Tuesday, May 3, 2011

NO, He Didn't!

It never ceases to amaze me how people will follow a celebrity or a politician blindly, regardless of facts, like lemmings going over a cliff. It also never ceases to amaze me how people who dislike a celebrity or a politician will invent, create, or twist facts to slam this person, regardless of the truth.

Case in point for both: the killing of Osama bin Laden. Let's talk about the "haters" first, shall we?

Anyone who knows me or who has been reading my blog for the past two years knows that I absolutely despise Barack Hussein NObama, and am counting the days until he's out of office. And everyone should also know that my dislike for the man is based on many things, NONE of which are the color of his skin. (He's half-white, you know.) But as much as I dislike the man, I absolutely refuse to believe or take an active part in spreading bullshit lies and misinformation for the sole purpose of having something to bitch about. I am many things, and I like to think that "fair" is one of them. Besides, he really does do enough stupid, inane shit on his own, so why should I have to make up stuff about him?

Anyhow, nearly as soon as the news of bin Laden's death was announced, Facebook filled up with people bitching and complaining that NObama had taken credit for the kill, claiming that HE killed bin Laden. The haters were all over this, blasting away about how he didn't have anything to do with it, that bin Laden was killed by an American soldier (uh, NO, actually, he was killed by a SAILOR) and that NObama didn't have anything to do with it.

The truth that these folks don't want to realize or admit is this: NOBAMA NEVER SAID THAT. I heard the announcement, I've read the news articles and the transcripts, and NObama NEVER said that HE killed bin Laden, nor did he try to take credit for anything that he didn't actually do. He DID NOT try to take credit for the operation; he DID NOT try to take credit for the actions of the SEAL team; he DID NOT try to take credit for killing bin Laden. What he DID take credit for were the three things he actually did: he was given credible information by our intelligence agencies, he evaluated the information and made a decision, and then he gave his approval for the operation to proceed. A few hours later a Navy SEAL put a bullet into bin Laden's head just about his left eye.

So the fact of the matter is that all of the folks out there who are blasting NObama for taking credit for killing bin Laden are talking out of their collective asses, and are intentionally ignorant of the truth. Give credit where credit is due, I always say.

Now, about the lemmings and the cliff...

The people who blindly support NObama are being just as fast as the haters to say that "NOBAMA GOT OSAMA," which of course is a bald-faced lie. All NObama did was get intelligence information, evaluate it and make a decision, and give the approval for the operation to proceed. The operation to kill bin Laden had been going on for TEN YEARS, spanning the terms of two Presidents; NObama just happened to be the one sitting in the White House when the opportunity finally came to grease the raghead asshole. So the truth of the matter is that NObama didn't "get" anybody; the SEALS did. Seal Team Six, specifically, and I hope they give a medal to all of them.

So there you have it, the simple truth about the events of the last two or three days concering NObama and the late bin Laden.

Like it or not.

And I still can't wait for November 2012.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You are correct in your assesement. I congratulate the president on making what is the hardest decision any president has to make.

I also congratulate him in continuing using all the tools put into place by president Bush that allowed him to recieve that intelligence and to make the decision based on real time information gathered from the warrentless wiretaps and satilite, and I am sure humint gathering; intel for him and the intelligence agencies to discern Bin Laden's location.

I am even proud of the way he conducted himself at Ground Zero for the laying of the wreath. It was what I expect of my president, no matter who they are at the time when a crisis, or moment of national events of note occur.

Like you, I don't like Obama politiacally. My reasons are well founded. I am not now, nor have I ever been a communists. Even Obama's theology is based on The Communist Manifesto. (Its called Black Liberation theology, it is based on the Liberation theology of South American Preists who in the 1960's adopted the manifesto without throwing off God as it calls for.)

I am not a collectivist. I am not a socialist. I am not (insert any other euphimism here for communisim).

Liberty, and in the end "socio-economic" justice can only be reached by the free market, and the least amount of governance we can get away with. In short a constitutional government that governs only by consent, not decree.

But back to the point. Cudos to those men and women involved in the mission. Paticualar thanks to those men that went into possible harms way and took out our enemy.

I celebrate that we prevailed. It would be unseemly to dance on the grave of the man, but I almost want to.

We that have served know that these men exist, willing to die to keep us free. They are our sons and fathers. God bless them and thiers in all ways for always.