Monday, October 26, 2015

Top Ten Reasons NOT To Vote for Billary Clinton

Let's be clear about this: I abhor "Billary" Clinton. She's a liar, a thief, a hypocrite, a narcissist, an elitist, and a general overall bitch. The only good thing I can say about her is that she doesn't have a twin sister.

Oh, wait, she does. Bill. Silly me.

For the life of me I can't see any logical reason why anyone with an ounce of common sense would even consider for a fraction of a second actually casting a vote for this woman. I can think of only one other person who is more unqualified to be President of the United States, and the liberals already elected that clown - TWICE. But the scary thing is that people - grown adults who are supposed to be mature and have some common sense - are actually considering voting for her, and for the stupidest of reasons. (I used to like Katy Perry until I saw her singing for and playing palsy-walsy with the Wicked Bitch of the North on TV yesterday.) And the number one stupid reason that people will vote for her is because she's a woman. That qualifies you to be President of the United States just about as much as being black does, and we all see how good THAT has worked out, don't we?

So here they are, friends and neighbors, my Top Ten Reasons NOT To Vote for Billary Clinton.

#1. She's a liar. According to her, she was under sniper fire when she landed in Bosnia when she was Secretary of State. News footage of the event show her being presented with a bouquet of flowers by a local girl when she got to the foot of the ramp. She also claimed that Chelsea was jogging around the World Trade Center at the time of the attack on 9/11. Billary later admitted that Chelsea was safe and snug in her bed in her own Manhattan apartment watching the attack on TV. She also claims to have been "instrumental" in the Northern Ireland Peace Process, although the actual participants can't recall ever seeing her in the country, much less at the table when the deal was being brokered. And then there's that video she claims she didn't know about that she at first blamed the Benghazi attacks on, the one that her very own e-mails have now proven that she knew about and told her staff to use that as the cause of the attack. I could go on, but you get the idea.

#2. She's a thief. When she and her twin sister left the White House at the end of Bill's presidency, they took a crapload of furniture with them - furniture that belonged to the United States of America since it was in the house when they got there, and that they never paid for it. I'm still trying to figure out why they weren't charged with a crime.

#3. She's a hypocrite. She voted for the Iraq war when she was a senator and then claimed she "voted for it before I was against it" when she ran for the Democratic nomination in 2008. She also wants to strip Americans of their firearms while she herself huddles behind the protection of an armed security detail - paid for with the taxes of those very same Americans.

#4. She's a narcissist. Nobody, but nobody, loves Billary Clinton as much as Billary Clinton.

#5. She's an elitist. She'll never admit to this, but she firmly believes that society should be ruled by a select, elite few - namely, herself and the other high-ranking Democrats who all think they know what is better for us than we do. Of course, all of the rules they'll pass won't apply to them because they'll give themselves an exclusion just like they did for NObamacare.

#6. She has no real leadership experience. She was First Lady of the United States. Big deal. She got that title just because she was married to the President, so that's no real accomplishment. And as FLOTUS she had no real, official, decision-making duties. The one thing she did try to do failed miserably; namely, her attempts to get the first version of NObamacare off the ground. (Bet that one still stings, too.) As Senator from New York she has exactly ZERO legislation with her name on it as the author. Personally, I'm still trying to figure out how she got elected to that office to begin with. And as for her term as Secretary of State, well, I have one word for you: BENGHAZI.

#7. She's anti-Second Amendment. She's one of those overtly stupid people who seem to think that disarming yourself in the face of danger will keep you safe. Yeah, I can't figure that one out, either. And she makes all of these statements from behind the security of an ARMED security detail.

#8. She considers Americans who don't share her point of view or opinions as "the enemy." She made this statement during the Democratic Presidential Debate last week, and this statement brought a rather stinging rebuke from, of all people, the Vice President of the United States Joe Biden. When he made a statement about deciding not to run for the Democratic nomination, he made the statement that the Republicans were not "the enemy" but rather, were "opponents." That's about the only thing the Court Jester has said in the past 7 years that I agree with, but in this case he's spot-on.

#9. She's pro-choice. Which, in my book, makes her pro-murder.

#10. She's power-hungry and thinks she can do no wrong. If you need proof that she's power-hungry, all you have to do is listen to the Democratic debate. And if you need proof that she thinks she can do no wrong, just listen to her testimony at the hearings about her illegal use of a second server for her e-mail while Sec'ty of State and at the first hearing on Benghazi when she shouted, "At this point, what difference does it make?" I'm sure it makes a hell of a lot of difference to the parents and loved one of the four Americans she let die. But of course, she doesn't see it that way.

And there you have it, fellow Conservatives, the Top Ten Reasons NOT To Vote for Billary Clinton. The only bad thing is that right now, unless something really drastic happens, it looks like she just may have enough liberal lemmings, morons, and idiots that will vote for her to win the nomination. But to be honest, I can't think of who would be worse as President - her or that socialist idiot Bernie Sanders.

More on that assclown later.

But I have to admit, I think it would be kinda fun to watch Donald Trump and her go at it during the General Election. Trump is a street fighter and Billary is an alley cat, so the ensuing fight would be epic to say the least!

Time will tell.

Deo Vindice.


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