Monday, February 20, 2012

Our Racist President

Well, friends and neighbors, it's official: we have a racist for a President.

Why do I say this? Well, it seems that to cap off his celebration of Black History Month, NObama announced the launching of "African Americans for Obama" with a nice little message that you can view in its entirety on Youtube. Me, I got about halfway through it before I had to either stop watching it or throw up, so I decided to stop watching it. From what I saw of it, this new program of his is nothing more than a thinly veiled attempt to unite the black voters in America so they would vote for him and re-elect him via the same method that got him elected in the first place; namely, the color of his skin. To me, this proclamation says loud and clear that NObama realizes the ONLY reason he got elected was because he was black and that there were legions of black voters who cast their vote for him for just that reason and that reason alone, so now he's pandering to them so they'll do the same thing in November. He's flat-out admitting that he needs the black voters in America to vote for him, and the really sad thing is that he stands a really good chance of accomplishing his goal.

So how does all this make him a racist? Well, let me ask you this: if we had a WHITE president whose name was Smith, and he announced the formation of a group called "White Americans for Smith," just what do YOU think would happen? I'll tell you what would happen - the ACLU, the NAACP, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Maxine Waters would be screaming "RACIST!" at the top of their lungs, that's what.

Tell me I'm wrong, I dare ya.

So in my book, that makes The Great Pretender a RACIST, plain and simple.

But here's the thing about this announcement that disgusts me the most: the President of the United States is supposed to be the protector of and advocate for ALL Americans, not just the black ones. By announcing the formation of this group, NObama is essentially saying that if you're not black he doesn't give a shit about you. Right now he only cares about "his people," the black population of America. The caucasians, Latinos, orientals, and every other ethnic group which makes up the population of America can just go suck hind tit as far as he's concerned - if you ain't black, he don't care.

And that is WRONG, any way you slice it.

For a sitting President to take a vested and publicly acknowledged interest in only one section of the population is a disgrace to the Office of the President of the United States, and it's made even more heinous and disgusting by the fact that it's HIS race which is getting the special attention. The President of the United States should be treating ALL Americans with the same degree of respect, and should be giving ALL Americans an equal amount of attention. He should NOT be centering his attention on just one ethnic group, especially if it's HIS ethnic group. That is RACIST, plain and simple, and I daresay that if a white President had done this, the cries of impeachment would already be ringing from the Demoncrats and Libtards in Congress and in the liberal media.

But you haven't heard a peep from any of these nice folks, have you? No, nary a sound has been heard from the liberal media, and I daresay you won't hear it, either. NObama and the Demoncrats have had the liberal media in their pockets for decades, and I don't see that changing any time soon.

With the announcement of the formation of this racist group by the President of the United States, I can honestly say that I don't see one single reason why anyone from any other ethnic group should vote for this imbecile in November. I damned sure don't see any logical reason why any white person should vote for him - not after this.

I have never been as disgusted with a sitting President of the United States as I am with the racist currently occupying the White House. NObama is a total and utter disgrace to the nation and its people - ALL of its people, including the black ones whether they realize it or not - and I will do my utter best to ensure that he loses his bid for re-election in November. Our nation cannot afford to be led by a racist, white or black, and it is up to the American people to put a stop to this.

The only question now, is WILL YOU? Will you sit on your ass and let this racist get away with it and doom the nation to another disastrous four years of his bumbling, inept and racist leadership, or will you restore dignity, respect, and equal treatment to the Office of the President of the United States by electing someone else?

I know what I'm gonna do, bet your ass on that.


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