Monday, November 9, 2009

It's Time to Outlaw Islam!

I've been stewing over my thoughts on the shootings at Fort Hood ever since the news broke, waiting to see what other details about this Muslim asshole would come to light. I was honestly kinda hoping that he'd be a "lone ranger," someone who acted alone, with no ties to the terrorist/radical fringe of the Muslim religion that has been responsible for so much needless and unwarranted death and destruction throughout the world for the past ten years or so.

Alas, that was not to be. Several things have come to light about this Islamic murderer, some of them being that he was "openly anti-American," spoke frequently about his hatred for all things American, and that he worshipped at the same mosque and listened to the teachings of the same radical imam that three of the 9/11 terrorists did. On top of that, what does this Muslim asshole do right before he starts shooting? He jumps up on a table and shouts, "Allah Akbar!" which is Arabic for "God is Great" and is the same thing every Muslim terrorist shouts right before he kills an innocent person, or persons.

I have come to two conclusions: First, I hope that this Muslim asshole at Fort Hood makes a full recovery. Yep, I do, I really do. I want him to make a full recovery so he can be put on trial in a military courts-martial for 12 counts of murder in the first degree, found guilty, taken to Fort Leavenworth, Kansas and the United States Military Disciplinary Barracks, and hanged by the neck until he's dead. And good luck with those virgins, by the way, you asshole.

Second, it's time to outlaw Islam. Period. And there's nothing in the United States Constitution that says we can't, either. The Constitution says that "Congress shall make no law" protecting or establishing one religion, but it sure as hell doesn't say that you can't make a law declaring a religion to be illegal.

If I'm wrong, then please correct me. But I don't think I'm wrong.

And ya know what? If the Constitution does say something like that, then I think it's time for an amendment so we CAN outlaw Islam.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know, I can't judge the members of one group by the actions of a few.

Bullshit. Yes I can, and yes I will.

And as for that tired old line about "not all Muslims are terrorists," my response to you is twofold: first, maybe not, but all terrorists sure as hell are Muslims, and second, try telling that to the victims of the Fort Riley shooting. And when you do, shout it loud because Arlington National Cemetery is a long ways away.

I honestly don't care who I piss off in the Islamic religion with my views on this brutal, violence-riddled religion. I've sat back and watched members of this so-called "religion of peace" blow up, shoot, and behead innocents for the past ten years, and I'm damned sick and tired of it. If ever there was a religion that needed to be banned, it's Islam. I can think of no other religion that calls for the intentional murder of non-believers - "infidels," by the way - or the murder of anyone who turns away from the Islamic faith. ANY religion that calls for the intentional, cold-blooded murder of someone who doesn't follow that faith is NOT a religion in my book - it's a cult, and a damned bloody, violent one at that.

The people of the world in general and America in specific need to wake the hell up and see Islam for the real threat that it is. And if you don't think it's a threat, if you don't think things like that are really being talked about and planned for in the Islamic community, then you need to check out and see for yourself. Or just pick up a copy of the Daily News from New York City and read all about the Jewish-born American who converted to Islam, took up a raghead name, and is now calling the Fort Hood shooter a "hero." (Personally, I think this asshole needs to be taken into an alley and beaten to within an inch of his life - and then beaten for another foot.)

So does that make me just as bad as them? Prob'ly, and ya know what? I don't care. One of the lessons I've learned in life is that sometimes, in order to solve a particularly nasty problem, you have to get down and dirty and be even nastier than the problem facing you. It's either that, or let the problem keep on biting at you for the rest of your life. So sure, I'll stoop down to your level - and by the time I'm done, you won't be a problem anymore, I guarantee you that.

I'm tired of Americans being killed by Muslim assholes just because they're Americans. I'm tired of these Muslim assholes living in our country, taking advantage of the freedoms granted to them by our Constitution and using those freedoms to spout their anti-American and anti-Christian views. And most of all, I'm tired of being told that I have to "accept" their views and "tolerate" them, that they have a "right" to them and it's not my place to say otherwise.


I have rights, too, ya know. I have the right to live my life free from fear of being killed just because some Muslim asshole doesn't like my faith. I have the right to live free from fear of attack just because some Muslim asshole wants to earn his way into Heaven by killing "infidels." I have the right NOT to have to listen to this CRAP about being fair and understanding of the feelings of others. I don't give a CRAP about the rights of ANY Muslim, ANYWHERE. They sure as hell don't care about my rights, so why should I care about theirs?

The threat is real, America. It's time to wake up and take a good, hard look around you and do what needs to be done to ELIMINATE the Islamic threat. The goal of Islam and the followers of Islam is to "unite the world under Sharia law and Islam," and according to the Qu'aran, the ONLY way to do that is to KILL ANYONE WHO IS NOT MUSLIM OR WHO WILL NOT CONVERT. And if you think I'm kidding, then I suggest you read the Qu'aran for yourself because that's what it says.

My anger is increasing as I type and is muddling my thoughts, so maybe it's time for me to just close this post down. I think I've made my point.

Gonna go surf the web now and look for a patriotic group that feels the same way I do.



Mississippi Cajun said...

I think we should take a page from our own Good Book...that which says Do unto others etc. If they hate us, I think it is perfectly acceptable to hate back. I'll only turn my other cheek as I search for another full magazine.

IHC said...

How about, "an eye for an eye?" While revenge and retribution normally aren't things I approve of nor engage in, in this particular case I'd be willing to make an exception.

I have not yet had it proven to me by anyone in either deeds or words that Islam is nothing less than an abomination, a bloodthirsty religion with the goal of world domination under Shariah law. Until it's proven to me that this is wrong - and good luck with that, by the way, since I've read the Qu'aran, and it most certainly does say that - I'll continue to oppose Islam in every way possible.

Mississippi CAjun said...

What really pisses me off is that we have allowed ourselves to transfer most of our wealth to these nutcases for the oil that they accidentally happened to have been living on top of for centuries, and in the process, have enabled a bunch of desert "warriors" to a world semi-power. They still live in 12th century culture, but we now have to deal with 12th century minds with 21st century technology and weaponology that they can now buy with OUR MONEY! And make no mistake about it, they ain't dumb. I went to college with a lot of them, and they are very intelligent....eaten up with their religion, but very intelligent otherwise.
I'm not about retribution either, but I also know when someone punches me, he had better knock my Cajun ass out or be ready to give it another try.
As for the religious part of it, these Jihadists have taken bits and pieces and created their own version of Islam, recruited a herd of followers, and come after us. When I think of it, I think of the directive they have to submit to the directions of their Mullahs and Ayatollahs and whatever the $@# they call their "religious leaders". These are the real problems since those who have decided top corrupt the religion control so many in their mosques and direct this crap. Perhaps it is time to take a hard look at this "leadership".