Sunday, July 19, 2015

Random Thoughts on a Sunday Evening

Got a lot going through my mind right now, so as usual I figured the best way to get 'em all out is to just do a "Random Thoughts" post. So here it is, in no specific order.

Thanks to Nikki Haley, it's now open season on any white man who displays a Confederate flag in South Carolina. I'm referring to the video that's making the rounds of a gang - and I use that word intentionally - of black men who attack and beat a white man who was holding a Confederate flag in Columbia yesterday. Of course, the liberal news media has given this ZERO coverage, which doesn't surprise me at all. And I'm not holding my breath waiting for Haley to order an investigation, or for the DOJ to investigate this as a "hate crime," because we all know that only white people can be racists, and only attacks on blacks by whites are true hate crimes. Which is, of course, total bullshit. Thanks again, Nikki.

And speaking of things the liberal news media won't cover, did you hear about the "new" Black Panther party rally at the State House in Columbia yesterday? You know, the one that was taking place at the same time the KKK was having their rally on the other side of the State House grounds? No? But you heard about and saw footage of the Klan rally, didn't you? What you missed on the other side of the State House was the leader of the Black Panther party leading the chants of "Black Power" and "Death To All Whites." Amazing, isn't it, how a white person can say something off the wall and immediately be labeled a racist by idiots such as Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but when a black man gets up and leads a chant of "Death To All Whites" no one says a damned thing. But then again, we all know that only white men can be racists, right? At least, in the South Carolina and United States of 2015, that is. Which is, of course, total bullshit once again.

The ignorance of the American people both black and white in regards to the real causes of the War Between the States continues to make itself seen. Of course, considering that all of the text books being used to teach US history are written in the North and published in the North, why should I be surprised? Someone once said that "the winner gets to write the history books," and that sure as hell is proving itself to be true these days. And for those of you who think you truly know the history of what exactly caused the war, here are some questions for you. If you know the answers, fantastic; if not, you need to do some research because what you've been taught so far is Yankee bullshit. Ready? Here they are: 1) What was the Missouri Compromise of 1858? 2) How would the Missouri Compromise affect the balance of power in Congress, and what effect would that have? 3) What were the "Tariffs Of Abomination?" 4) When Lincoln issued the call for 75,000 volunteers after the firing on Fort Sumter, what specific reason did he state for needing the troops?

Meanwhile in Tennessee, 4 Marines and 1 Navy sailor are gunned down by an Islamist terrorist, and the Buffoon In Chief has yet to order the United States flag to be lowered to half staff. To me, this just demonstrates once again the total disdain that this disgrace of a leader has for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to protect the nation he's supposed to be leading. NObama is a total disgrace of a President, and I'm counting the days until he's out of the White House and out of power. This is what happens when you elect by demographics instead of qualifications.

And speaking of electing by demographics, I find it utterly astonishing that people will actually admit that they will vote for "Billary" Clinton just because "it's time we had a woman president!" To me, this is the stupidest thing I've ever heard. The nation elected a black man President just because of the color of his skin, and the past 7 years have proven to be nothing but one disaster after another due to the total lack of experience and capabilities of NObama and the band of merry idiots he picked for his administration. Now the nation is poised to do the exact same thing with Clinton, and this is even more astounding due to the plethora of bad crap that's come out about her in the past couple of months. She's proven time and time again that she has ZERO honor, ZERO integrity, ZERO capabilities, and ZERO experience. The lies she's been caught in alone would be enough for any sane, rational person to realize that she has ZERO business leading anything more significant than a Girl Scout troop, but people are seriously gonna vote for her just because she's a woman. I can think of only one other way that you can squander your vote in a more repulsive way, and that's already been done. Twice.

Which brings me to Donald Trump. I've never really been a big fan of his because I always thought he was a pompous, egotistical ass, but you have to admit that he's also one smart son of a bitch. After all, you don't get to be a millionaire several times over by being the village idiot, do you? And he's also not afraid to call a spade a spade and speak what's on his mind regardless of who's tender feelings get hurt. I've admired him for this even though I didn't really care for him, and up until yesterday I was all for voting for him just because he'd get shit done and all of the nations who are laughing at us now thanks to the Buffoon In Chief would all be going, "OH, SHIT!" if he got elected. But then he had to go and make that statement about John McCain and then refuse to apologize for it, so now I'm thinking about whether or not to throw my vote his way in November of 2016. I've got plenty of time to think about it, so we'll see what happens.

A couple of things to end on a positive note: I participated in a very enjoyable ride today with members of my Masonic Rider's Association, the Wayfarers Chapter of the Widows Sons. We rode from Pontiac to McBee, SC for a meet and greet with the officers of the Grand Chapter of the SC Widows Sons. We had to run from the rain on the way back, but all in all it was a great time regardless of the threat of rain and the heat.

Lastly, one of my best friends got married yesterday and I was honored to have been one of his groomsmen. I met Dan Hill when he was hired into Loss Prevention with Lowe's and got to know him when I was appointed as one of his trainers, and we've been fast friends ever since. He met a woman named Cheryl Tedford while working with Lowe's, and yesterday they tied the knot. I'm very happy for the both of them, and I wish them nothing but love and laughter for the rest of their lives. Congrats, you two!

And that's it. Y'all take care, and pray for our great nation.

Deo Vindice.


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