Sunday, June 10, 2018

Liberal Lunacy #2: "Blame The NRA!"

I'll be the first to admit that we have a violence problem in our society; however, I will be the LAST person you can ever expect to hear use the term "gun violence." Actually, this posting is likely the only time you'll ever hear me use the phrase and the only reason I use it now is that there's no way around it. Violence is violence, and to slap a label on it particular to the weapon used is both stupid and unrealistic. And to complicate the matter, apparently the loonies in the liberal left think that the only kind of violence which deserves such a special classification is violence that is committed with firearms. Why don't they refer to violence committed with knives as "knife violence?" How about violence committed with clubs? Why do we never hear about "club violence?"

The answer is simple: none of that fits into their agenda to eliminate firearms and repeal the Second Amendment. They operate under the misguided principle that if you make up enough scary terms and frighten the uneducated members of the general public bad enough, they'll see things your way and give you what you want when they go to the ballot box. And make no mistake about it, the agenda and the goal of the liberal left is to eliminate all firearms and strip us of our Constitutional right to keep and bear arms, the better to establish total control over the American people.

While the loonies in the liberal left may be unrealistic and downright stupid in some of their goals, one of the (few) things that they're smart enough to realize is that their main opponent in their fight to repeal the Second Amendment is the National Rifle Association. They correctly recognize the NRA as the most powerful and influential gun rights organization in the nation, and they also realize that if it weren't for the NRA the liberals would easily attain their goal of establishing total control over the American population. They realize - as did Josef Stalin, Mao Tse Tung and Adolph Hitler - that to control a nation you must first disarm its people. And so, taking the page out of the Josef Goebbels playbook which read "If you tell a lie often enough it becomes the truth," the liberal left is attempting to convince the American public that the NRA is responsible for the mass shootings we are plagued with in this nation by their support of the right to keep and bear arms. After all, if there were no guns there'd be no "gun violence," right?

Yeah, sure. Just like there's no drug problem in this country because meth, LSD, heroin and cocaine are all illegal. THAT has worked out really well, don't you think?

And the really sad thing is that there are hundreds of thousands of people who believe this nonsense. Instead of doing some simple research on their own and discovering the truth, they'd rather believe the liberal lies and give the loonies telling the lies the support they need.

Think back to the last two decades of the 20th century when we had a really bad drunk driving problem in this country. Seems like every time you turned on the news you were hearing yet another story of someone getting killed by a drunk driver. The response by the American people and the Federal government to fight this problem was spot-on. What they did at both the state and federal level was simple: they held the drunk driver accountable and responsible for his actions. In addition to that, the individual states lowered the BAC level required as prima facia evidence to prove drunk driving from .10%BAC down to .08%BAC, which made it easier to get convictions and get the drunk drivers off the road. Most of the states took this action on their own, and for those who were reluctant to do so the federal government gave them an incentive - lower your BAC level needed for a conviction or lose all federal funding for your roadways and bridges. The result of this effort is that the BAC level needed for a drunk driving conviction is .08% nationwide, and the drunk driving problem we faced in the '80s and '90s is long gone. We still have drunk drivers, to be sure, but we don't have anywhere near the problem now that we had then.

All because the person committing the crime was held accountable and responsible. We blamed the person and not the car or the manufacturer of the alcohol. This alone is proof that holding the individual accountable works.

But of course the liberal left refuses to see this. They continue to blame the NRA for the actions of what has proven to be mentally unstable persons, and instead of focusing on the root cause of the problem itself they choose to take this issue and twist it to fit their agenda of total control and try to eliminate the NRA in the process.

The really funny thing is this: in reality, the NRA is the sponsor of the largest, most effective gun safety program in the nation. And what's more, this program is focused on children as the primary audience. They operate this program on the proven theory that if you teach children what guns are, what they are capable of, and how to handle them at an early age, you reduce the number of children who are hurt or killed in firearms-related accidents.

But you can count on the liberal left to continue to exercise its own special kind of lunacy and continue to blame the NRA instead of blaming the shooter, and you can count on them to continue to push for more and more useless gun control laws which do nothing to take guns out of the hands of criminals but only serve to disarm law-abiding citizens.

Just for fun, let's take a minute and use that twisted liberal "logic" on the liberals themselves, shall we?

Out of the past 15 mass shootings in which the shooter was old enough to vote, the ones who were registered to vote were registered as DEMOCRATS. So using the "logic" of the liberal left, all we have to do to eliminate mass shootings is to eliminate DEMOCRATS. After all, no Democrats means no mass shootings, right?

Works for me.

Deo Vindice


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