Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Okay, So Whitney Houston's Dead - Get Over It!

I hate it when a celebrity dies, especially when the death is a result of said celebrity's own bad decisions that led them on their own self-destructive road.

I hate it for several reasons, the first and foremost being that I hate to see anyone's life come to an untimely end - well, almost anyone, that is. Bin Laden had it coming, and I'll dance in the streets the day that the President of Iran kicks the bucket. Second, in a lot of cases when a celebrity dies because of their own self-destructive habits, it's a huge waste of talent and a tragedy that they just pissed that talent away. (Are you listening, Michael Jackson?)

And the last reason is the media circus that takes place, especially if the death is untimely and the result of said celebrity's self-destructive habits. This media circus only serves to promote and prolong the public hand-wringing and tear-shedding by the those fans easily influenced by the media, and after a while it gets to the point where you just want to tell everyone to STFU and get over it.

And I'm just about at that point with the death of Whitney Houston.

Yes, her death was tragic, but she brought it on herself. She was the architect of her own fate, and as much as I'd like to blame Bobby Brown for it, SHE was the one who chose to stay with that self-centered, self-indulgent, egotistical, controlling bastard in the first place. If she'd left the son of a bitch when he started to use her for his own personal punching bag I think she'd have been okay. She most certainly would have not seen her career go down the crapper, and the drug abuse she went through also wouldn't have happened. But she chose to stay with him, and therefore she laid the first brick in the long, winding, tragic road that would ultimately lead to the destruction of her voice, her career, and lastly her early and tragic death.

Now that she's dead the media circus is in full swing, with the two new topics being all of the speculation on the cause of death (a mixture of alcohol and drugs, surprise, surprise!) and the "fragile" state of her suicidal daughter. Gee, I wonder where the daughter got those "suicidal tendencies" from?

And all we can do now is just endure the circus until something else comes along to divert the media's attention elsewhere. (My guess is something is about to happen in the Middle East, but that's for a later blog.)

So now Whitney Houston's name is the latest in the long list of celebrities who have killed themselves by their drug use, joining the likes of Janis Joplin, Jimmi Hendrix, John Belushi, Jim Morrison, and Chris Farley to name a few.

And that's a shame, it truly is, but what's done is done.

Life goes on, but only if you let it.


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