Friday, June 15, 2018

Liberal Lunacy #3: "It's just a flag."

I saw a post on Facebook this afternoon when I got home that has disturbed me in more ways than one. The post was a video posted by one of the Confederate heritage pages I'm a fan of, and it showed a black female in Philadelphia "bravely" walking up on someone's porch and ripping down a Confederate flag that was flying there. Of course, the original poster of the video called her a "shero," which is a made-up word I've never heard before until today. But the point is that her actions were hailed as "heroic" and "brave."

And that, friends and neighbors, is a matter of opinion. In my eyes she's a thug and a criminal because she destroyed someone else's property, and had she tried that crap down here in the South she'd be very likely to end up getting her ass shot. But I digress.

Liberals will be very quick to tell you that the Confederate flag is a "racist" symbol, and they will defend any and all activities whether they are legal or not to tear the flag down wherever and whenever it is displayed. They'll come up with a thousand different reasons why the flag should never be displayed, and of course every single one of them is nothing more than an opinion - and total bullshit in my mind. If you tell them "It's just a flag" you can count on a vehement and nasty rebuttal in which they will lecture you on the "evils" associated with the Confederate flag, totally mindless of the true history of the flag and the bravery of the Confederate soldiers which it represents. No, they don't care about that, all they care about is that THEIR opinion is heard and THEIR will obeyed, and that means the flag must come down. It's not "just a flag" to them, and you'll never convince them otherwise.

And you know, I think I understand that point of view as well as any white man can. Additionally, I understand the feelings the display of the flag causes, but I also understand that those feelings don't justify any hostility, violence, or destruction on anyone's part. I also understand that those with a differing opinion should be as understanding about MY feelings as I am about THEIRS, but I ain't holding my breath.

So when a black football player who was raised by white parents and who has a multi-million dollar contract with a professional football team chooses to "protest" against "racial oppression" in this country by kneeling during the National Anthem and disrespecting the flag and those who died defending it, what do the liberals tell us in defense of his actions?


In the first place, NO, motherf***er, it's not. It's the emblem of our nation and the banner of freedom for all the world to see, and there are countless thousands of men and women who have died defending that flag and your right to act like a total asshole.

In the second place, you can't have it both ways. If you're going to use that line to defend the actions of someone who chooses to "protest" by kneeling during the National Anthem and disrespecting the flag, then you're going to have to use that same line of thought when someone flies a Confederate flag. After all, 'it's just a flag' and you have no right to get upset when someone flies it - just like you say we have no right to get upset when someone disrespects the American flag by kneeling during the National Anthem.

But then again, we are talking about liberals here, aren't we? For that reason alone I don't expect for them to use that line of reasoning when talking about the Confederate flag EVER. After all, it just doesn't fit in with their "right" to be offended at every little bitty thing they choose to be offended about, does it?

So let me be clear on a couple of things.

I'm a proud Southerner and I'm proud of my three ancestors who fought for the Confederacy, and I'll fly the Confederate flag proudly. And I'll defend that flag and my right to fly it just as vehemently as I'll defend the American flag.

As for the American flag, well, it's like this: if you ever try to burn an American flag in my presence, you're gonna get your ass kicked. And if you choose to kneel during the National Anthem and disrespect the American flag in that manner and I'm anywhere around, you're gonna hear from me as soon as the anthem is over and I'm finished saluting the flag and the nation it represents.

And it ain't gonna be a pleasant conversation, but I guarantee you that it'll be one you'll never forget.

Deo Vindice



Anonymous said...

I am very happy to find out you are writing again !! But... the date on this one is June COME ON IHC its Sept 11 I know you have something to say ..

IHC said...

Yeah, I do, especially now that I'm retired for the second time.

But finding the motivation is another thing entirely. I'll try to do better.