Tuesday, January 19, 2010

One More Thing that Hasn't "Changed"

And that "one more thing that hasn't changed" would be The Great Pretender's stand on the 2nd Amendment.

Anyone who paid any attention at all during the elections of 2008 is fully aware that NObama and all of the other Demoncratic candidates avoided the topic of gun control and the 2nd Amendment like the plague. They did this because they knew that the nation's opinion of gun control had drastically changed over the previous eight years, spurred on by the continual yearly reports by the FBI that since the Clinton-era "Brady Bill" had been allowed to expire, violent crimes had dropped drastically in direct proportion to the drastic increase in private gun ownership and issuance of Concealed Carry permits nationwide. They knew that the majority of Americans were now in favor of private ownership and "must issue" CCW laws, and the backlash that NObama suffered at his "bitter gun owners" remark only proved the point. When asked point-blank about his stand, NObama made some vague remark about being in favor of gun ownership and hunting, something like that, but those of us who are more savvy than that took one look at his Congressional voting record on the topic of gun control and knew different. (He voted IN FAVOR of EVERY SINGLE GUN CONTROL MEASURE that crossed his desk, so you tell me what his stand is!)

But that was then, and this is now. Now that The Great Pretender is in office and his Secretary of State is the Wicked Bitch of the North, Billary Clinton, he must feel that the time is right to take the first tentative - and very quiet - steps towards implementing a more stringent version of the Brady Bill. And these first steps were taken in a very surprising place, a place that only the most aware and alert of us would have thought would be the place where NObama's gun control measures would learn to walk.

And that place was the floor of the United Nations.

The Obama administration has enthusiastically and completely shown its support of the United Nation's desire to implement a legally-binding program which they are calling a "treaty" that would control the international firearms trade. The United Nations has decided that gun control - INTERNATIONAL gun control - is the key to world peace, and they want all of the member nations to sign this "treaty" and start obeying laws that the United Nations would set in place. Billary Clinton supported this notion emphatically and said: "The United States is commmitted to actively pursuing a strong and robust treaty that contains the highest possible, legally binding standards for the international transfer of conventional weapons."

Uh, excuse me, Mrs. Clinton, you're a lawyer, right? I mean, you went to law school, graduated, and all that, right? So tell me, did they never teach you about a nation's sovereignty, or mention the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, specifically the 2nd Amendment? How in the world can you make a statement about "legally binding standards" as long as we have a 2nd Amendment?

OOPS! Did we just stumble across a hidden agenda, here? I think we did!

It doesn't take a law school graduate to know that you can't enter into ANY such "legally binding" agreement as long as we have the 2nd Amendment, so the only way to do this is to - you guessed it! - repeal the 2nd Amendment. And that's been the agenda for Mr. and Mrs. Clinton, Barack Obama, Diane Feinstein, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumer, Frank Lautenberg, and the late Ted Kennedy for the past 20 years or so, hasn't it?

With the support of the United Nation's idea of this inane "treaty," the gun grabbers in our nation's government now pose a very real and credible threat to our rights. The mere idea that a President would support ANY treaty which violates both the sovereignty of our nation and the US Constitution makes me wanna puke. And of course he supports the idea - if he didn't, do you think he would let his Secretary of State make such a statement to the United Nations and the world?

I think not.

I had a conversation over a beer - well, okay, over several beers - last spring at the Myrtle Beach Spring Bike Rally with one of my closest friends in the entire world, my "brutha from anutha mutha" who also happens to be a fellow biker, the author of a blog entitled "Motorcycles Have No Doors," and a registered Democrat. (No, I won't use my own spelling of the word "democrat" when referring to him, 'cuz he ain't one of those kinds of Democrats.) We were talking about the election and the inaguration of Obama, whom he voted for, and the pros and cons of McCain, whom I voted for. The conversation inevitably turned to gun control and the 2nd Amendment, and my brutha "Bulldog" told me that the first time Obama gave him cause to think he was going to do ANYTHING to infringe on his 2nd Amendment rights, he'd abandon both him and the Democratic party.

I don't know about you, but I think it's time.



Mississippi Cajun said...

Ray, methinks the Bulldog is less liberal than he is putting on to be. And last night's voting in Massachusetts (notice I ain't spelling it like I usually do?)was the shot across the bow to NObama and company that we are not standing still for his BS anymore.
Of course, that hasn't seemed to slow down anyone in the White House lately...after all, we're "Astroturf", remember? One of the pshcyo "Czars" in the circle of idiots running this train thinks that hunting should be outlawed, all guns destroyed, and animals should be given lawyers to represent them in court. So much for letting hunters keep their shotguns, right?
Of course, to repeal the second amendment would require another amendment to the US Constitution, and I daresay that the votes in Massachusetts, New Jersey, and Virginia recently have pretty well demonstrated that the chance of the American people allowing the present idiots in charge to pass such an amendment is below slim to none. I think there is a much better chance that Pelosi, Reid, Waxman, etc. have a beter chance of really sinking their ship with a slick try at forcing the House to pass OBamacare in its Senate version thus sealing their doom in November although I think the electorate is already poised to toss da bums out.

IHC said...

Bulldog has abandoned both NObama and the Demoncratic party, according to a post he just made on Facebook. I'm kinda sorry to hear that, because it means all of what he was being told about both was true, and I know how it is to be disappointed in something you used to believe in so strongly and so much, only to have to totally abandon it. (Yeah, it still bothers me a year later.)

Now that the Kennedy seat in Congress is being occupied by a Republican and the Demoncrat's stranglehold has been broken, I have a feeling that the entire face of politics in Washington is going to change. Now even some Demoncrats are calling for a slowdown to the "freight train" strategy of trying to get the health car plan rammed through Congress before the newly-elected Republican takes his seat. I think they're starting to see that the American people are sending them a message, and the smarter Demoncrats - which leaves NObama, Clinton, and Pelosi out - are realizing that if they try to ram anything through, it will only show them for what they really are and the people will revolt.

But they're too late, I think...the revolution is coming, and it's coming with this year's congressional elections!

I can't wait!

Mississippi Cajun said...

I couldn't pass up the opportunity to laugh once again at the remarks our fearless leader put out on the air Wednesday morning. It seems he is convinced that the same anger that swept him into office is the anger that got Brown elected...that is, everyone is still pissed at Bush and his policies. Can he be any dumber than that? The now very wearying tendency to blame Bush for all of the NObama failures lately is comical at best, but sad in that this supposedly intelligent man still either doesn't get it or he is smoke-screening us for more BS in the near future.
There are still a few Dems in Congress determined to push onward with the ram it up their ass methodology that just got shot down in Massachusetts, and I am hoping they are rapidly circling the drain as I write this.
Today, I listened to NObama on TV as he addressed a group in Ohio. He said that this past year, we were in a recession and because of it, we had a Deflation of our money and prices were actually lower. I guess he doesn't shop in the same places we do, because the prices sure did go up down here.
Now, assuming these cretins are as dumb as their statements make them out to be, next November ought to be very interesting indeed. Already, 8 Senators on the Dem side that are up for re-election then are in the minus column in their polls according to some recent snooping on the internet. It sure is refreshing to see the American people stepping up and taking their government back...I just hope they remember this very important lesson and exercise it every day from now on!