they can buy a gun i don't understand it...

Uh, not quite, Maria. Rifles and shotguns, yes, but handguns - no. Federal law requires you to be at least 21 years of age before you can legally purchase a handgun.

Randy Rivas The NRA is the problem in preventing more gun violence, which is a fact!

How so, Randy? By defending the Constitution? And would you care to name a source for your "fact," or is that only a fact in your liberal delusional world?

Anne Galbraith And, for the record, Columbine was not a "gun free zone"--they had an armed guard--a 15 year veteran of the Sherrif's office who fired four shots at Harris but was not able to stop him.

News flash, Anne - Columbine High School most certainly was - and remains - a "gun free zone." And for your edification, a "gun free zone" is a place in which no one but police or armed guards are allowed to have weapons.

Melissa McClennen Guns kill, fool!! Put them in the wrong hands and you're dead.

Melissa, have you met Michelle? You said it in your statement, by the way - it's the people with the "wrong hands" that actually do the killing. Take the gun out of those "wrong hands" and put a knife or a hammer in its place, and the killing will still take place.

Nik Kripalani Lets make gun owners face background Checks today.

Nik, have you met Paula?

And I saved the best for last:

Gail Rider Craig NRA sprays testosterone over the US regularly to increase gun sales.

Thankfully, Gail is NOT a relative of mine. If she was, I'd have to disown her. Stupidity of this level should be illegal.

This is but a very, very small sample of the ignorance and downright stupidity that you can find on the "Moms Demand Action" Facebook page, and you can find the same crap on their web site as well.

The really bad thing is that the people who run this band of lunatics are fully aware of the misinformation, disinformation, and outright lies that they're spreading. I say this because when I visited the page two days ago, I wrote a comment on the page's timeline in which I asked several questions. The questions I posed asked anyone on the page to explain to me how background checks would have prevented the shootings at Newtown, Columbine, Aurora, Norfolk, and Virginia Tech. I also made a comment in that post that I didn't expect any answers because I felt it a sure bet that the page admin would remove my post before anyone had a chance to read it.

And son of a gun if I wasn't right. The post I made is gone, and in addition to that the administrators have taken the extra step to block me from being able to make any additional posts, even if I "like" the page.

Methinks someone is afraid of the truth.

Well, if there's one place that the admin can't shut me up, it's here. My only hope is that somehow, some way, this post finds its way onto both the Facebook page and the web site for "Moms Demand Action," because I'm going to pose some really hard questions that I'd just love for "Moms" to answer. I'm not counting on it, but here they are anyway.

Question #1: The original question from two days ago - please explain to me how background checks would have prevented the shootings at Newtown, Aurora, Columbine, Norfolk, and Virginia Tech. While you're at it, throw in the shootings at Fort Hood (both of them) and the Jewish Children's Center.

Question #2: Considering that we as a nation already have in excess of 25,000 gun control laws on the books, how do you expect more laws to make a difference?

Question #3: Why are you focusing your attentions and efforts on law-abiding citizens instead of going after the thugs, punks, and thieves who are the ones actually doing the killing?

Question #4: How is making it harder for a law-abiding citizen to purchase a gun going to reduce the crimes committed by said thugs, punks, and thieves? Why punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty?

Question #5: Why did you ignore my questions on your Facebook page, and why did you block me from making more comments? Are you that afraid of the truth, or do you already know the truth and don't want your minions to discover it?

I'll be the first person to say that the shootings which have take place in our nation over the past 15 years or so are deplorable, inexcusable acts of violence in which the perpetrators should be justly punished. Unfortunately, that punishment can't happen because the killers, for the most part, are cowards who commit suicide after committing their crimes. But I'll also be the first to say that ANY effort of ANY kind to restrict the Constitutional rights of law-abiding American citizens who choose to own a firearm is WRONG, and I will oppose any and all said efforts until my dying day. I see no logic whatsoever in placing yet more restrictions on law-abiding American citizens while totally ignoring the criminals who are committing the crimes.

"Common sense" gun laws do not exist, nor will they ever exist because what one person may deem to be "common sense" may not be deemed as such by another. To me - and thousands of others like me - there is no "common sense" in passing yet more useless legislation that will be routinely and roundly ignored by the ones doing the killing. This is why they call them "CRIMINALS," by the way.

And that, friends and neighbors, is a fact.


Thursday, April 10, 2014

The NObamacare Nightmare, Act II

By now I'm quite sure that everyone has heard about the fiasco that NObamacare has been since the rollout more than six months ago. First it was the web site not working, then it was the realization that the Buffoon In Chief had flat-out lied to the American people when he uttered the quote for which he will always and forevermore be most well-known, said quote being "If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan." This truth was revealed when people began losing their health care plans that they liked because the plans weren't available under NObamacare, or their employer/doctor stopped carrying them due to NObamacare.

Then there was the sticker shock when the people who fell victim due to The Big Lie and lost their health care plan got a look at the deductibles and costs for NObamacare, which were sky-high as compared to their old plans - you know, the ones the Buffoon In Chief said they could keep. (No, I'm not gonna let that one go. Not ever.) Finally, there were the cases of people with terminal illnesses who were being kept alive by medical treatment suddenly losing said treatment because their new health care plan under NObamacare didn't offer the treatment the way their old health care plan did - you know, the the ones the Buffoon In Chief said they could keep. This point was driven home when a Congressman was one of those unfortunate one to step forward and speak out.

Well, if you thought all that was bad, then stand by for some really bad news. Act II of the NObamacare Debacle is about to begin.

Today the Internal Revenue Service announced that it would begin the process of tracking down and punishing those who either failed to sign up for NObamacare or who had signed up but hadn't made any payments.

What, you didn't know that the IRS was involved in NObamacare? I guess you should have made sure Pelosi and all the other liberal morons in Congress had actually read the bill and knew what was in it before they passed it.

What? You didn't know that you actually had to pay for NObamacare? You thought it was free? Were you just not paying attention, or are you a special kind of stupid?

Well, for all of those liberal sheep out there who chose to trust the liberal Democrats in Congress I got some really bad news for you, and here it is. It's in two parts, so hang on to your underwear.

First, the IRS is the branch of the government that is charged with tracking down and extracting payment from those who either didn't sign up for NObamacare or who didn't pay for it. They'll do this by levying a tax on you and sending you a bill that they will expect you to pay; if you don't pay the bill, they'll seize your tax refund and use it as payment. And if you don't get enough of a refund to pay the bill in full, guess what? They're gonna keep on doing it until you either set up a payment plan with them or they'll seize next year's refund as well - and they'll keep doing it until the bill is paid. That means no tax refund until the bill is paid.

And you'll still have to sign up for NObamacare in the mean time.

Second, NObamacare isn't free. You have to pay for it. If you didn't know this then I don't know what to tell you. Maybe you're one of those people who voted for NObama because he would give you all of this free stuff, and maybe you thought NObamacare was going to be modeled after the free cell phone program, I don't know. All I know is if you didn't know by now that NObamacare isn't free and that you are required by law to purchase it, then you must have been living under a rock for the past four years. The fact that the Federal government is requiring the citizens to purchase a service provided by the government but not paid for in full by the government has been a bone of Constitutional contention for the past four years. I am of the opinion that this is a violation of the 10th Amendment and that NObamacare is therefore unconstitutional, but that hasn't been decided completely in the courts yet. In the mean time the law stands, and all of you liberal freeloaders out there who voted for NObama because he was going to give you free healthcare are now getting exactly what you asked for.

And I have ZERO sympathy for you.

I have a feeling that the worse this debacle known as NObamacare gets, the more people are going to realize that they voted for the wrong man. The bad thing is that it's too late - NObama can't run for a third term, and the only way we'll be able to get rid of him is if he does something stupid enough to get impeached. Even then, the offense would have to be so heinous and so repugnant that not even the staunchest liberal in Congress could support him, because if that's not the case the same thing that happened to "Slick Willy" Clinton will happen to NObama - the House and Senate will vote along party lines, and NObama won't be convicted.

And the good news about that is that means we won't have Joe "Go Buy A Shotgun" Biden as President.

In the mean time, I'm just going to sit back, watch the liberals who voted for NObama get what they asked for, and laugh my ass off.

Then, in November of this year and November of 2016, I'm gonna vote Republican.


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Random Thoughts on a Tuesday Evening

Got a lot of thoughts running through my head that all deserve a posting here in my blog, so I figured the best way to get 'em all out is to write about all of them in the "Random Thoughts" format. So here they are.

I see the CEO of Mozilla has learned the hard way that in the America of the 21st Century, the quickest way to lose your job and find your ass out on the street is to say something bad about same-sex marriage. In short - and from my point of view - what has happened is this: a man voiced his opinion, which he is perfectly free to do; it clashed with the opinions of a minority, and the liberal lapdogs with the assistance of the liberal media took it from there. What I don't understand is why it's okay for those in favor of same-sex marriage to proclaim there views without retaliation, but it's not okay for someone to proclaim a differing point of view without being publicly eviscerated and having their lives destroyed. And if anyone should dare to call the liberals out for their point of view, the next thing you hear is "hater" and "racist" being slung around. See, that's the difference between liberals and conservatives - conservatives just want to be left alone to live their lives their own way, while liberals want to shove their lifestyles down everyone's throat and force them to live their lives the liberal's way. And I'm sorry, folks, but that just ain't right. Kinda gives "tolerance" a whole new meaning, and it ain't a good one.

The mystery of Malaysia Airlines flight 370 deepens. More than a month has gone by and we still don't know squat about what happened to the aircraft and the passengers on board. At first I thought it was a terrorist attack, but now I'm not so sure. The latest news about the search aircraft and ships having heard a ping from the black box was encouraging, but now it appears that even that lead has gone dead. I feel sorry for the families; I mean, everyone knows the plane and people on it are lost, but it sure would be nice for them to get some closure. And until they find the plane - IF they find the plane - that won't happen. Sad.

On the local scene, the liberals here in South Carolina are still raising hell about it now being legal to carry concealed in bars and restaurants. These clueless wonders are still laboring under the liberal misinformation and liberal stupidity that we CWP holders are going to go into a bar and get rip-roaring drunk, then commence to shoot the place up. They all say that they'd feel safer if we, the law-abiding citizens, left our guns in the car, yet they say nothing about and intentionally ignore the fact that the bad guys won't do that. The bad guys are already carring concealed in bars, they're already drinking, and if you've been paying attention to the news in Columbia then you know from the last shooting in Five Points that they're already shooting the place up. These liberal morons are so entrenched in their liberal mindset that they refuse to understand what's already happening. They think that a simple sign is going to keep them safe, that if a restaraunt or bar owner posts a "NO CONCEALED WEAPONS ALLOWED" sign on the door that's going to ensure that no one in the place has a gun. The truth of the matter, which they all intentionally ignore, is that the only people who will obey the sign are the law-abiding citizens - if we choose to go into the restaraunt or bar at all. (I, for one, will absolutely not ever enter an establishment that posts such a sign. I'll take my money elsewhere.) The bad guys with the guns, the ones who are already breaking the law, will totally ignore the sign and continue on with what they were doing. I would love to have a liberal explain to me how this is making them safer. But I'm not holding my breath.

Speaking of liberal stupidity, did you hear about the college student out in California who was participating in a "pro-life" rally and was physically attacked by a professor? Seems that the college professor, a black lady who is pro-choice and thinks she knows everything because "I have three college degrees!" took it upon herself to physically attack the white protestor (yeah, I put that in there for a reason; Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, where are you?) and take her sign away from her. When the student tried to get the sign back the professor shoved her three times. I'm proud to say that the asshole college professor was subsequently arrested and charged with theft and misdemeanor assault, but I'm sad to say that now there's a petition being passed around by the liberals calling for the student to be expelled. One of the supporters of the petition even went so far as to label the college student a "domestic terrorist."

I see. So if someone has the opinion that unborn children shouldn't be killed in the womb but allowed to be born they're a "domestic terrorist," but a liberal who says that it's okay to do that are, what? Upstanding citizens? In this screwed-up liberalized America, it appears to be that way.

And while I'm thinking about it, would someone please explain to me why it's okay for atheists and liberals to have their opinions and voice said opinions from every streetcorner and billboard in America without fear of retaliation or retribution, but it's not okay for a Christians or conservatives to do the same without immediate retaliation and retribution? The last time I heard, "tolerance" went both ways, and both sides were entitled to their opinions and the voicing of them; apparently the liberals in our nation have taken a page out of the liberal Congress' playbook and "redefined" the term.

So can you tell I'm getting pretty fed up with liberals? I am a product of my environment, and I make no excuses for it.

On a wider topic, I'm taking bets on just how long it takes Putin and the Russians to lay claim to more territory in the Ukraine. Any takers? I'm also taking bets on whether or not our gutless wonder of a President will do anything about it. I'm giving very high odds that he won't.

But to close this out on a positive note: my health is good, I have a wife who loves me, my dogs are pretty fond of me as well, I have some really cool friends, I'm employed, my bike is paid off, my truck is paid off, Gina's bike is paid off, and the Mustang will be paid off soon. All in all, life is good! The Big Biker - or the GAOTU as I've come to start calling him - has been pretty damned good to me, so I can't complain. My journey on that level of time from whose bourne no traveler returns has been a good one so far, and I'm looking forward to what's up ahead.