Thursday, November 20, 2008

Why I chose the name for my blog

If anyone is curious as to why I chose to name my blog "The View from Downrange," here's the answer.

"Downrange" is a military term that's used to describe the area where the bullets hit when you shoot at something. It's also used to describe in a general way where a group of soldiers are when they're outside the wire and out in the bush and you either don't know exactly where they are or can't say.

I felt this name was appropriate since, for the most part, like every other citizen of our nation I'm "downrange" when it comes to things happening around me. All I can do is stand there, watch the bullets hit around me, and hope one doesn't find me. The only time me or anyone else has a chance to actually change where the bullets may hit is once every four years in November, and in my humble opinion, we screwed that up this year....BIG TIME.

More on that later. Much more.

So for what it's worth, that's the reason I chose the name I did for my blog.

Well, the coffee's gone, the clock is ticking, and it's time to go to work and earn a living. I'd make a wisecrack about earning my pay so the government can give it away, but I said that last night, didn't I?

Oh, well, that's life "downrange."


Ernie said...

For what it's worth, we get the chance to redirect the bullets every TWO years. About 470 of the 535 crooks in the Senate and the House come up for reelection. I have a feeling that the electorate will have a big problem with President Obama and we'll see it very soon. What the GOP{ needs is a new "Contract With America" to spell out to the country what they feel must change. The Party must return to Reagan's brand of Conservatism to stop the bleeding that is going to occur in the next 2 years.

IHC said...

True enough. I just hope we can make it happen!