Wednesday, November 26, 2008

"Office of the President Elect?"

Excuse me, y'all, but am I missing something? Did someone do some fiddling with the elected offices in our government and create a new one called "The Office of the President Elect?" And if this was on the news, how did I miss it?

This one's been eating at me a while, too. And for all you Obama fans out there, unless you don't want to read something negative about your hero I suggest you move on to anther web page just about now.

So it's the day after the election, I'm watching the "Today" show on the tube while getting ready to go to work, and I see the newly-elected candidate standing behind a podium jabbering about something. I don't hear a word he's saying for two reasons: I could care less about what he's got to say because I didn't vote for him, and my attention is fixed on this blue sign with white letters that's attached to the front of the podium. The sign says, "OFFICE OF THE PRESIDENT ELECT." I stand there for a moment or two, trying to comprehend what I'm seeing.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't ever recall seeing a newly-elected Presidential candidate speaking from behind a podium with this sign on it. Ever. I don't ever recall a president-elect who was so full of himself that he would dare have the audacity to post such a self-proclaimed, self-adoring, self-worshipping title such as that on a podium or anywhere else. Not even "Slick Willy" Clinton had the cajones to do that, although I'm sure his wife certainly suggested it. Nope, it would appear that Obama has added yet another "first" to his record.

Yeah, I know, it probably wasn't his idea but was thought up by one of the lemmings on his staff. But you can't tell me he wasn't briefed on it, approved it, and then stood behind the podium knowing that sign with the self-proclaimed title was on it. And that, friends and neighbors, is called "Culpable Liability."

So he stands behind that podium and says that we all must remember that "there's only one President" and people ought not be confused, that they must remember that Bush is still President and it's still Bush's show. And he says all this from a sign which waves in everyone's face the inevitable and sad fact that in very short order, HE is going to be President.

Like we didn't already know.

Is it me, or is there a mixed message here? Isn't this kinda like him saying, "Yeah, we only have one President, but we all know that he's a lame duck now and in very short order I'M going to be President, so just nod and smile at this guy because what he's saying now really doesn't matter because in very short order I'M going to be President? An oh, just in case you haven't heard the news, in very short order I'M going to be President!"

On the positive side....well, right now I can't see much of a positive side. I'm keeping a very close eye on who The Great Pretender is picking for his Cabinet, and so far I'm not impressed. I'm especially not impressed with his pick for Attorney General, a Clinton-era uber-liberal who has some of the most draconian anti-Second Amendment ideas next to Slick Willy himself. And I'm REALLY not gonna be impressed if he picks Billary Clinton as Secretary of State. Aside from the fact that I simply can't stand the sight of her - just the sound of her voice makes me wanna vomit - she's no more qualified to be SOS than The Great Pretender is to be POTUS.

So now Obama is out there telling us that his administration is going to "hit the ground running" and it's not going to be "business as usual" in Washington, DC. And he's telling us this from behind that sign, that self-adoring piece of cardboard that tells us he thinks he's really so much more important than he really is. Okay, so he talks the talk, but WILL he walk the walk? Time will tell.

And if all this sounds like sour grapes from a disappointed white Republican, you're right - that's exactly what it is. I'm just exercising my right as protected by the First Amendment. Besides, I have every right to bitch and complain.

I voted.

As I've said before, it's gonna be a long four years.

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