Friday, February 10, 2012

I Just Can't Figure This Out...

I make it a habit to always try and figure out the "other side's" views on issues that affect me and our nation, and I'm not scared to do some research and see the facts and figures for myself rather than listen to the sometimes-inane (and insane) psycho-babbling of the fanatics on either side of an issue, Liberal or Conservative. And with the Presidential elections coming up this year, I've been doing my homework trying to figure something out, and for the life of me I just can't figure this one out...

Why in the hell would anyone vote for NObama again?

I can see two reasons for someone voting for him, one logical and one stupid. The logical one is that there are folks out there who will vote along party lines no matter who the candidate is; they'll vote the Demoncratic ticket regardless of who's name is on the ballot, and to a point I can see that. I admire and respect loyalty, but when you let your loyalty blind you to doing what's going to be best for the nation as a whole, well, that's the point at which I can't see it anymore.

The other reason, the stupid one, is because he's black. And if you don't think that's the main reason that the majority of the black voters in America are going to vote for him - AGAIN - then I suggest you do some serious research on it. Check out the blogs, check out the Facebook pages, check out the websites, and then tell me I'm wrong. And the really scary thing about it is that most of the black people I've conversed with about him will stand up and tell you to your face that the ONLY reason they're voting for him is because he's black, and they're proud of it! No, they don't see it as racist - only WHITE people are racists, you know - and they're ready to line up at the polls again and re-elect him simply for the color of his skin.

And that's RACIST, pure and simple. It's also wrong, but I'll save this dialogue for anther blog.

To get back on track, after doing my own research and seeing the facts laid out in all their shameful glory, I just can't figure out why anyone would think that A) he's done a good job and "deserves" a second term, and B) it's a good idea to vote for him and give him another 4 years with which to further screw up our country. And here are some of my reasons for this:

He's the absolute King of Broken Promises. During his campaign he promised that he'd cap unemployment at 8%, yet we saw unemployment nationwide top out at more than 9% and stay there for a very long time. Even now the unemployment rate is above 8%, and not once during his administration has it dropped below the 8% rate once that point was reached and bypassed. He also promised "the most transparent administration" in our nation's history, yet the very first thing he did was to hold closed-door meetings to discuss strategies for shoving his health care plan down our throats. Then he and his band of merry idiots generously released the health care law draft for all of us to read, posting it on the internet where it remained for two days - all TWO THOUSAND PLUS PAGES of it.

So let me ask you, when was the last time you finished reading a two-thousand page long novel in two days? But he and his liberal buddies in Congress can say, "Hey, we put it out there for you to read, just like we said! Transparent government at work!"


He also said that "If I can't fix this in three years, then we're talking about a one-term proposition." Well, guess what, genius, it ain't fixed yet - but now he has the balls to say in an interview conducted last week that he think he "deserves" a second term. Sorry to inform you of this, Mr. President, but that's not for you to decide - or haven't you heard that yet?

He refuses to accept the blame for the failures of his policies in the first three years of his administration, choosing instead to play the "Blame Bush" game. At the same time as he's placing the blame on Bush for things that were HIS fault, he's busy taking credit for things that he didn't do but that Bush either did or set in motion, specifically the killing of Osama bin Laden. Yes, NObama was the sitting President when the time came to give the "go" order for the actual event, but the campaign was created, designed, authorized, and set in motion by Bush. And there's just NO WAY that NObama can take credit for that, even though he's tried. And in his State of the Union Address last month he took credit for "bailing out Ford" when the truth is that Ford is the ONLY one of the car companies that DID NOT take any bailout money. Nice try, NObama, but they did it on their own.

He has done literally nothing to improve the nations' economy, regardless of that much-vaunted "stimulus" program he shoved down our throats. File that one under "Broken Promises."

He has totally ignored the Constitution of the United States, the very document that he took an oath to protect and defend. He has signed a bill into law which allows any citizen of the United States to be taken into custody and held indefinitely without due process; additionally, he and his liberl minions in Congress shoved "Obamacare" down our throats in violation of the Tenth Amendment to the United States Constitution. Personally I can't wait to see how the Supreme Court rules on that one.

Now that the Republicans have taken control of one half of Congress, he has chosen to circumvent them and further ignore the Constitution by waiting until Congress is out of session and then making Cabinet appointments by decree rather than by the process established in the Constitution. That's because he knows he stands a snowball's chance in hell of getting his nominations past the Republicans in Congress who are on to him, so he just ignores the Constitution and goes around them.

More people are out of work now than ever in our nation's history since the Great Depression, and more Americans are on food stamps now than ever. Great work, NObama.

To top off my short list, I'll end with Eric Holder. NObama appointed this buffoon to the position of Attorney General of the United States, the most powerful legal post in the nation, and since that time Holder has been responsible for the disastrous "Fast and Furious" scheme which resulted in the death of a Federal agent - something for which Holder refuses to accept ANY responsibility. Hell, he claims he never even HEARD of the program until a few months ago - never mind that the documents provided by his own office prove that he knew about it at least a year and a half ago! And then, when he gets called up to testify before Congress, he refuses to acknowledge that he's under oath and then LIES to Congress about his knowledge and involvement. And to top it all off, he then has the unmitigated gall to say that the only reason people are "going after" him is to get back at NObama because, you know, he and NObama are both black.

In other words, you're not a lying, incompetent asshole, the rest of the world is racist. Riiiiiiiight...

Like I said, this is the short list as to why I just can't figure out why anyone with a lick of common sense would vote for this man again, and I truly and sincerely wish someone out there would tell me why they think they should. And I'm not interested in hearing the same tired old line spouted by all of the Demoncrats and Liberals as to why I shouldn't vote for the other guy - heard it, dismissed it as BS, don't wanna hear it again. I want to hear a sane, mature, LOGICAL list of reasons as to why ANYONE should vote for this man again. And be prepared to back them up with FACTS, not opinions.

Anyone? Anyone?



Young Jedi said...

"He has signed a bill into law which allows any citizen of the United States to be taken into custody and held indefinitely without due process; additionally, he and his liberl minions in Congress shoved "Obamacare" down our throats in violation of the {Tenth Amendment} to the United States Constitution".

Just about everything the FEDS a violation of the Tenth Amendment!! Certainly, NObama is the king of these violations at this point!!

IHC said...

Absolutely! He has NO regard nor respect for the document he took an oath to protect, and we need to vote his ass OUT in November!

Mississippi Cajun said...

I have been nerveously watching the process of the Republican candidates trying their damndest to destroy each other, and you can bet, whoever is left standing when the smoke clears is going to see more of the same from the Demoncrats all the way to November. I'd say that the blacks who are 13% of the electorate have lost about 1 of those percents as they do have some people within their ranks that are seeing things for what they are, and hopefully they will revert to lethargy in the next election and NOT show up in the numbers they did last time. I also see a lot of the independents that voted for him that have publicly stated that they will not do so again. However, there sure are a lot of them that think he is doing a wonderful job and the only reason his policies aren't taking hold is because of the Republicans in Congress....a view that is put forth daily by the White House. Problem is, that view is selling to a lot of people and that is scary.
The proposed 1.6 trillion dollar deficit budget is going to be shot down by the Republicans, and the White House will play the game and blame them again which will bring more idiots out of the woodwork on his side. I really am fearful that this election is going to be a bloody one and the morons out there will rally to put him back in for another 4. That will be the end of the USA as we know it..will it then be the USSA?
BTW, my one big hope is that he plays the improving economy game with the now published 8% unemployment. But that doesn't count the unemployed who have used up their unemployment benefits and gone on welfare and food stamps that are no longer being counted (and why the Republicans don't push that is way beyond me).
All I can say is that I WILL VOTE and pray that the lazy vote stays home instead of coming out to re elect this clown.