Sunday, May 20, 2018

A Brief Re-Introduction

Like I said yesterday when I posted for the first time in two years (and I still can't believe it was that long!), I've picked up quite a few new friends and acquaintances thanks to Facebook and the Masonic Lodge. A great many of these folks came my way by benefit of either the Shrine or the Widows Sons, so there are those out there who are reading these words that really don't know much about me. And in addition to that, a few of my opinions and views have changed over the eight years this blog has been around, so I figured it was about time for a re-introduction of sorts. This will let those who don't know me very well to decide whether they want to continue knowing me or not, and will give those who have known me for a while an update on the things bouncing around in my head. Fair warning, though - if you're a liberal you're probably not gonna like a lot of what I have to say. That knife cuts both ways because I surely don't like 99% of what liberals have to say, but unlike the vast majority of liberals I have personally met I don't hold their views against them, and I understand that they have an absolute right to voice them. I will defend that right to the death because it's the right thing to do, and because it's in our Constitution whether I or anyone else agrees with it or not.

Having said that, here are the things about me - my beliefs, likes and opinions - that y'all need to know.

I love my country, period. I consider myself a patriot first and foremost; always have and always will. For all its faults and mistakes - both past and yet to come - I love my country and will defend her to the death. I served 23 years in the United States Air Force because of this, and I'm damned proud of both my country and my service. Our nation is not perfect - no nation is - but it's ours to enjoy and defend, and I have nothing but utter disdain for anyone who bad-mouths the nation which gives them the freedom to voice their opinions without retribution from the government. That's ingratitude of the highest order, and you'd best not do that around me because the encounter won't be a nice one.

I disagree with the SCOTUS decision that burning an American flag is "free speech" that is protected by the First Amendment. Burning a flag is a physical action, not a spoken word, and anyone with an ounce of common sense should realize this. Besides, that ain't what the Amendment says. If you try burning an American flag anywhere near me, you're gonna get an ass-whuppin'. End of story.

If I have to take a drug test in order to get a job so I can pay the taxes that fund welfare, then welfare recipients should damn well have to take a drug test to receive the benefits of MY labor. If you do drugs you don't get the bennies, end of story. And if you think that's racist then you're either a liberal or an idiot.

I despise liberalism. Not liberals, mind you, but liberalism. I don't despise anyone for their political or religious opinions and views; I despise the actions they take because of them. IMHO liberalism is the biggest threat facing our nation, bigger than radical Islam and terrorism, and if there's one thing that will bring this great nation down it's liberalism. Liberalism is a disease that can only be cured by education, but unfortunately those who suffer from this disease don't realize that it's a disease and refuse to believe anything they hear or read except what is put out to them by other liberal sources such as CNN, MSNBC, the New York Times, and those liberal bigots on "The View."

I believe that prisons should be for incarceration as punishment and not for rehabilitation. Prison should be a place so terrible that you would do anything, including going straight, to keep from going back. I don't believe that the prison staff and guards should abuse the prisoners; rather, they should just enforce the rules of the prison and let the incarceration itself serve as the punishment. I believe in chain gangs as well. Sitting on your ass in a cell, watching TV and being able to relax in an air conditioned building while enjoying three meals a day and getting paid for the menial labor that you do is not my idea of punishment. Prisons are for punishment, not rehabilitation.

I don't support the death penalty. This is a view of mine which has recently changed. Do I believe that some people need to die for the crimes they've committed? Yes. However, as long as there is the slimmest of chance that an innocent person could be executed, I can't in good faith support the death penalty. Our justice system is not perfect, and regardless of how "iron clad" the evidence may be there is always - ALWAYS - the chance that an innocent man will be convicted. And once the poor guy has been executed, that's it - you don't get a "do-over" with the death penalty, so as long as that slimmest chance exists I can't support the death penalty. And no, you can't make any rules for an exception to this because those rules may start out stringent at first but I can guarantee you that the liberal bleeding hearts out there will, over time, make more and more exceptions until you get a system that is never used at all. So why have it in the first place? No, the death penalty is the type of thing where you either use it all the time or not at all. I vote for not at all.

I'm pro-life, another view of mine which has changed. Everyone deserves a chance at life, even if the fetus is diagnosed with some kind of disorder or deformity. Everyone deserves a chance at life.

And life begins at conception. Period.

Homosexuality is wrong in every way, shape or form. It's wrong physically, it's wrong mentally, it's wrong spiritually; however, these are my opinions and nothing more. I absolutely don't care how you live your life or who you jump in bed with; that's your business and not mine. If you are homosexual I will not treat you any differently than I treat anyone else, and the people I know who are homosexual will verify this. What you do in your personal life is none of my business, and I'm fine with that. But the moment you try and force your lifestyle and/or sexual orientation down my throat and tell me that I have to accept it is the moment that you and I are gonna have a problem. I'm just as free to live my life the way I choose as you are, and I require the same from you. Follow that simple rule and we're gonna get along fine; hell, I'll even take you out and buy you a beer. Ignore that rule and we're headed for trouble. Your choice, not mine. Choose wisely.

I refuse to use the word "gay" to describe a homosexual. Why do you have to come up with a cheerful, happy term to define your sexuality if you're so proud of it? "Gay" means you're happy, and if you're happy being a homosexual then you're a happy homosexual, not "gay."

There are two genders, male and female. End of story. Anything else is nothing more than liberal bullshit.

I am a staunch supporter of the 2nd Amendment, and I believe in the literal definition of the Amendment. That means it is my belief that every single law concerning ownership of firearms is unconstitutional. "Shall not be infringed" means just that.

I believe in the open carrying of firearms, also known as "Constitutional carry." I also believe in training for those who choose to do so - not mandatory training, mind you (see above paragraph), but voluntary training. If you're going to be responsible enough to open carry then you need to be responsible enough to get trained.

I voted for Donald Trump and am damn proud of it. IMHO he's the best President to sit in the White House since Ronald Reagan, and I fully support everything he's done so far.

And the worst President to sit in the White House in the history of our nation is Barack NObama, hands down. That honor used to go to Jimmy Carter, but not anymore.

I don't use hyphenated terms to describe a person. You won't hear me describe an American of African descent as an "African-American;" you also won't hear me describe an American of Italian descent as an "Italian-American," or a person of Scottish descent as a "Scottish-American." The reason for this is simple: that term puts something other than their being an American first, and there's nothing that is more important than being an American. I'm an American first and foremost, and that's that. Everything else is secondary.

I believe the IRS should be disbanded and all Federal taxation of our wages should stop immediately with the exception of Social Security. And I believe that all funds for Social Security that have been stolen by the Federal government should be replaced immediately, and that all Social Security funds should once again be classified as "untouchable" for anything except paying them out to retirees as the program was first intended before the Democrats got their chance to change things.

Medical care is not a "right." You have no "right" to the work of others without paying them for it, and if you demand free medical care because it's your "right" then you're demanding that a doctor who spent at least 8 years of his/her life perfecting their craft treat you for free. And that ain't how the system works. You want free medical care, move your ass to Canada - but be prepared to pay for it with higher taxes because nothing in life is free.

I support our police. Without them our nation would be in a state of anarchy and we'd all be less safe.

I support our military for obvious reasons. Every single man or woman who wears the uniform of our nation's armed forces have written a check payable to the People of the United States for the amount up to and including their life, and just because they volunteered doesn't make their action any less trivial or unimportant. If you're one of those "social justice warriors" or liberals who like to sit back and enjoy the freedoms that our military protects on our behalf and use your freedom of speech to bad-mouth and/or insult them, then you'd be well advised not to do it within earshot of me. The end result won't be pretty, but I can guarantee you that it'll be an experience you won't forget.

I'm proud of my Southern roots and my Confederate ancestors, and I believe that the South was right. Not about slavery, mind you, but about the idea of secession and the federal government infringing on the rights of individual states to govern themselves. That was the intent of the Founding Fathers, and that type of government died on April 9, 1865.

I believe in spirituality. I don't believe in organized religion because people will always f*ck it up.

I believe in a Supreme Being. I also believe in His son, Jesus Christ.

I believe in the Masonic Lodge, the Ancient Arabic Order of the Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, the Widows Sons, and all of my brothers in those honorable organizations. I am honored and proud to have been accepted by all of them.

I believe every day on this big blue ball we call home is a gift from God, and we have a responsibility to make the best of it.

Well, that's about it for now. These are the "big ones" that I'll most likely find myself writing about or have written about in the past, but it's by no means a complete list. And now, having read this, you're going to do one of two things: you're either going to continue your association with me or you won't. If you choose to continue your association with me, then I thank you for that. I promise that I will do my best to always give you the respect you deserve as a human being, and should I stray or fail in this please let me know and I'll correct it.

If you choose to unfriend me or discontinue our relationship, then that's fine. Sorry it turned out that way, but keep in mind that it's YOUR decision and not mine. It's probably better this way anyhow because we'd probably not get along since you can't accept differing views of other folks without getting your panties in a knot.

Oh, yeah, one last thing about me - I call 'em as I see 'em and I don't mince words.

Right now I hear a glass of iced tea calling me.

Y'all be safe and enjoy the day God gave you.

Deo Vindice


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