Friday, February 13, 2009

"Change," huh? More like "small change..."

I was watching the local TV news this morning and of course, one of the topics of the day was the stimulus package currently being voted on in Congress. The newscaster threw out some statistics, one of which struck me like a bolt out of the blue. She said that when all was said and done, the much-lauded stimulus package would affect the people of South Carolina's income by adding a whopping $8.00 a week into our budget.

Eight dollars a week.

Are you kiddin' me? Eight bucks doesn't even fill the gas tank in my Saturn, much less stimulate me! How in the bloody hell is THIS paltry sum supposed to help me and the economy?

Shortly after that, it got worse - I was watching the "Today" show, and Meredith Viera - whom I cannot stand, by the way - was interviewing Obama's chief financial advisor, and she asked him straight out just how Obama's stimulus plan was going to help the average everyday citizen.

Now, in the first place, this guy that was being interviewed - I don't recall his name, but I'll never forget his face - was not the best speaker in the world. He was stiff, stumbling over his words, and rambling in his answers so that after 45 seconds of hearing him speak, you just wanted to smack him to get him to shut the hell up. So when Meredith hit him with this question, you could see it in his eyes and you could just hear the sounds of his thought train derailing inside his head.

He gave a rambling, nonsensical answer that in no way answered the question. Not even close by any standards. You could see by the smirk on Meredith's face that she knew she had nailed this guy on live nationwide TV, and that she was enjoying every second of it. (Which is the main reason I can't stand the bitch.)

But the point is, even Obama's chief financial advisor cannot answer the question of how this stimulus package will help the average citizen!

And THAT, friends and neighbors, alarms the crap outta me.

The Democrats in Congress were forced to eat crap from the Republicans for eight years, and even after they took control in the Congress two years ago they still weren't able to get anything done. Now that they have a clear majority in the Congress and a Democrat president, they're just elated with themselves and are trying very hard to make up for lost time. They took this stimulus package and crammed it so full of all of the pork that they'd been forced to sit on for the past eight years and tried to shove it down everyone's throat in the name of "saving the nation's economy."

Somebody tell me, please, how the funding of condom giveaway programs in public schools is going to help the economy. Last I heard, you couldn't eat condoms and they weren't being used as trading materials in lieu of cash.

The Democrats, led by the head rabid dog Nancy Pelosi, are acting like kids who haven't seen Santa Claus in eight years. (To steal a line from a story I read on a few days ago.) Pelosi's attempt to shove all of the new pork down the Republican's throats under the disguise of "bipartisanship" is a weak, transparent attempt at best, and does little to hide how much she's enjoying finally having the upper hand.

Here's a clue for you, Ms. Speaker of the House: people don't like to have their noses rubbed in things any more than YOU do, and if you do that they'll do the exact same thing YOU did to THEM - they'll dig their heels in and stonewall your ass and everything you try to do. The "shoe of power" isn't the only one that's on the other foot now, you know.

All in all, I'm still hoping that Obama can do some real good for the country, but to be 100% honest I'm not impressed. I'm not impressed with his poor choices for cabinet nominees, I'm not impressed with his whining about "I inherited this problem," I'm damn sure not impressed with his stimulus package, and I'm not impressed at his failure to reign in Mad Dog Pelosi. Yeah, I know it's only been three weeks or so since the election, and that's not really enough time to get anything positive done.

But look at all of the NON-POSITIVE things he's managed to accomplish.

Let's all hope it gets better from here, for the sake of the nation.


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