Friday, January 15, 2010

One Year Later, and Nothing has "Changed"

So did you hear the latest dirty trick that the Demoncratic leaders in Congress have played on the American taxpayers?

Seems that in order to get support for their ill-conceived health care plan that they are currently ramming down the throats of the Republicans in Congress and the American people, the Demoncratic leaders - specifically, Xavier Becerra (D-Cal), Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC), Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-MD) - have been conducting secret "backroom negotiations" with the various labor unions in the United States. The unions were vehemently opposed to the proposed tax on high-value insurance polices that would be used to help pay for the nation's new health care plan, fearing that this tax would drive members out of the union because they couldn't afford the tax. (Keep in mind, now, that it was the strong support of the unions that played a major role in getting The Great Pretender elected.) So in order to gain the support of the unions, these wise Demoncratic leaders have given the unions an exception to the 40% tax for five years, meaning that the union members won't have to pay the tax until 2018.

This will effectively leave a hole in the funding for the health care bill in the amount of a whopping 60 BILLION dollars. Yes, that's right - 60 BILLION. So that means the government is going to have to come up with that money from another source.

And I bet I know what that source is gonna be. It's gonna be a new tax on the common folk, meaning you and I. And that promise of "no more taxes" that was made during the elections? POOF! gone in a puff of smoke!

In a moment of what I'm sure Pelosi would call "brilliance," she and the others in her band of merry idiots in the Demoncratic party have just committed the same sin that they have been bashing the Republican party and former President Bush for over the past 8 years - they granted a concession to a "special interest group."

And in MY book, friends and neighbors, that makes them no better than the Republicans they've spent the past 8 years talking bad about. Actually, it makes them worse because they've now also become hypocrites in addition to being liars.

So here we are, just 4 days shy of the completion of The Great Pretender's first year in office, and what do we have to show for it? Record unemployment due to a failing economy, a "stimulus package" that didn't stimulate a goddamn thing, bailouts to companies that promptly turned around and awarded huge cash bonuses to their executives, more federal intervention and regulation into the private sector, escalation of an unwinnable war in Afghanistan after months of election year talk about being opposed to the Iraq war, a Homeland Security chief who couldn't secure a small child in his/her room let alone a nation, a Demoncratic-controlled Congress that is busy awarding pork in spending bills and concessions to special interest groups, and a looming health care plan that will be the ruination of the economy for decades, long after NObama is gone.

So one year later, just what has changed?

Nothing. Not a damned thing. Not for the better, anyway.

The only good thing about the whole thing is that it's one LESS year we have with this ignorant buffoon in office.

January 20, 2013 can't get here fast enough for me.


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