Friday, March 8, 2013

The Most Dangerous Period in Our Country's History

I'm sure that if you asked different people what they considered to be the most dangerous time in our country's history you'd get a wide range of answers, and all of them would be true for the simple reason that they're all opinions. And anyone who knows me will tell you that it is my belief that opinions are neither right or wrong, they're just different.

It is my humble opinion that we are entering the most dangerous time in our country's history right now. For the first time in my life, I'm genuinely concerned about the future of our great nation, and here's why:

Barack Obama is President. Plain and simple.

Of course, this is not a conclusion that I have come to overnight. No, this one has been forming for more than four years, those four years being the first half of the reign of what I'm sure history will later define as the first American dictator. Before you totally dismiss what I've just said, put your political, ideological, and racist (yes, racist) opinions aside for just a moment and look at it from my point of view.

NObama is a socialist. He's been a socialist all along, making statements while he was in college that he is proving by his actions today to still believe in. He is intent on taking from those who have, those who have worked hard all their lives, and giving it to those who don't have because they're too damned lazy to go out and work for it. He believes that you can multiply wealth by dividing it, which tells me he was asleep during math class. He believes himself to be a modern-day Robin Hood, taking from the rich and giving to the poor. One has to wonder just what he's going to do when the rich are no longer rich and there's no one left to rob except the poor.

NObama is intent on getting his way, and he's proven that he won't hesitate to bypass Congress to make it happen. NObama has proven that he intends to rule by Executive Order, and the proof is that fact that he's issued more Executive Orders in the past four years than the past three Presidents combined. (And just recently, by the way, a Federal court overturned one of those Executive Orders and declared it unconstitutional.)

NObama has proven by his actions and some of his Executive Orders that he has nothing but disdain for the United States Constitution, the document that he swore an oath to protect, and he intends to shred the Constitution at every turn to cement his reign over the American people. This began, as I predicted it would, with an all-out attack on the Second Amendment and our right to keep and bear arms that he initiated almost immediately after he was sworn in for his second term. I said all along that if he won re-election he would then start his attack on our Second Amendment rights because he would have nothing to lose since he cannot run for a third term, and I'm sad to say that I was right. Sandy Hook only served to give him the moment he needed to launch his attack, and it's in full swing.

More recently, he announced that he had the power and authority to kill American citizens without benefit of trial by the use of drones, a power that the director of the CIA has since stated that he does not have. Of course, we've heard nothing from Eric Holder since he's firmly controlled by NObama and wouldn't dare do or say anything to piss off the boss. But the point here is that NObama actually believes he has the legal right and the power to act as judge, jury, and executioner, ordering the killing of American citizens and denying them the rights they are guaranteed by the Bill of Rights. Never in our nation's history has any American President ever boasted of such power so blatantly.

NObama is the most divisive leader in our nation's history. The political parties in general and the people of America in particular have never been more far apart in their beliefs and degrees of compromise and compassion as they are now, and we have NObama to thank for this. It is my opinion that when someone is elected President, at the moment he takes the Oath of Office he stops being a Democrat or a Republican and starts being a President, putting aside his political party's views and doing what's best for the nation instead of his party. NObama has failed to do this, remaining a liberal Democrat the entire time and taking every opportunity to blast and blame the conservative Republicans for everything. His idea of compromise is the liberal idea of compromise, meaning it's HIS way or the highway. The current "sequester" is proof of this - NObama designed the sequester, NObama and the Democrats refused to compromise on anything to prevent it, demanding instead that the Republicans accept what they wanted unconditionally, and now that the sequester is taking place NObama and his band of merry idiots are blaming the Republicans for it. Words fail me when I try to describe how ludicrous this is and how much it disgusts me.

NObama and the Democrats in Congress have failed to approve a budget, choosing instead to just increase the debt ceiling and putting our nation further in debt and closer to bankruptcy. It is the inept leadership of this President and his cabinet that caused the first-ever downgrading of our country's credit rating, something for which he has of course blamed someone else. The only way to decrease the debt is to stop spending money, and it appears that the sequester that NObama shouted so long and hard about is going to have the unexpected side effect of proving this to the American people. I have a feeling the whole "sequester" thing is going to backfire on him, big time.

Now let's take a broader look at some facts, shall we?

Terrorist attacks on our nation's resources overseas are increasing. This is, I believe, a direct result of NObama's "apology tour" that he embarked upon during his first term. He spent all that time overseas kissing ass and apologizing to our enemies, and now they're repaying him by attacking our embassies and killing our citizens. And, of course, NObama has done nothing in the way of retaliation. When the 9/11 attacks took place, George Bush said that America would not rest until those responsible had been caught and brought to justice. After the attack on the embassy in Benghazi, NObama made no such statement - hell, his own Secretary of State couldn't even figure out who had staged the attack, so why should we expect any kind of statement from NObama?

Iran has made more overt and specific threats to Israel, brought on by the chilly relationship and shaky alliance with Israel that NObama has shown. Israel has long been the only steadfast, reliable ally that America has in the Middle East, and NObama's statements and actions have proven to the world that he doesn't care if the alliance continues or not.

North Korea made the statement yesterday - and reiterated it today - that they would have no problem with launching a pre-emptive nuclear strike on the United States, turning Washington DC into a "sea of fire." The last time a North Korean leader made any kind of claim anywhere similar to that was when Gerald Ford was President; Kim Il-Sung stated that he intended to invade South Korea and re-unite the countries, at which point Ford said that any invasion by the North would result in "full military retaliation by the United States which will involve every weapon in our arsenal." In other words, invade the South and Pyong Yang becomes a glowing sheet of white-hot glass. Needless to say, that was the last we heard from North Korea. Fast-forward thirty-odd years or so, and when the grandson of that leader threatens to drop a nuke on mainland America, what do we hear from The Great Pretender? Nothing. Not a peep, not a sound.

I could go on with more reasons as to why I think we're entering the most dangerous time in our country's history, but I think you get the idea by now. Our nation is on the brink of the largest, most dangerous time of civil unrest in our nation's history, and right behind that is the erosion of our relationships and alliances overseas and the threats popping up all over the world aimed at us and our way of life. And we're stuck with a President who is ignoring it all because HE wants to do things HIS way, no matter what.

Personally, I hope that he does something so onerous, so despicable, and so repulsive that even the staunchest of liberal Democrats won't defend him against the impeachment process - but with clowns and idiots like Diane Feinstein and Chuck Schumer in office, I'm not holding my breath.

In the mean time, I think I'm gonna start stocking up on ammunition and go buy a few more guns.

Molon Labe!



Anonymous said...

Impressed that you would take the time to write your manifesto. Nothing to show you've done any real research on any of your ideas. They're opinions...your thoughts...that's all. One man's opinion, no more or less valid than anybody else's opinions.

IHC said...

You and I have a much different definition of the term, "research."

As for what I said being my opinion, may I suggest you read the subtitle of my blog?

You CAN read, can't you?