Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Things I Don't Understand

The title of my blog today pretty much says it all, so all I can say now is that I'll try to keep it short. With all that's going on in our country and the world today, this could be a whale of an entry but I'll try to avoid that.

I don't understand why Saudi Arabia, the nation that produced 15 of the 19 9/11 hijackers, has been allowed access to a "preferred travelers" program that basically allows anyone on the list to bypass the normal Customs and Border Clearance procedures when arriving in our country. All anyone on this list needs to do is show a passport and bingo! They're allowed in with NO SCRUTINY AT ALL. So basically, the NObama Administration via the Department of Homeland Security is allowing Saudi Arabia to tell us who we're supposed to let into OUR country. I don't understand that.

I don't understand why the Feds are cutting government funding to schools located on Native American Indian Reservations, causing teaching positions to be unfilled, classes to be overcrowded, and school academic years to be shortened, at the same time as they're created a job with a SIX FIGURE SALARY for ONE MAN to study how black students can best be served. I wonder if the fact that the man who got the job works for Chuck Rangel from New York has anything to do with it? So it's basically take the money from the Indians - who were here first, by the way - who are totally dependent upon federal funding for their schools, and give it to black students who already have a myriad of special assistance agencies and special funding set up for just that purpose. I don't understand that.

I don't understand why the Federal government is stopping funding for active duty service members and veterans in the name of the "sequester," but are increasing the amount of money they're giving to Syria for the education of its people. I don't recall seeing any Syrian troops fighting under the Stars and Stripes or protecting our freedoms, do you? I don't understand that.

I don't understand why the Federal government is shutting down services at our National Parks in the name of the "sequester" while the First Lady still maintains a personal assistance staff of 40 people. I don't understand that.

I don't understand why the military budget is being cut yet again in the name of the "sequester," but the TSA can place an order for $50 million worth of uniforms. I don't understand that.

I don't understand why NObama makes the decision to cancel tours of the White House - which belongs to THE PEOPLE and not to HIM - in the name of the "sequester," but the White House still maintains a staff of three caligraphers who make an annual average salary of $60,000.00+ per year. I don't understand that.

I don't understand why the majority of stuff being cut in the name of the "sequester" are things that have the most direct impact on the PEOPLE and not on the GOVERNMENT, where the cuts should be - need to be - made. I don't understand that.

Well, yes I do, actually. I understand that last one perfectly. The cuts are being made intentionally to inflict the most amount of pain on the people as possible, to make life an uncomfortable on the people as possible, all because our Buffoon In Chief didn't get his way. He's punishing the people like a parent would punish a recalcitrant child, throwing his own little temper tantrum in trying to prove a point.

What he doesn't realize is that all he's doing is making himself look like the penny-ante dictator he truly is, and that instead of punishing the people he's just pissing us off. And that, friends and neighbors, absolutely will come back to bite him in his skinny ass.

It's only a matter of time.

And for all of you out there who voted this buffoon into ofice the first time and then made the same mistake again, let me ask you this: is THIS the "change" you "hoped" for?

Thanks for nothing.


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