Saturday, May 19, 2018

Liberal Lunacy #1: The Gun Control Myth

Yeah, it's been a while - almost two years, to be exact. So I guess I should start off with a short explanation as to why I stopped writing for this long and why I decided to pick it up again.

I stopped writing for two reasons: I got extremely busy in my personal life and was having a hard time finding the time to devote to it, and I got extremely discouraged with the direction our country was headed under the extreme lack of leadership of our FORMER President, NObama. I just had too many negative thoughts going through my head and couldn't find anything positive to write about. That, coupled with the lack of time, caused me to take an extended break.

Well, kiddies, break time is over. We have a real leader in the White House now - a man with balls instead of a pen and a phone - and I have both the time and the desire to write again. My apologies to my fans for my prolonged absence. I can't promise it won't happen again, but at least I can try.

So let's go, shall we?

I figured I'd start off with a kind of a series I've titled "Liberal Lunacy." You can pretty much guess what I'm gonna be talking about just from the title, and the premier topic today is just what the title says - the gun control myth.

Let's start off with some basic facts that the liberal left chooses to ignore and that every American needs to at least have a knowledge of.

Basic Fact #1: Gun Control Laws Don't Work. They never have, and they never will for one simple reason: criminals don't obey the law. The only people who will obey the law are the ones you don't have to worry about, the ones who won't go around robbing and shooting and killing. You know, the people we need to be able to defend ourselves from - which leads me right into the next fact.

Basic Fact #2: Disarming law abiding citizens will neither make nor keep them safe. This is lunacy and/or sheer stupidity at its very best. Only a fool or a liberal would think that stripping law abiding citizens of the ability to defend themselves would make them safe. That's like being confronted by a hungry lion and throwing your rifle away in the hope that he won't attack you. Do this and you're gonna get eaten, end of story. This is why "Gun Free Zones" don't work. I prefer to call them "Target Rich Environments" because that's exactly what they are. 99% of the mass shootings that have taken place in this country in the past 20 years have taken place in so-called "Gun Free Zones," so if you need evidence that gun control and gun free zones don't work, you need look no further than that.

Basic Fact #3: Guns aren't the problem. PEOPLE are the problem. Guns have been around since before the founding of this country, and they've been an integral part of American life every single day that this country has existed. If it weren't for guns this nation wouldn't have expanded and grown the way it has; the early settlers would have starved to death and the Colonists wouldn't have been able to break free from the oppressive British rule under which they suffered. Prior to the passing of the National Firearms Act of 1934 it was perfectly legal for every American citizen to purchase, own and use a fully automatic machine gun - you could actually purchase a fully automatic Thompson machine gun from the Sears catalogue for under a hundred bucks. Yet with all these fully automatic machine guns floating around, there were no mass shootings. There were no school shootings, there were no shootings at concerts, there were no mass shootings at all. So what changed? The answer is simple: people changed. Values dropped. Morals stopped being taught at home. Parents stopped teaching their kids the value and sanctity of human life. They stopped teaching respect for one another. The liberals made sure that God was taken out of the classrooms, and the end result is that schools are the #1 location for mass shootings. If that isn't Karma come to visit then I don't know what is.

Basic Fact #4: The NRA is 100% blameless. As much as the liberal loonies would like for you to believe this and as much as they just looooove to use this as their rally cry, the National Rifle Association is 100% blameless in any shooting of any type. The one and only person who shoulders 100% of the blame is the lunatic who pulls the trigger. To blame a third party for the actions of another is wrong in every possible way, and is so wrong that it literally defies description. The NRA is the founder and sponsor of the nation's biggest, most comprehensive and most effective gun safety program, yet you never hear about this from the liberal news media.

Basic Fact #5: We have a mental health problem disguised as a "gun violence" problem. The simple fact is this: anyone who picks up a weapon of any kind and goes on a mass murder spree is crazy. Period. They have a serious mental disorder, and if you need proof of this then just take a look at the profiles of the nutjobs who have committed the most recent mass shootings. Then tell me those folks weren't a few fries short of a Happy Meal.

Basic Fact #6: Banning guns won't work. Banning guns will work about as well as banning meth or LSD or opium or cocaine or...well, you get the idea. Yet the liberals continually choose to ignore this. And if you want to break this point down to being weapon-specific, then take a look at what's going on in England right now, the country that the liberal left continually chooses to espouse as their shining example of why gun control really works. It's illegal in England for a private citizen to own a firearm, so now they have a problem not with mass shootings but with mass knife attacks. You heard me right - mass knife attacks, which proves that if a crazy person wants to kill people he or she will find a way. So what has England's response been? They're calling for a ban on knives, I kid you not. Which only serves to reinforce the Conservative right's stand that if you ban guns, knives will be next. Of course, the liberals don't want you to know this.

Actually, the liberals don't want you to know ANY of this. They want you to stop thinking for yourself, stop doing research and just believe what they tell you without hesitation. They know that if you think for yourself and educate yourself on the issues facing our nation you will discover two things: one, gun control is a myth that doesn't work, and two, it's not about safety, it's about control. The liberals want to be in total control and run things their way, and they know that the only way this can happen is if people stop thinking for themselves and start toeing the liberal left's line.

And I, for one, refuse to do that.

One last thing I should mention. I intentionally didn't list the 2nd Amendment as a basic fact because I feel the Amendment is in another category - namely, Constitutional rights. The wording and meaning of the Amendment is a topic that is constantly being debated because the liberals know that if you understand it the way it was written all of their arguments are invalid; you could also devote an entire blog entry to just that topic alone, and having already done that once I chose not to do it again. Not yet, anyway.

And there you have it, friends and neighbors. For those of you who have joined my Facebook friends list since I stopped writing, this will give you a little insight as to who I truly am and how I feel on some things. For some of you this may come as a shock, but for most it won't. I'll tell you right now if you're a liberal you're not gonna like 99% of what I post, so consider yourselves warned. And if this causes you to drop off of my friends list, so be it. Your loss, not mine.

See you next time.

Deo Vindice.

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