Friday, July 31, 2015

Things I Can't Figure Out

After giving this some thought, I figured I'd try out a new format for a change - something along the lines of the "Random Thoughts" thing I do, only dedicated to one topic. Just for kicks - and because it sounded like a good idea to me and that's what counts - I decided to call it "Things I Can't Figure Out."

Needless to say, I've got a lot of topics that I can write about, and more pop up each and every day. Actually, anytime I go a long period of time between posts - say, like the past 10 days - it's because there's so much going through my head that I have a hard time figuring out just what to write about. And then the challenge becomes finding the time, because between my Masonic Lodge, the Shrine, the Widows Sons, and trying to get as much saddle time on my Road King as I can I'm pretty busy these days.

But I've got the time today, and to start this whole thing off I figured I'd start out by writing about a big one - THE big one, actually. So without further ado, here's the first "Things I Can't Figure Out."


I really can't figure out the American people these days. I mean, I remember a time when the American people were hard-working, honest, tough, inspired folks whom the rest of the world looked up to. We were up to the task of facing and handling any adversity with dedication and grit, not letting anything get us down. Just look at what the American people did in World War II, for example. The American people scrimped and saved, sacrificed more than anyone in this age can imagine, threw their time, efforts and money into the war effort, and ended up giving the American armed forces the men and material they needed to defeat the most evil regime in the history of the world (up until that time, that is). And they did it without complaining, without whining, and most of all without being asked. They VOLUNTEERED.

Today's American people are a vastly different breed, and I daresay that it's not for the better. The American people as a whole today are pretty much living the motto of "It's all about me!" We have become a self-centered, selfish, lazy, easily offended, distracted bunch of whiners and complainers who would rather demand things that they don't deserve than go out and earn them. Today's generation of young Americans have been taught that they don't have to work for anything - all they have to do is complain about it and it'll be given to them in much the same way that a whining, crying baby will be given a bottle or a pacifier just to get the little ankle biter to shut up. The American people have been taught that what THEY want and what THEY think is ALWAYS right, especially if they're OFFENDED. And thanks to the liberal news media, I don't see this particularly disgusting trait getting any better any time soon.

The American people's priorities these days are badly screwed up, so badly that it almost defies description and belief. We have become a people that will take a tragedy of innocent people being killed by one lone lunatic and blame it not on the lunatic himself but on a flag that he was photographed holding. Talk show hosts get on national TV and get all teary-eyed because a dentist kills a popular and loved lion in a game preserve where the lion was supposed to be protected to the point where the dentist is now in hiding because he fears for his life. In the mean time a woman, a HUMAN BEING, was killed by an illegal immigrant who was supposed to be deported but wasn't thanks to our liberal government, and no one bats an eye. No teary eyed monologues, no death threats to the illegal immigrant, no Twitter campaigns, no celebrities tweeting out information about the immigrant (screw you, Mia Farrow), nothing. Guess a human life isn't as important as a lion's life, huh?

We have become a people that will cry out in outrage and anger at the very idea of deporting illegal immigrants because they broke the law by even being here instead of putting them on a bus or on a boat and sending them back where they came from, demanding instead that these "undocumented aliens" (which is THE BIGGEST bullshit term in the entire history of bullshit terms) be provided with FREE housing and health care. In the mean time we have legions of homeless veterans who'd give their lives for a warm place to sleep at night; we have droves of veterans who fought for their country and now can't get the health care they earned with their blood and sweat because our liberal President and his band of merry idiots can't figure out how to run the Veteran's Administration, and we lose 27 of these veterans to suicide EVERY DAY for the same reason - yet no one says a thing. The liberal news media won't run the story for whatever bullshit reason they choose to stand by.

We have become a people who expect to be paid maximum wage for minimal work, giving no thought at all to the fact that an income such as that should be EARNED and not AWARDED. Never mind the negative impact that such wages will bring, the havoc that it will wreak on a society - just ask Spokane, Washington about that.

We have become a people who expected to be rewarded just for showing up. And we have become a people that will become "offended" by almost any damned thing, all the while believing that being "offended" makes you RIGHT.

We have become a people who have turned our backs on our country, our Constitution, and our God - all in the name of "liberalism" and "political correctness."

The good news is that not everyone in our nation is like this. Actually, I think there are more people out there like me than there are of the kind which I've just described - it's just that you never hear about us from the liberal news media because, well, we don't fit their agenda. But thanks to that very same liberal news media, the image that I've just described is how the rest of the world sees us - and they're laughing at us.

But things will change - at least, I hope they will. Sooner or later there's gonna be a second American Revolution, and then the "Three Percenters" and other folks like me are gonna take our nation back and make it strong again. Our nation will once again be admired by the rest of the world, a nation that will be trusted by our allies and feared by our enemies. We will once again be the true leader of the free world, and both the nation and our world will be better off for it.

I love my country with all my heart, and there's no other place in the entire world where I'd rather live. I consider myself a patriot in every sense of the word because I love and support my country over anything else, including the government that is ruining it. As a wise man once said, "Patriotism means being loyal to your country, not your government," and I believe that. I also believe what Thomas Jefferson said when he penned the line, "The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants."

That time is coming. And when it does I'll be standing there on the front lines.

Will you be standing next to me?

Deo Vindice.


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