Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Random Thoughts on a Wednesday Night

Got a lot going through my mind tonight, so rather than try to sort it all out and center on one topic I'll just sit here and let my fingers type out whatever's running through my mind as it runs through...

First and foremost, am I the only one who sees a shooting war with Iran coming? Their nutcase President is doing everything he can to provoke the West into attacking him, and I'm afraid that sooner or later he's gonna get around to poking Israel and those crazy sumbitches are gonna nuke him, but good. I have a feeling that's what he wants, too - if that happens it will serve to unite ALL of the Muslim countries into one coalition, and then he can start his "purge the Holy Land of the Infidels" campaign. And because of their religious beliefs, the rest of the Muslim nations will follow suit, even though in the past 20 years we've come to the aid of no less than three Muslim nations and done their dirty work for them - namely Kuwait, Afghanistan, and Iraq.

But I also have to say that it wouldn't hurt my feelings one little bit to see every single American military member pulled out of the Middle East entirely. The people in that region have been fighting and killing each other since before the beginning of recorded history, and there's nothing we're gonna do to be able to stop it. The differences in our core religious beliefs are so far apart that I just don't ever see us being able to see eye to eye on anything, so the best thing to do IMHO is to just pull out and let them fight it out among themselves.

And speaking of being ungrateful, so now the people of Afghanistan are all pissed off that some copies of the Qu'aran accidentally got burned. Well, if you'd print the title in both English and Arabic, maybe we'd know what the damn thing any case, rioting in the streets because a holy book got burned? Really? "Religion of peace," huh? With mobs of ragheads in the streets chanting "Death to America?" Screw 'em, pull the troops out, close the bases, and let the Taliban have the damned place.

And on the other side of the globe the equally crazy President of North Korea says that he'll attack South Korea if they hold their annual war games off the coast close to the DMZ. Well, since the South Koreans went ahead and had the war games anyway and the North Koreans did nothing but sit on their asses and watch, I guess we all know who's full of it and who isn't, huh? There's a nation I see falling into total economic and social chaos within the next ten years. Should be interesting to watch the government implode and the "loyal citizens" of North Korea march on Pyong Yang and drag Dear Leader out into the streets and then hang him by his Buster Browns. One can only hope.

There's an old saying that goes something like, "Those who forget history are destined to repeat it." Well, I hate to say it, but the United States of America - the government, anyway - seems to be the resident expert at forgetting history and then repeating it. I was reading on the web a short bit ago that the Air Force is nearing completion of a new Basic Training complex at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, and the article struck me for two reasons: first, it's not "Lackland Air Force Base" anymore, it's "Joint Base Lackland-San Antonio." (Just like my last base, Langley Air Force Base in Virginia, is now "Joint Base Langley-Eustis.") Personally, I find the combining of two bases of different services a very bad idea in both name and practicality, because in doing so you're not only stripping the individual bases and the services of their history and pride, you're taking two different services with two different ideologies and missions and placing them under one commander who is from one of the two services - and that commander will not have the knowledge of the workings and capabilities of the other service as much as the other commander would. I know this was done to "unify command" and save money, but I think it's a huge mistake.

Second, the article said that the new compound would have 4 dormitories in it and would hold 1,200 trainees total. The whole compound. Hell, in my day when i was an MTI at Lackland AFB, just ONE of the RH&T dorms - the ones that are being replaced by the new compounds - would hold a thousand trainees. And there were ELEVEN of these dorms at the time! So the message there is that the Air Force is not going to be training as many airmen as in the past, because the Feds have decided in their infinite wisdom - led by an inexperienced imbecile from Hawaii - that decreasing the size of the military is a good thing.

Maybe they should read the first four paragraphs of this blog, huh? Seems to me that with everything going on in the world, all of the unrest in the Middle East and the Far East, that you'd want to build up your forces instead of tearing them down. But then, that's just me.

And that's about it for now. I guess it's time for a glass of iced tea, a little Zuma on Facebook, and then bed. Got a busy day tomorrow.



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