Friday, October 9, 2015

"Common Sense" Gun Laws

So let's set the record straight right off the bat: There's NO SUCH THING as "common sense gun laws." Actually, if you want to get right down to it, IMHO four words that can't be used together in the same sentence are "common sense" and "gun laws."

Why is that, you ask? Well, it's simple and it goes like this - what may be "common sense" to you may not be "common sense" to me or someone else. The one thing "they" say is that "common sense sometimes isn't so common." When it comes to the topic of gun control and gun laws, common sense goes right out the friggin' window.

But just for the hell of it, let's use that "common sense" thing that the liberals and gun-grabbers speak of so highly and so often and turn it against gun control laws, shall we?

If you look at the statistics concerning "gun violence" and mass shootings - and I mean the statistics released by the FBI and not The Brady Bunch or any outlet of the liberal news media such as the New York Times - you'll notice a couple of things right off the bat. First and foremost is that the cities that have the most legally registered guns and concealed weapons permits also have the lowest violent crime rate. I remember several years ago when Florida became the first state in the nation to pass a "must issue" concealed weapons permit law, Dan Rather went into a prison and interviewed seven inmates who were all in prison for armed robbery or other such violent crimes. When asked about the dropping of crime in relation to the rising of CWPs being issued, one of the prisoners stated aloud, and the rest agreed with him, that "no one wants to get shot, not even us." For that reason, the con said, he would steer clear of an area where there was a better than average chance that he would get shot by one of his victims. In this instance, "common sense" dictates that an armed populace is a safe populace.

The next thing you'll notice is that cities and states that have the most stringent gun control laws also have the highest violent crime rate. Take Chicago, for example, the hometown of the Buffoon In Chief and his former Court Jester, Emmanuel Rahm. Chicago has the strictest gun control laws in the nation, and what does it have to show for it? The highest murder rate in the nation, that's what. Yet Rahm and NObama and all of the other liberal Democrats continue to cry for more gun control laws, saying that the laws we have in place aren't good enough. (I'll get to that in a minute.) In the mean time the body count in Chicago continues to rise, as does the body count in the city with the second most stringent laws in the nation - Washington, D.C. In this instance, "common sense" dictates that an unarmed populace is not a safe populace but rather is just a bunch of victims waiting to be victimized.

The third thing you'll notice is that most of the firearms used to commit violent crimes are stolen. "Common sense" in this instance dictates that background checks don't work since criminals tend to be criminals and steal the guns they need in order to act like, well, criminals.

If you step outside of the FBI stats for a bit and take a look at current events, you'll notice several things about the mass shooting that have taken place in the past few years, especially in the past few months. Let's talk about the most recent ones first.

There have been three mass shootings that I know of in which the firearm(s) used was/were purchased legally by the person doing the shooting. This is possible because in each of these instances the shooter was nuts, and the one thing that you can't determine by a background check is the sanity level of the applicant. Of course, the liberal answer to that is to enact a new law which requires a sanity hearing to determine sanity before purchasing the weapon, but this idea is so ludicrous and so stupid that it barely warrants attention. In any event, that one will lead you right into the "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" thing, something I firmly believe in. In any event, "common sense" would once again dictate that background checks don't work.

And speaking of things that don't work, if you look at the last 15 or so mass shootings that have taken place you'll discover that with one exception they've all taken place in a "Gun Free Zone." Need some examples? Okay, how's this: Columbine, Aurora Colorado, Virginia Tech, the Washington Navy Yard, Fort Hood (twice), Chattanooga Tennessee, Sandy Hook, Umpaqua Community College in Oregon, Charleston South Carolina, Red Lake High School in Red Lake, Minnesota, all took place in GUN FREE ZONES. Actually, a report issued by the Brietbart news agency reveals that since 2009 a whopping 92% of mass shootings that have taken place in America have taken place in a GUN FREE ZONE. So in this instance, "common sense" would dictate that "gun free zones" don't work. (Wanna read it for yourself? Here ya go: )

Now let's talk about the continual cry from the liberals and Democrats for more gun control laws.

It's like this: in our nation as of this moment there are more than TWENTY FIVE THOUSAND gun control laws on the books, yet gun violence continues to be a problem. "Common sense" tells me two things: first, we have more than enough laws already on the books to do the job, and second, the Federal government is doing a lousy job of enforcing them. Since the "Brady Bill" became law in 1993 the Federal government's prosecution rate of those people who were denied a permit to purchase a firearm due to a background check is less than one percent. "Common sense" dictates that you don't need more laws if you're not using the ones you already have on the books, but you can't tell a liberal that, can you?

Here's the whole thing about the liberals using the phrase "common sense" when speaking about gun laws - it's a ploy, a plot to play on your sensibilities as an adult. After all, no self-respecting adult would want to be accused of not having "common sense," now would they? No, they wouldn't, so the liberals and Democrats use this ploy to their advantage even though any amount of "common sense" would tell you that it's all a lie and a plot to begin with.

No, I prefer to work on facts, and the facts tell you plain and simple that gun control, background checks, and "gun free zones" don't work.

Anyone with any amount of common sense can see that.

Deo Vindice.


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