Friday, February 8, 2013

The Stupidest Thing I've Heard This Week

I ought to start keeping track of all the stupid things I hear on the news and on the Internet, I really should. Either that, or just start a "Stupidest Thing I've Heard This Week" contest or something like that.

This week has really been a boon for hearing stupid things on the Internet and on the news, and to tell you the truth it was kinda hard to decide which one to write about first. But I made the decision and will be writing about each of them in turn, although only one can be declared the "Stupidest Thing I've Heard This Week" - which I will present to you now.

Ready? All righty, then, here it is, "The Stupidest Thing I've Heard This Week:"

The shootings at Sandy Hook Elementary were staged.

Yeah, I know, I thought so too. Stupid as hell, right? But the sad thing is that there are people out there on both sides of the gun control debate who believe this, and for entirely different reasons. Then there's the third group of people, those who are prone to wearing tinfoil hats, who believe it for an entirely different reason. So let's take a look at all three of them, shall we?

The liberals believe it because they think the conservatives staged the shootings to prove the need for less gun control and more guns, specifically the arming of teachers. The conservatives believe it because they think the liberals staged it to prove the need for more gun control and less guns. The tinfoil hat crowd believes it because they think the government staged it to give the government a reason to abolish the Second Amendment, thereby disarming the public and then being able to use those bazillion 9mm rounds the Department of Homeland Security bought to go on an all-out attack on the American people.

And all three of these groups are as full of crap as a Christmas turkey, the only difference being just how full of crap each group is. So in my humble opinion, here's the order of being full of crap that I've placed these groups in from least full of crap to most full of crap.

The conservatives are the least full of crap of the three, but only slightly less than the liberals. The conservatives are the least full of crap because one of the main points that the conservatives support is the preservation of life by their stance against abortion, and no conservative in his right mind would even consider staging something as horrendous and nefarious as the shooting of dozens of innocent children. The conservatives believe they have a more sacred belief in the preservation of life than the liberals, so it's easy for the conservatives to believe that the liberals would stage this. After all, the liberals support the killing of children through abortion, don't they?

The liberals are more full of crap than the conservatives, but as I said previously, not by much. The reason for this is that the liberals are much more vehement, angry, and insulting than the conservatives when it comes to voicing opinions and taking action against those who dare to have opinions and beliefs that are different than their own (see my blog of last week, "What The Liberals Have Taught Me"). There are those among the liberal crowd who absolutely believe that the conservatives would do something like this because they believe the conservatives are so entrenched in their "more guns, less crime" mentality that they'd do anything to promote that ideal. After all, the conservatives support 'legal murder' by supporting the death penalty, don't they? The liberals are wrong, of course, but you can't tell them that.

But without a doubt, the group that is the most full of crap is the "tinfoil hat" crowd, also known as The Conspiracy Theorists, or "TCTs" for short. The TCTs are so caught up in the whole 'conspiracy theory' thing that they're willing to believe anything bad about our government, no matter what it is or no matter how dubious the source is. As I mentioned before, the purchasing of all that 9mm ammunition by the DHS is good proof of this. To the TCTs this is a sure sign that the government is gearing up to stage an all-out attack on the American people, shooting down citizens in the streets. And of course, before that happens the public would have to be disarmed, and that means the Second Amendment would have to be repealed. And what better way to do that than to enrage the public with an unspeakable act of violence, such as the shooting and killing of not one or two but dozens of innocent children? (These are the same people who believe the government actually carried out the 9/11 attack, by the way.)

And the really sad thing - to me, anyway - is that the majority of TCTs are conservatives. There's a few liberals thrown in, but not many. The vast majority of people who believe crap like this are conservatives - uber conservatives, to be more precise, conservatives who have taken their belief in conservative values and their belief in God to the very extreme until their level of lunacy is right up there with Fred Phelps and the Westboro Baptist Church crowd. These people are radical to the extremes in their beliefs, and I'm not sure who poses more of a risk to our nation, them or the liberals with similar beliefs.

And there you have it, this week's winner of "The Stupidest Thing I've Heard This Week."

Any way you look at it, anyone who actually believes that the shootings at Sandy Hook were staged is a moron at best. Simple logic tells you that there's no way in hell that any group could plan and execute something like this and still keep it a secret. The sheer number of people who would have to be involved is enough to let anyone with an ounce of common sense know that it's just not possible. As the old Hell's Angels saying goes, "Three can keep a secret if two are dead," and this is no exception.

Personally, all three of the groups disgust the living hell out of me.



Anonymous said...

Seems all it took was 1 nutcase with a couple guns to stir the pot up again over the gun control issues!! Now they have a whole lot of people stirred up that their guns will be confiscated. Politicians like doing that because they need unarmed sheep for followers! One could say the wolves are drooling and snapping at the door!! Maybe Obummer should start in the very neighborhood where his Chicago residence is in disarming the gangbangers!! Just this past week an innocent 16 yr old girl was gunned down there!!

Anonymous said...

Я до сих пор висит в, но мне нужно что-то, чтобы заставить меня смеяться. Я надеюсь, что Вы и семья хорошо.

IHC said...

Семьи, и я, и я надеюсь на то что лучше для вас. Я см. Что я могу придумать о принятии вас смешит!