Thursday, September 5, 2019

The Game Is Afoot

Anyone who knows me knows that I am a vehement - and some would say 'rabid' - supporter of the 2nd Amendment. I believe in the literal translation of the Amendment, meaning that those four little words of "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" mean that every single one of the more than 25,000 gun control laws currently on the books in our nation are unconstitutional. "SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED" means just one thing, and one thing only. You'll notice that the loonies on the liberal left have never paid any attention at all to those four words, but have instead focused on the word "MILITIA" and the phrase "WELL REGULATED." The reason they chose to pay attention to those is that they can apply their twisted, moronic "logic" to those words and try to convince us that they mean something other than what they truly mean. Only a true libtard would even attempt that, but they do. Every single day.

Every single argument that I hear concerning the 2nd Amendment almost always ends up with the libtard telling us that "No, we're not going to take away your guns." And every single time I hear that blatant lie I want to either puke or punch the asshole saying it right in the mouth. We of the conservative persuasion know that's nothing but a lie, and we know in our hearts that the libtards intend to do just that - take away our guns. And it infuriates us to know that the libtard saying it thinks we're stupid enough to believe it. In other words, they think we're just as stupid as the millions of mindless libtard minions that follow them blindly into the abyss by believing everything they say without demanding proof.

And now, as if you needed any more proof, the libtards have provided just that - undeniable proof of their true intentions. And the statement was made in such a way that there is no way in anyone's mind that you can "backpedal" on this or say that you "misspoke," both of which are nothing more than bullshit libtard terms to try and save themselves when they get caught screwing up or lying to your face.

Demoncratic libtard candidate Beto O'Rourke stated flat-out last week that if he's elected President, he will order a "MANDATORY BUYBACK" of all "ASSAULT WEAPONS." And there's video to prove this, so there's no way that anyone with an ounce of common sense can claim that he didn't say that, or we didn't hear him right, or that he "misspoke."

As Sherlock Holmes would say, "The game is afoot!"

Of course, we on the conservative right have known this all along. There have been several Demoncrats in political office who have said that they would repeal the 2nd Amendment and disarm the American public, with "Billary" Clinton and Dianne Feinstein being just two of them. Chuck Schumer is also of this persuasion, but to my knowledge he hasn't been stupid enough to say anything like this in public or in a forum where he could be quoted and that quote released to the rest of the world. But Beto O'Rourke has proven himself to be a very special kind of stupid.

Let's look at all of the things wrong with what this clown has said, shall we?

The obvious first: the 2nd Amendment. By no stretch of the imagination could a "mandatory buyback" be misconstrued as anything other than a direct violation of the 2nd Amendment as it absolutely does violate the right of the people to keep and bear arms. Any first-year law student or any educated American citizen will tell you that. You'll notice, by the way, that NONE of the Demoncratic candidates have jumped on this particular bandwagon, because they all remember the advice given to NObama when he was running and again after being elected. That advice was to "stay away from the 2nd Amendment" because all of his advisors knew that if you wanted one topic that would unite the conservatives into a solid, unbeatable force aligned against an opponent, the 2nd Amendment was it. And they all knew that the power of both the NRA and the people in our nation who believe in the 2nd Amendment was absolutely unbeatable, so they stay away from this topic like the plaque.

Except for Beto, of course. This asshat is either too naive or too stupid to realize that any sitting President does NOT have the power to rescind any part of the Constitution and the Bill of Rights, and any executive order that any President may issue which does that or which violates the Constitution will be quickly shut down by the courts.

Now for the "almost as obvious" as the first one. In order for this "mandatory buyback" to happen, first you have to WIN THE ELECTION. But even before that, you have to WIN THE DEMONCRATIC NOMINATION, and I just don't see good ol' Beto doing that. The Demoncrats will never elect someone who blatantly says something like this during his campaign for the reason I gave above - they know that the conservative base is unbeatable when united behind this cause, and they don't want to go up against us because they know they'll lose. They'd rather elect a candidate who they know won't talk about it but will act on it once he/she's in office. (The name "Schumer" comes to mind, but he's smart enough not to run.)

Next is the fact that it literally takes an act of Congress to repeal a Constitutional amendment. Actually, it takes a lot more than that. From the web site "Constitution Daily:"

"The Constitution’s Article V requires that an amendment be proposed by two-thirds of the House and Senate, or by a constitutional convention called for by two-thirds of the state legislatures. It is up to the states to approve a new amendment, with three-quarters of the states voting to ratifying it."

And I just don't see this happening. To date, in the history of our country there have been approximately 11,699 Constitutional amendments submitted for approval, but only ONE has actually been passed, that being the repeal of the 18th Amendment which ended Prohibition.(1)

But the main point in all of this is that a Demoncratic candidate for President of the United States has stated publicly that he will in fact violate both the Constitution of the United States and the Oath of Office of President of the United States by disarming the American public.

And the really scary thing is that there's no public outcry over what he said, and this alarms me. There's no outcry for one of two reasons: the rest of the Demoncratic world either knows he's an idiot with no chance of getting elected and/or they're staying away from the topic because it's poison, or the Republicans don't take him seriously for the reasons just listed.

I have learned never to underestimate anything my opponent says, and I take everything he/she says very seriously - especially when it comes to the 2nd Amendment. As long as the Demoncrats think that disarming us will end "gun violence" (a term I utterly despise and am loathe to use) and keep us safe, I will take everything they say about this topic very seriously indeed.

And so should you. The Founding Fathers weren't just a bunch of farmers who got together and said, "Hey, guys, let's draft a Constitution and list the rights that we have just by being alive, and we'll put them in any old order as we think of them!" No, our Founding Fathers were very well-educated men, most of whom were educated in Europe at some of the more prestigious colleges and universities of their time. Many of them were lawyers as well. So no, they didn't just throw together the Bill of Rights in any old order; they listed the Amendments in order of importance, with the freedom to criticize your government without getting locked up being at the top of the list. But knowing that the British would come lock you up anyway, they next listed the right to keep and bear arms to defend yourselves. After all, the British proved how important this right was and how much of a threat it was when they tried to seize the armories in Williamsburg and Concord, the latter being the skirmish that led to the initiation of armed conflict and has been referred to as the "Shot heard 'round the world."

Beto O'Rourke and the entire Demoncratic party are just as hell-bent on disarming us as the British were, and for the same reason: once we're disarmed we can be controlled, and the Demoncrats will be free to do whatever the hell they wish, up to and including locking up anyone who dares voice an opinion that is contrary to what they say. Of course they're trying to disguise this as an attempt to "keep us safe," but only a true moron would believe that disarming yourself in the face of a violent threat will keep you safe.

The fight is real, and the fight is here. The fight is NOW. If you value your Constitutional rights - all of them, because once the 2nd Amendment is gone there's nothing to stop the rest from falling - and you're NOT a member of the National Rifle Association, NOW IS THE TIME TO JOIN. We as Americans face a very real and very serious threat to both our nation and our personal rights and liberties, and the only way to stop this threat is to fight it directly with the NRA leading the way. This organization is the one organization that the political left fears, because they realize just how powerful it is. And it's powerful because of it's members, so the more members it has the more powerful it becomes and the better it can defend our rights.

So what are you waiting for? Beto O'Rourke or someone worse to get elected? By that time it'll be too late.

Don't wait. Join today. Join NOW.

Deo Vindice


(1) "Constitution Daily" @

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