Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Leading From Behind - NObama In Action

I'm so disgusted with the President that words nearly fail me. Never in my life have I seen a sitting President who shows such obvious scorn, disregard and dislike for the members of the United States Armed Forces as NObama. I lived through the Jimmy Carter years and was active duty Air Force during this time period, and up until now I thought it was bad then. In retrospect that was nothing; all Carter did was kill the B-1 program and deny us pay raises for 3 of the 4 years of his presidency. He also almost caused a massive walkout by all active duty military personnel when the budget was nearly not approved in 1977; that would have been a violation of every enlistment contract for every enlisted member of every branch of the Armed Forces, and the base legal office had already put out the word that we could walk off the job at midnight of the day the budget was due without fear of repercussion because the Federal government would have been in violation of the contract. I'm glad to say, however, that never happened because the budget was approved - without a pay raise, as usual.

But I digress.

My opinion of who the worst President we've ever had changed not soon after The Buffoon In Chief took office. He told a bunch of lies during his campaign, making promises that I knew damned well he had no intention of keeping (such as, "My administration will be the most transparent ever!"), and his slogan of "Change we can believe in!" still makes me wanna vomit to this day. And ever since he took office it's been one disaster after another, one embarrassment after another, one lie after another, and one disgrace after another.

The latest took place this past week after the shootings in Chattanooga, Tennessee in which four Marines and one Navy sailor were killed by one of NObama's fellow Muslims. It took nearly a week and a public outcry by the American people for The Great Pretender to finally order all American flags flown at half staff, and that only took place at 2PM today. Any other president, even "Slick Willy" Clinton, would have ordered that to take place immediately. I dare say that order should have been the first words out of the President's mouth; after all, the President is the Commander In Chief of our nation's armed forces, right? So it only seems natural that the first thing the Commander In Chief would do upon hearing the news would be to order the flags flown at half staff, right?

Not in NObamaland. No, the Buffoon In Chief waited FIVE DAYS before giving the order, and even then only because of the public outcry.

This is, to me, a clear and concise example of the disdain and disregard that this President has for the men and women who put their lives on the line to protect his sorry ass 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. I speak both as an American citizen and a United States Air Force retiree when I say that this man is a total disgrace to the office of the President, to the nation, and to the human race as a whole. There is absolutely NO excuse for not lowering the flags the moment he heard the news, and you know damned good and well that he had droves of people in his own administration calling him up and telling him, "Yo, Barry, you really need to lower the flags!" I'm sure his military advisors did it; I'm sure John McCain did it; I'm sure the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff did it, and I'm sure the Secretary of State did it.

Okay, well, maybe not on that last one. But I'm damned sure the rest of them did.

In any event, the actions of the Buffoon In Chief have once again brought shame and embarrassment to the nation in the eyes of the world. Never in the history of our nation has a sitting President shown such utter contempt for the members of the Armed Forces. He is a total disgrace, and I rue the day that he took office. I only pray that the next President is a Republican who is elected for his/her qualifications and not the color of his/her skin or his/her sex. We need a leader, a REAL leader, not a ruler like the Buffoon In Chief.

And we need it NOW. I only wish this was an impeachable offense.

I need a beer.

Deo Vindice.


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