Tuesday, October 27, 2015

The Race-Baiters and Liberals Are At It Again

Okay, let's talk about the incident that happened at Spring Valley High School. If you're a liberal or a racist who doesn't like white folks or police officers, this is where you might want to go read something else. Reason is, I'm gonna be talking some hard truths here which you're not going to like if you fit either of those two categories. Now, having said that, let's get down to it.

First and foremost, as a retired LEO I absolutely will not, under any circumstances, attempt to judge or second-guess the actions of a police officer. Having done the job for 23 years I know what these guys and gals are going through, and they have my full and unbiased support. I don't believe in judging a police officer solely based on the version of the cell phone video released by the news media due to the fact that most of the time there's a hell of a lot more to the video than the news media shows. Namely, the actions that the perpetrator committed to escalate the situation in the first place, or any acts that the cop may have done to try and keep the episode from escalating. The news media cares about ratings, period, and they will do whatever they need to do - including selective editing of video - to get those ratings.

The bad thing is, it appears that I'm in the minority on this one. I know of and respect Sheriff Lott, but I gotta say I think he messed up when he invited the FBI and the obviously-racist NObama DOJ to investigate this one. I'm guessing that he did it to ensure "transparency" and avoid someone like the ACLU or the NAACP from accusing him of a cover up should the internal investigation clear the deputy of any wrong-doing. After all, it isn't justice unless the white guy is convicted, right? (Excuse me while I go throw up in my mouth.) But by getting the NObama DOJ involved in it, he's pretty much sealed the fate of the deputy. If I were the deputy I'd be putting out resumes about now.

But I think the thing that pisses me off the most about this whole thing is the outcry that the liberal news media has fueled due to the cop being white and the student being black. This is one of those situation where race has absolutely nothing to do with the incident itself. The cop didn't call the student a nigger and the student didn't call the cop a cracker, so why bring race into it?

Because that's what makes it news. Additionally, our liberal-corrupted society in this day and age has been conditioned by the liberal news media to look at everything in terms of "black and white," and "how can I be offended by this?" If there's any way certain parts of our society can take a simple incident and turn it into something racial, they will. If there's any way some liberal pussy out there can get offended at something innocent and harmless, they will. And at that point that's all you'll hear about.

So that's not what I'm going to talk about. I'll save my disgust with our liberal-conditioned society and the growing amount of liberal "my pussy hurts" crybabies for another day. Right now let's talk about something that no one seems to want to talk about in the media; namely, what the student did wrong.

First, she and her boyfriend were disrupting the class. How, I'm not sure because the news media didn't say (it's not "news," you know). But I do know from everything I've read about it that the student was asked THREE TIMES by the teacher to leave the class. The student refused, so the teacher went and got the principal, who also asked the student THREE TIMES to leave the class. When she refused again, the principal went and got the School Resource Officer and asked him to remove her from the campus. The SRO then asked the student THREE TIMES to leave the classroom and the campus, and again the student refused.

In case you're not keeping count, that makes a total of NINE TIMES that the student was asked to leave the classroom, and each time the student refused.

At this point anyone with any rational thinking or common sense (God, there's that term again) would ask themselves just what this punk (and I use the term intentionally) was taught by her parents and how she was raised. By the actions of the punk student alone it is a fair and honest statement to say that this girl was not taught any kind of respect for authority of any kind whatsover. This is evident by the fact that she was acting up to the point that she had to be expelled from the class to begin with, and it is only exacerbated by her refusal to leave the school when asked NINE TIMES, three of which were by a police officer who could - and did - arrest her dumb ass.

In my opinion, the punk brought it on herself. And if you want to blame someone, blame the parents who raised this smartass punk kid, not the cop.

But you and I both know that's not the way it's going to go, don't we? No, the liberal news media is going to continue to play up the race card, the NAACP is going to pipe up with their usual line of bullshit, and I'm just waiting for that race-baiting asshole Al Sharpton to chime in. Honestly, I'm surprised we haven't heard from him by now, but I'm sure we will before long.

This wiseass little punk brought what happened to her on herself by her own actions, but to be fair she isn't the only one to blame. No, I'm not talking about the deputy who was just doing his job; I'm talking about the parents who failed to raise this kid into a responsible person who has the requisite respect for authority and who doesn't do shit to get the cops involved anyway.

Now we get to sit back and see how long it takes the racist DOJ to fry this guy. I'm hoping I'm wrong about this, but I kinda doubt it.

Deo Vindice.



Anonymous said...

OK what's up ? I hope you have been to busy to write and that nothing has happened to you . I hope you and the family are well and that you start writing .. take care ...

IHC said...

Yeah, I've just been busy as hell! Everything's good, the family is fine! Gotta get off my butt and start writing again!

Thanks for the concern!